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Unit 3 Canadians and their Government

Explore how governments are formed in Canada and the influence of individuals through pressure groups, lobbyists, courts, media, and civil disobedience. Learn about political ideologies, parties, and the organizational structure of the Canadian government. Discuss the significance of democracy, socialism, liberalism, conservatism, totalitarianism, communism, and fascism. Discover the functions of different government branches and the process of passing a law in Canada.

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Unit 3 Canadians and their Government

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  1. Unit 3 Canadians and their Government

  2. Chapter 9-1  Citizens Effecting Change Read 290-296

  3. Chapter Essay Question: How are governments formed in Canada and how can individuals influence government?

  4. Learning Outcomes-  Today you will learn your rights as an active citizen. You will also identify and describe ways that pressure groups/lobbyists can influence government..

  5. Have you ever felt change was needed within an organization or business you were part of? Discuss with a friend.

  6. Task 1:  Pg,291 1. Define Pressure Group Using Figure 9-3 List 3 examples 2. Define Lobbyists-- List 3 examples of  lobbyists and the organization they might represent. 3. How can the Courts be used by Citizens? 4. How can citizens use media to their advantage? 5. What is civil disobedience? How has it been used?

  7. Task 2.  - Look at Figure 9-4 (293) The class will be divided into: A.Lobbyists for Oil/Gas B Environmental Lobbyists C. Government

  8. 1.The Alberta Oil Sands are a large northern region in Alberta read your short hand out and identify 5 supporting reasons for your lobby group either for or against the use of the Tar Sands. 2.Government Officials Read Both Government must make a decision and inform both sides..

  9. Task 3. Answer the following Questions from Page 293- 9-4 Hand in next day.. 1. What advantages would environmental groups have when lobbying the government? 2. What advantages would oil and gas lobbyists have? 3. Who do you think would have more influence? Why?

  10. 9-2 Political Ideologies and Parties Read 297-302

  11. Review-- What do you think would be most  influential in making change in the Canada: 1. Pressure Groups 2.Lobbyists 3.Using the Courts 4. Civil Disobedience

  12. Learning Outcomes Today you will identify and compare political ideologies. You will also identify these ideologies within the political spectrum. You will explain the importance of: Party Platforms,Membership,Accountability and Patrongage

  13. Remember??? What political movement helped cause WW2? Do these political systems still exist? Where? How are governments changing in Africa currently?

  14. What is an ideology?

  15. Task 1 Create a graphic organizer: Headings:Democracy: Sub Heading:Socialism SH:Liberalism SH:Conservatism Heading:Totalitarianism SH:Communism SH:Fascism

  16. Comparison Points: 1. Political/Social Views 2. How is it appointed 3. View on Tradition 4. View on Government 5. View on Law/Order 6. How do they maintain power 6 Name a Famous Leader 7. Draw a political spectrum on the bottom of the organizer(Pg.299)9-11 8. Go to page 286/287-Find:Australia,Egypt,Somalia,Libya,India, Ethiopia,China,US, Bolivia.  Place these countries where you think they belong in the political spectrum..

  17. Task 2.- Homework Questions 1. What characteristics of Authoritarian governments cause the people to eventually rebel? 2. What has happened in Egypt and Libya? 3. Where do most Canadian parties fit in the traditional spectrum? Why? 4. Look at 9-12. What has been added to the traditional spectrum? What does it show? 5.Take brief notes on: Party Platform,Membership,Politics,Patronage.

  18. Identify Ideology: So,Com, Fa, Li,Con Tradition is important but change is good if supported by people Law and order should protect traditions Government should play a small role in a capitalist society Law and order should treat all fairly and equally

  19. 9-3- A Guide to our Federal Government Read 304-308

  20. Review- Which ideology(s) would be most likely to support government run businesses: a.fascism b.communism c.conservatism d.liberalism

  21. Learning Outcomes: Today you will learn the organizational structure of Canadian govn't. You will also identify the functions of each part of the government. You will identify the stages and process of a Canadian law.

  22. Government Notes: Municipal-Local town government Provincial- Government of the Provinces Federal- Government for the nation.

