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American Lit. Spelling Words Quarter 3

American Lit. Spelling Words Quarter 3. * Write best definition for the word. n ot present. * Write each word 5 times each in parts. ab sen ce. * Write each word 5 times normally. absence. * Write best synonym for the word. nonappearance. * Write best antonym for the word. presence.

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American Lit. Spelling Words Quarter 3

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  1. American Lit. Spelling Words Quarter 3 * Write best definition for the word. not present * Write each word 5 times each in parts. ab sence * Write each word 5 times normally. absence * Write best synonym for the word. nonappearance * Write best antonym for the word. presence

  2. Learning Goals… 1. Spell each word correctly. 2. Verify the preliminary meaning of each word by checking in a dictionary. 3. Verify the preliminary synonym & antonym of each word by checking in a thesaurus. Week 2… 1. weather 2. whet her 3. was teful 4. yacht 5. yield 6. your selves 7. ab rid ged 8. ac celer ate 9. ac cessories 10. ac cli mate Week 1… 1. tragedy 2. trans fer red 3. tre mend ous 4. un doubt edly 5. un ne cessary 6. various 7. vil lain 8. we ird 9. weight 10. whining

  3. Learning Goals… 1. Spell each word correctly. 2. Verify the preliminary meaning of each word by checking in a dictionary. Week 3… 1. am at eur 2. an ec dote 3. an ni hi late 4. an noyance 5. ac quain ted 6. an tique 7. ac qui sition 8. as certain 9. ad ja cent 10. au xi li ary Week 4… 1. al lo cation 2. al lot ted 3. awk ward 4. bur eau 5. ban quet 6. cam paign 7. be gui le 8. can oeing 9. be ne fac tor 10. cel lo pha ne

  4. Learning Goals… 1. Spell each word correctly. 2. Verify the preliminary meaning of each word by checking in a dictionary. Week 5… 1. bib liography 2. cho co late 3. boisterous 4. cinnamon 5. break able 6. clothes 7. broc co li 8. bul le tin 9. co al it ion 10. copy right Week 6… 1. co in ci dent 2. cor di al 3. col lea gue 4. cor du roy 5. col umn 6. courtesy 7. com petitive 8. dangerously 9. com pre hen sion 10. de bat able

  5. Learning Goals… 1. Spell each word correctly. 2. Verify the preliminary meaning of each word by checking in a dictionary. Week 7… 1. con cent rate 2. de linquent 3. con sis ten cy 4. con temp tible 5. de live ry 6. essenti al 7. de scend 8. ex haustive 9. de sert 10. ex hil a ration

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