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2. FECA Program Performance in FY2008 ? So Far, So Good. SHARE GoalsGPRA GoalsKey FECA Program Statistics. 3. GPRA Goals. LPD (All-government non-Postal)LPD (USPS)Periodic Roll Review SavingsMedical Cost ContainmentCommunications (5 of 6)Increase EDIIncrease Access to Claims Info.Impr
1. 1 FECA at Mid-Year: An Update on FY2008 Performance and Initiatives
2. 2 FECA Program Performance in FY2008 – So Far, So Good SHARE Goals
GPRA Goals
Key FECA Program Statistics
3. 3 GPRA Goals LPD (All-government non-Postal)
Periodic Roll Review Savings
Medical Cost Containment
Communications (5 of 6)
Increase EDI
Increase Access to Claims Info.
Improve Telephone Response Time
Improve Telephone Wait Time
Improve Same Day Call Resolution
Maintain Quality Responses
4. 4 GPRA Goals and Performance
5. 5 Lost Production Days(As of 2nd Quarter FY2008) LPD All-Gov’t (less USPS) - Meeting
Goal: 48.5 Results: 40.9
LPD USPS – Meeting
Goal: 142 Results: 130.6
6. 6 Program Savings Goals Periodic Roll Review Savings - Meeting
Goal: $14 million Results: On Track
Medical Cost Management – Not Meeting
Goal: Below Milliman USA Health Cost Index
7. 7 Communications Performance Expand EDI - Not Meeting
Expand Claims Access – On Track
Average Call Wait Time – Meeting
Average Response Time – Meeting
Maintain Call Quality – Meeting
Improve Same Day Resp. - Meeting
8. 8 FECA Program StatisticsCases Created FY2008 Mid -Year
FY 2007 -- 134,436
FY 2008 – 65,756
… or 131,500 annualized
A 2 percent reduction in claims filed
9. 9 FECA Program Statistics Traumatic Case Processing
National Average: 97.9% - FY07 Standard: 90%
Extended Case Processing
National Average: 83.5% - FY07 Standard: 75%
Periodic Roll Management Resolutions
Goal: 1,176 Results: 1,448 % Dev.: 23%
Goal: 153 Results: 145
10. 10
11. 11 Goals and Strategies for FY2008 Expand Access to and Sharing of Information
Ensure System and Data Integrity
Explore Process Improvements
Improve Customer Service
Enhance Program Training Support
12. 12 Expand Access to Information
Goal: To Increase Claimant Access to case information by 40% in FY2008.
Create secure link to Claimant Query System (CQS) through personnel platforms such as National Finance Center (NFC), Employee Express and other agencies’ applications.
13. 13 CQS Features Provides the user with specific compensation payment information (compensation payment history).
Provides the user with the status of CA7 forms received in the district office.
“Bill Inquiry” link redirects the user to the ACS Web Bill Processing Portal.
14. 14 Agency Query System
We also promised to expand reporting capability of AQS…
… and we did.
15. 15 AQS Payment Worksheet Ability to see at-a-glance:
Detailed compensation data
Weekly Pay Rate
Effective Pay Rate Date
Intermittent Periods Paid
Work/Calendar Days
Detailed Health Benefit data
Detailed Life Insurance data
16. 16
17. 17
18. 18 Physician On-Line Look-Up Deployed New feature accessible through the ACS portal (http://owcp.dol.acs-inc.com) will allow claimants to identify ACS-registered physicians by location and specialty.
19. 19 Physician On-Line Look-Up
20. 20 Expand Information Sharing with the Agencies
We also promised to work with agencies to expand EDI capability by 4% in FY2008…
21. 21 New AQS Features in Development New electronic CA-16 – Medical Authorization Form
New electronic CA-3 -- Agency Return to Work Notification Form
New electronic CA-7(a and b) – Lost Time Claims Form
22. 22 CA-7 Timeliness Performance Update FY2003 to Present
23. 23 FECA-Agency Tech Workgroup Tech Meeting to be held June 5, 2008
Agenda Items:
Data Extract Re-Formatting
EDI FAQs and Issues
MOUs and ISAs and Security
AQS User ID Management
24. 24 AQS User ID Management With increasing access to claims information and data sharing, there is a greater responsibility on Employing Agencies to ensure that AQS is only used by authorized personnel.
25. 25 Ensuring System and Data Integrity: Email and Encryption Increasing demand on all programs to institute Privacy Act and personal information protection strategies for sensitive data and systems.
Increasing scrutiny of benefits payments.
Increasing requirements for system controls in IT operations and development.
26. 26 Improved ICS Training DFEC has begun work to develop new training modules in key FECA processes using new interactive on-line training software.
We are also exploring newer training delivery mechanisms to expand information dissemination such as video conferencing and web conferencing.
27. 27 Exploring Process Improvements COP-Nurse Intervention Re-invented
IT systems work is underway to create a Web-portal through which Nurse assignments are made and work is tracked.
Vocational Rehab -Dual Tracking
We have received Department approval to begin this study.
28. 28 Final Thoughts Excited about new initiatives using electronic and web-based tools.
New challenges confront FECA especially in responding to the needs of injured federal workers deployed in war zones.
Looking forward to working in cooperation with the employing agencies on these and other efforts.