  23. Task 1 Draw out the Diagram Figure 9-16 Onto a large piece of paper.. Add info to the diagram-- As you read pages 304-309-- Connect the following ideas/functions to their proper place in government- Colour them to match their 

  24. 1.make and administer laws 2.interprets enforces laws 3.collects taxes 4.runs a surplus/deficit 5.Privy Council 6.PMO 7.Cabinet 8.Orders in Council 9.Head of Official Opposition 10.Passing of Laws 11.Party Whip 12.Backbenchers 13.Private Members Bill 14.Free Vote 15.Royal Assent 16. Civil Service

  25. Homework: Use flow chart GLM-8-- Using Pg. 308 Figure 9-20 Fill in the flow chart.. Also write out the meaning of the 15 terms in task 1(Include Senate and House of Commons)

  26. 9-4 Passing a Law Read308/309

  27. Review Quiz 1. member vote based on conscience 2.bill introduced by member not in cabinet 3.Prime Minister's advisors 4.Laws passed without a vote 5.First legislative Body of Members elected

  28. Learning Outcome: Today you will learn the process of how a law is passed in Canada..

  29. Task 1 I will form a government in class with a majority... The government will be given the choice on three different issues to form a new law...

  30. Task 1 Continued Cabinet ministers will write up and propose the bill to the PM The PM will chose the proposal to become a bill..

  31. Task 2-  Parliament will be convened.See Figure 9-19 We will need: 1. A speaker 2. Leader of the Opposition 3. Hansard Reporters 4. Prime Minister 5. Govenor General

  32. Task 2 Continued................ Take out your fig. 9-20 1st Reading 2nd Reading Committee Report Third Reading Senate Royal Assent

  33. Task 3 Figure 9-20 Why are there so many steps in the process of making laws?  Why do we use such a lengthy process?

  34. 9-5 Choosing Governments Read 310-317

  35. Review--- What are the  stages of passing a law? Write them down...

  36. Learning Outcomes: Today you will learn about gov types:  Minority/Majority governments,coalitions, proroguing gvnt. and dissolution. You will also describe the steps to a federal election.. You will also explore the issues of polls, campaigns,voting and FPTP vs STV.

  37. Task 1  Define Majority Government Define Minority Government Use Concept Definition Pg. 123 What are the benefits and challenges of each... Share with a partner Share on whiteboard

  38. Task 2  Define-- A. Coalition B. Proroguing Parliament C. Dissolution Share with Partner Discuss with Small Group

  39. Task 3-- Draw out the Steps to a Federal Election in Canada: Use GLM-8 Replace the symbols in the text with a symbol that make sense to you... Also rewrite the explanation in your own words...

  40. Task 4- Homework.. 1. Polling(What is it? How is it used?) 2. Election Campaigns(Describe) 3.Voting Process(How does it take place) What is apathy? 4. FPTP vs STV-Describe each. 5 Fast Forward- Electronic Voting(Figure 9-28) Complete 1and2.. 6. Figure 9-27 What are the top reasons why people didn't vote in: 68+, 25-29, 48-57. Speculate on why they felt this way...

  41. Ch. 10-1 Protecting Human Rights Read 324-327

  42. Chapter Essay Question-- What are human rights and how are they protected in Canada?

  43. What is a right? Write down your thoughts Share with a partner Share with class

  44. Insert Video

  45. Learning Outcome:   1.Today you will learn a definition of human rights. 2.You will identify the origins of the  human rights movement. 3.You will explain the role of the UN and how its Declaration helps to protect citizens of the world.. 4. You will develop an opinion on enforcing these rights worldwide.

  46. Task 1-  Draw a silhouette similar to the one in Figure 10-2 Choose 4 of the Rights from the Universal Declaration of the UN- connect them to your silhouette. Give examples of how Canada  supports these rights... At least two per topic.. Read Pg 326....Who  is responsible for enforcing these rights in the world..

  47. Task 2-- Read Pg. 327... Watch Video.. Read 327 Complete Analyzing the Issue: Pg. 327..(1-3)

  48. 10-2 Human Rights Legislation in Canada Read 328-338

  49. Review- Why was UDHR first initiated: a. Napoleons War b.American Civil War Atrocities c. War of 1812  d. WW 2 Holocaust

  50. Preview-- What rights do you have as a Canadian Citizen? What is the name of the legislations that protects these rights? Write down an answer Share with a partner

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