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Writing Rubric: Common Core Standards, Grades 6-12: English Language Arts and Literacy for History, Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Type: Explanatory Paragraph. 0. 2. 3. 1. Effectively does BOTH of the following: Clarify the topic; Preview all ideas to be
Writing Rubric: Common Core Standards, Grades 6-12: English Language Arts and Literacy for History, Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Type: Explanatory Paragraph 0 2 3 1 • Effectively does BOTH of the • following: • Clarify the topic; • Preview all ideas to be • developed • Effectively does BOTH of the • following: • Clarify the topic; • Preview most ideas to • be developed • Effectively does ONE of the • following: • Clarify the topic; • Preview some ideas to • be developed • Effectively does NEITHER of the following: • Clarify the topic; • Preview how it will be • developed Topic sentence Presents 3 or more of the following to support the introduction: relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, examples Supporting information Presents at least 2 of the following to support the introduction: relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, examples Presents 1 relevant fact, definition, concrete detail, quotation, or example No relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, examples Using academic vocabulary Sufficient, appropriate use of most academic vocabulary, but may substitute one common word for academic vocabulary Uses at least one of the academic vocabulary words correctly Sufficient, appropriate use of all academic vocabulary Uses none of the academic vocabulary Good attempt at formal writing style and proofreading, but a few glaring errors indicate that more careful proofreading is needed Formal Writing Style Overall tone is too informal, including some or all of: “texting” abbreviations, slang, messiness, errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar; Formal writing tone used throughout; few or no glaring errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization Attempt at formal writing style, but needs more proofreading and/or care in presentation; Concluding Sentence Strong concluding sentence that clearly restates the topic, summarizes the information, and explains its importance Concluding sentence that restates the topic and summarizes most main points Partial concluding sentence that either restates the topic or summarizes most main points No conclusion Modified 11/26/2012, by Jennifer Gosha, from:: Developed by Amy Benjamin in accordance with the Common Core State Standards for Literacy in English Language Arts and Social Studies, Science, Technical Subjects, www.amybenjamin.co