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Professional Mini-Conference. Hosted by: Mezyad School Ms. Salima Khalfan Humaid Al Ghaithi Principal. Workshops Offered. Please note the session times are paired to increase your options: A1 up to 90 minutes A2 & A3 45 minutes + 45 Minutes A4 & A5 60 minutes + 30 Minutes
ProfessionalMini-Conference Hosted by: Mezyad School Ms. SalimaKhalfanHumaid Al Ghaithi Principal
Workshops Offered • Please note the session times are paired to increase your options: A1 up to 90 minutes A2 & A3 45 minutes + 45 Minutes A4 & A5 60 minutes + 30 Minutes • Target Audiences: Arabic Medium AMT English Medium EMT Head of Faculty HoF Visiting Administration Admin Participants may choose up to 6 workshops over the two days.
The Super Teacher • ورشة عمل "المعلمة الخارقة " هي عبارة عن طرح لأهم المواصفات الواجب توافرها في المعلمة الحديثة والتي تطبق أهم الاسترتيجيات الحديثة والتقنيات وأحدث المتطورة • Workshop participants will discuss the important qualities of teachers who work at the new co-ed schools, use of new technology in the classes and strategies for teaching students how to keep the properties of the school. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin
Mental About Math • This workshop involves an emphasis on the processes of mathematical thinking and on the use of oral language to explore such processes within Collins New Primary Maths. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Integrating Technology ادماج التكنولوجيا في الفصول الدراسية • سوف نقدم لكم في هذه الورشة التدريبية طرق سهلة وممتعة للمعلمين لادماج التكنولوجيا في الفصول الدراسية من خلال مجموعة من المواقع سوف • This professional development will provide fun and easy ways for teachers to integrate technology in the classroom. A series of websites will be given along with instructions and instructional strategies for classroom integration. • Target Audience: AMT, HoF
Lights, Camera, Action! • Participants will explore the use of speech, dramatic arts, songand reader's theater in the language class • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
“Compacting” Collins Math • This workshop will address effective ways to follow the CNPM curriculum when teaching emergent learners. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Critical Thinking in the Classroom • التفكير الناقد هو عملية ذهنية تساعد على بناء بيئة صفية تعليمية قابلة للتعليم والتعلم. وهو جزء رئيسي من النموذج المدرسي الجديد حيث أنه يساعد المعلمين على طرح أسئلة ملائمة لتنمية التفكير الناقد لدى الطلاب عن طريق استعمال عدة مهارات تفكيرية مثل التحليل والإبتكار والتقييم وحل المشاكل بطريقة صحيحة تتلائم مع متطلبات القرن الحادي والعشرون. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin
Critical Thinking in the Classroom • Critical thinking skills are crucial to creating a constructivist environment in the classroom which is a major element of the New School Model pedagogy. Teachers using the New School Model will have to generate higher-order questions in the classroom, teaching students how to use the plethora of readily available information on the Internet and harness it to generate new ideas. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin
“Unpacking” the New School Model • This workshop looks at moderation within literacy using the mappings as a guideline to ensure consistency • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Success with Centers • This workshop will model and provide resources for enhancing English lessons with cultural and religious references that are friendly to children and values in the UAE. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Infusing UAE Culture w/ English Literacy • This workshop will model and provide resources for enhancing English lessons with cultural and religious references that are friendly to children and values in the UAE. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Transition Strategies • Participants will learn and practice engaging strategies to reduce behavior issues with activity, lesson and movement transitions. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Puzzling Patterns • Participants work on a group task and evaluate it against the Pedagogy Matrix. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Brown Bear, Brown Bear • This workshop will model and provide resources for thematic literacy planning. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
The Teacher of Teachers:Lessons from The Prophet Muhammad PBUH • This workshop will reveal effective teaching methods that were used by The Prophet Mohammed PBUH which are still relevant today. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
What Did You Say? Understand Arabic Language to Improve English Instruction • Similarities and Differences between the Arabic and English Languages. This workshop will explore important points that will assist the English teacher in better understanding aspects of the Arabic language and how they affect Arabic-speakers learning of the English language. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin
Figure It Out! Problems Solving • Children learn problem solving skills not just by doing problems, but by discussing how they are solved, trying different approaches, classifying problems and, sometimes, making up problems for themselves. This workshop will address effective strategies for getting children to solve math problems independently. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Collaborative Learning Structures • This workshop will look at some key components that differentiate collaborative learning from group work. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Collaborative Learning Structures • ونحن سوف تبحث في بعض المكونات الرئيسية التي تميز التعلم التعاوني من العمل الجماعي • Target Audience: AMT, HoF
Stress Management: Relaxation Techniques • Relaxation techniques to prevent teacher burnout: learn simple, fast & effective techniques to stay calm in a sometimes hectic environment • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Roses are Red… Literacy through Poetry • Literacy Through Poetry is a workshop that will focus on how teachers can use the poetry genre to teach language and reading skills. The hands-on workshop will require participants to be involved with demonstrations and mock lessons. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Parent Communication Strategies • This workshop will focus on keeping parents informed and engaged with their children’s learning and progress of the school • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin
Teacher, I’m Finished • This workshop will provide teachers with ideas for creating hands-on, engaging and practical student math centers for independent use by students. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Words on Walls • Workshop content wil help with integrating language acquisition activities into your classroom through word wall activities. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Amaze Them With Arabic • This workshop will model and demonstrate engaging resources, songs and activities for teaching Arabic literacy. • Target Audience: AMT, HoF
Emirati Cooking • Watch and follow along as local sweets are prepared. Each participant will take home ingredients and a recipe card to use at home! • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin, Visitor
Positive Behavior Models • In this workshop, you will create a set of 4 clear and positive ground rules that are co-aligned with ADEC Levels of Misconduct. Activities will help align positive behaviors to these created ground rules so teachers may define and apply Positive Behavior Learning in our schools, using strategies that work. Bonus –Create Your Own PBL Passport • Target Audience: AMT, EMT
Multiple Intelligences • Workshop participants will explore the seven identified learning styles (intelligences), including application to differentiation within the New School Model framework. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Take Home Readers • Workshop participants will learn about, and receive resources for, effective implementation of printable leveled readers for the literacy class. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Visualizing through Thinking Maps • This workshop presents a set of graphic organizer techniques, used in primary and secondary education, that integrates thinking skills and mapping techniques to help students develop good thinking and writing skills. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Teachers as Emerging Leaders • This activity will establish what your leadership style is and why it may be different than what you thought! • Target Audience: AMT, EMT
Running Records: Step-by-Step • This workshops will provide a step-by-step, practical explanation and experience of how and why we perform running records. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF
Balancing the Literacy Block • A Closer Look At The Literacy Block: Participants will explore balanced literacy and the elements of the literacy block according to The New School Model. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF
Content and Language Integrated Learning • An introduction to a dual-focused educational approach of CLIL where an additional language is used for learning both content and language. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin, Visitors
Phonics the Move You • Learn the Jolly Phonics songs and motions that get students excited about decoding words. • Target Audience: EMT, HoF, Admin
Masdar City: The Future of Energy • This workshop will provide an overview of Masdar City in Abu Dhabi and a take-away unit for relevant, thematic instruction using Masdar as a base. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin
Scholastic Arabic & English Fair • Since 1920 Scholastic has introduced young people to the joys of reading and learning. Through a vast range of books, technology and teaching resources, Scholastic reaches millions of teachers, students and parents worldwide. Arabic and English resources will be available to view and purchase on site. • Target Audience: AMT, EMT, HoF, Admin, Visitor