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Bid File

This Bid File outlines the comprehensive submission for hosting the World Taekwondo event on specified dates and location, adhering to guidelines set by World Taekwondo. The bidder presents their motivations and competitive edge, along with detailed budget plans and functional information encompassing venues, transportation, accommodations, medical, security, and legacy aspects. By submitting this file, the bidder agrees to comply with all regulations and respects the decision-making authority of World Taekwondo.

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Bid File

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World Taekwondo Events Bid File [Year and Name of Event You are Bidding for] Name of Bidder dd/mm/yyyy

  2. Terms of Reference • By submitting this Bid File, the Applicant hereby certifies that the Bid File has been completed truthfully, accurately and to the best of its knowledge. • The Applicant agrees to follow the guidelines of the World Taekwondo contained in the World Taekwondo Events Bid Manual (and its Appendices), and to cooperate with the World Taekwondo throughout the bid process. • The World Taekwondo shall evaluate each bid submitted to check if it meets the requirements that are set out in the World Taekwondo Events Bid Manual with its Appendices, Event Operations Rules, Competition Rules and World Taekwondo Statutes. • The World Taekwondo reserves the right to accept or reject any late or non-compliant bids. • The World Taekwondo shall be free to take any decision it sees fit and in its sole discretion, without any liability whatsoever to the Applicant and/or their respective Stakeholders. • This Bid File Form and any information supplied by the World Taekwondo shall be non-binding on all parties and shall not constitute a tender, an offer or an invitation to make any offer by the World Taekwondo to host the World Taekwondo event(s) until such time as an Applicant enters into a formal Host City Contract and is awarded the right to host the event(s) by the World Taekwondo. • By submitting this Bid File, the Applicant agrees to the World Taekwondo being able to publicly communicate that they are participating in a bid process to stage the World Taekwondo event(s). • All aspects of the bid process shall be governed by the World Taekwondo Statutes and other rules of the World Taekwondo.

  3. Table of Contents I. General Information 00 III. Budget Plan 00 00 00 1) Bidder 2) Event 3) Motivation 4) Competitive Edge 00 00 00 00 1) Revenues 2) Expenses Attachment 1. Guarantee Letters 00 Attachment 2. Signed Host City Contract 00 II. Functional Information 00 1) Venue 2) Transportation 3) Accommodations 4) Medical and Anti-Doping 5) Security and Insurance 6) Legacy 00 00 00 00 00 00

  4. I. General Information 00

  5. 1) Bidder In accordance with Article 22.4 of the World Taekwondo Statutes, We hereby submit this Bid File for hosting [year and name of event you are bidding for] on the proposed dates and place as written hereafter. By submitting this Bid File, we agree that we are well-acquainted with the Bid File Terms of Reference and the World Taekwondo Events Bid Manual with its Appendixes. 00

  6. 2) Event 00

  7. 3) Motivation 00

  8. 4) Competitive Edge 00

  9. II. Functional Information 00

  10. 1) Venue 00

  11. 2) Transportation 00

  12. 3) Accommodations 00

  13. 4) Medical and Anti-doping 00

  14. 5) Security and Insurance 00

  15. 6) Legacy 00

  16. III. Budget Plan 00

  17. 1) Revenues 00

  18. 2) Expenses (1/4) 00

  19. 2) Expenses (2/4) 00

  20. 2) Expenses (3/4) 00

  21. 2) Expenses (4/4) 00

  22. Attachment 1. Guarantee Letters

  23. Attachment 2. Signed Host City Contract

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