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Language Arts 9 Spelling Words Quarter 3

Language Arts 9 Spelling Words Quarter 3. * Write best definition for the word. n ot present. * Write each word 5 times each in parts. ab sen ce. * Write each word 5 times normally. absence. * Write best synonym for the word. nonappearance. * Write best antonym for the word. presence.

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Language Arts 9 Spelling Words Quarter 3

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  1. Language Arts 9 Spelling Words Quarter 3 * Write best definition for the word. not present * Write each word 5 times each in parts. ab sence * Write each word 5 times normally. absence * Write best synonym for the word. nonappearance * Write best antonym for the word. presence

  2. Learning Goals… 1. Spell each word correctly. 2. Verify the preliminary meaning of each word by checking in a dictionary. 3. Verify the preliminary synonym & antonym of each word by checking in a thesaurus. Week 1… 1. re so lution 2. re sponsi bi li ty 3. res tau rant 4. ri di cu lous 5. sat is fac tor ily 6. se cur ity 7. sen at or 8. sensi bi li ty 9. she er 10. sheriff Week 2… 1. ty ran ny 2. u nan imous 3. un doub ted ly 4. un for get ta ble 5. un plea sant 6. un us ually 7. va can cies 8. varies 9. vengeance 10. vil lain

  3. Week 3… 1. an al yze 2. an gel 3. an nu al 4. ap pa rat us 5. ap pear ance 6. appli ca tion 7. ap pro pri ate 8. ap pro xi mate ly 9. a rousing 10. ar range ment Week 4… 1. con se quently 2. con sider able 3. con sis ten cy 4. con tin u ous 5. con troll led 6. con troversi al 7. cor di al ly 8. corps 9. cor re spon den ce 10. cri ti ci ze

  4. Week 5… 1. ex ceedingly 2. ex ception al 3. ex cit ab le 4. exe cu tive 5. ex ercise 6. ex haustion 7. ex hi bi tion 8. ex pen se 9. ex per ience 10. ex ten sion Week 6… 1. in no cence 2. in qui ry 3. in stitute 4. in tellect 5. in terference 6. in ter pre ta tion 7. in terruption 8. in terval 9. ir re le vant 10. ir re sis ti ble

  5. Week 7… 1. nui san ce 2. obstacle 3. oc ca sion al ly 4. oc cup y 5. od or 6. off en sive 7. om it ted 8. o pin ion 9. op position 10. op tim ism

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