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THEORETICAL SENSITIVITIES OF SWIFT AND THE IDEAL SEQUENCE (DELTA PULSE-ACQUIRE) FOR ULTRA-SHORT T2 R. O’Connell, S. Moeller, C. Corum, D. Idiatullin, and M. Garwood Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Physics University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
THEORETICAL SENSITIVITIES OF SWIFT AND THE IDEAL SEQUENCE (DELTA PULSE-ACQUIRE) FOR ULTRA-SHORT T2 R. O’Connell, S. Moeller, C. Corum, D. Idiatullin, and M. Garwood Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of Physics University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States TR= 4.045 ms TR = 4.045 ms TR = 4.045 ms q q FID FID w1 w1 w1 Dw d-pulse sequence hard-pulse sequence SWIFT pulse sequence Instantaneous excitation followed by acquisition Finite duration excitation followed by acquisition Frequency swept pulse with simultaneous excitation and acquisition TA = 4 ms Tp < 45 ms TA = 4 ms Tp = 4 ms TA = 4 ms Ernst energy equation: Ernst angle equation: cos(qmax)= E1 E1= exp(-TR/T1) E2= exp(-TA/T2) M0: Magnetization at thermal equilibrium T1: longitudinal relaxation time T2: transverse relaxation time q: flip angle TR: repetition time TA: acquisition time NA: # of acquired points Nmax: Max # of points q = 900 Purpose: To compare the d-, hard-, and SWIFT pulse sequences for on- and off-resonance spins. Method: The NMR system was modeled by numerically solving the Bloch equations using the Runge-Kutta method. Then the results were compared to the Ernst equations. c a b d e f Figure 1: Flip angle (qmax) of maximum signal energy (S2max) for a given 1/T1,2=1/T1=1/T2 Figure 2: Relaxation rate constant (1/T1,2) atwhich maximum signal energy (S2max) occurs as function of flip angle (q). Figure 3: Energy (S2) contour plots for 90o excited a) d, b) hard, c) off-resonance hard, d) SWIFT, e) gapped SWIFT f) and off-resonance gapped SWIFT normalized to S2max of the d-pulse. Note in regions with T2 < T1 there is minimal difference between d-pulse-acquire, hard-pulse-acquire, and SWIFT. Gapping SWIFT (vs simultaneous RF transmission and reception) reduces S2 by a factor of 2 since acquisition duty cycle is reduced two-fold. Note the un-gapped SWIFT, d-pulse-acquire, and hard-pulse-acquire assume nearly 100% acquisition duty cycle. Also note that off-resonance excitation has little effect with SWIFT, while for hard-pulse-acquire the S2-dependence on T1 and T2 is affected. Experiment Conclusions SWIFT can be described by Ernst energy equations when TA is changed to TA/2 SWIFT has no adverse off-resonance effects Gapped SWIFT loses signal energy proportional to its duty cycle Hard pulses suffer signal loss due to relaxation and off-resonance effects A flip angle can be determined so that an object with given T1,T2 will have the greatest relative energy in the system, approximated by: Samples were prepared of SPIO with ~4 mM of Fe. The particles in each tube had different radii. Measurements were made using SWIFT with bandwidth = 125 kHz,Tp = 2 ms, and duty-cycle = 25%. on a 9.4 T magnet. These experiments confirm that the theoretical relationships (Ernst eqns) predict signal energy of SWIFT acquisitions. Figure 4: Normalized signal energy(S2/Sd2) vs relaxation rate constant (1/T1,2) at q = 200 Grants: This research was supported by NIH BTRC grant #P41-RR008079 References: [1] Idiyatullin et al., J. Magn. Reson., 181 (2006), p. 342-349 [2] Ernst et al. Oxford Sci. Pub., 1987, p. 153