Algebra 1Algebra 2 Mrs. Bashford
Who am I? • My name is Stephanie Bashford and I have been teaching math at Arvada West for the last 2 years. I taught at Drake Middle School for 14 years before that. I have a true passion for math and my goal is to create at least some enthusiasm in the kids! • I have 6 children and a wonderful husband and no life!
What do I teach? • Algebra • Algebra 2
How much homework? • We could have homework almost every night. • Students should be taking time to fill in their Interactive Notebooks thoroughly and thinking about their understanding. The point of homework is not busywork for home – it is to solidify true understanding of the content.
Help? • For absences, help, resources and general information check the class websites: • ALGEBRA 1 • http://bashfordalgebra0910.wikispaces.com/ • ALGEBRA 2 • http://alg2bashford0910.wikispaces.com/
What next? • All incoming freshman need 3 years of math to graduate (Algebra, Geometry and Algebra 2) and 4 years to attend a Colorado state university. It is VERY important for students to try hard this year in order to easily meet graduation requirements. • WHAT IF MY STUDENT DOESN’T PASS ALGEBRA 1? • On-line credit recovery • Summer School
Thanks for taking the time to be here tonight! Please e-mail with questions/concerns sbashfor@jeffco.k12.co.us