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TLAP Programme Partnership Meeting – 25 th September, 2013 Reflection from an Evangelist Journey So Far . . . . . . . . . . Making It Real Martin Farran Executive Director of Adults & Communities, Barnsley MBC ADASS Personalisation Network Co-Chair.
TLAP Programme Partnership Meeting– 25th September, 2013Reflection from an EvangelistJourney So Far . . . . . . . . . . Making It RealMartin Farran Executive Director of Adults & Communities, Barnsley MBCADASS Personalisation Network Co-Chair Despite any initial worries we may have had about having a personal budget, ultimately we all believe that it really has been worth it for the difference it has made to our lives, and the better outcomes we have all achieved. (‘Lets talk about personalisation’ workshop attendees - April 2013)
Strategic Context Cornerstones of Making it Real and personalisation are: • Co-production or put more simply “working together” • Listening not just hearing • Complete, accurate and timely information is vital for people to make informed decisions about themselves and on behalf of others • In Barnsley we have the universal information and advice hub (UIA) Connect to Barnsley, Connect to Support on- line social care marketplace and from 23rd Sept Support with confidence online PA approval scheme.
How Engagement links to the Personalisation Agenda (Making It Real) Need to move from Informing and Consulting to Supporting and Empowering helping people to Take Control and Get Involved • This will take commitment time and resources but the process must start immediately • Good engagement leads to • Better service design, • Better use of resources • Greater understanding about needs & aspirations • better outcomes for all.
Co-production- Lets Talk About Personalisation Workshop Attended by service users, carers, DIAL(Barnsley), Personal Assistants, Personalisation Lead, Workforce Development Co-produced detailed analysis and report relating to the TLAP MiR ‘I’ statements and peoples experiences and determined 3 main priorities for service users and carers in Barnsley Output to be fed into service redesign Write up to be fed into local account Attendees to act as a reference group for the local account
Our Approach to ‘Making it Real’ • Held workshop with partner organisations to consider ‘I’ statements and priorities • Attended TLAP Yorkshire and Humber MiR core module workshops to identify local challenges • Held 'Lets talk about personalisation’ workshop • Barnsley's’ Personal Budgets Operational Board (PBOB) to consider findings and analysis from the above, and take forward and action the three major priorities for Barnsley
Production of the Local Account Barnsley’s Local Account asked : • What has worked well about your care and support in the last year? • Where do we need to improve? Evidence was sourced from: • Lets Talk About Personalisation workshop – service user and carer views • Service User and Carer reference group • Regional Peer Assessment (part of sector led improvements) • Inspection findings • ASCOF indicators • Scrutiny
You say, we do. We are producing a new DVD which will have peoples stories and a menu of information about each stage of the personalisation journey. There will be narrative and footage from people who are currently receiving a personal budget. This will also be available via our website and on Youtube “There is so much information to take on board. We need information at the right stage/time in the process, and in different forms, particularly more visuals , with advice from Peers • We have developed ‘Support with Confidence ‘PA approval scheme, with an online register of PAs who have completed common induction standards training, are DBS and reference checked and available for work (some to provide emergency cover) • remodelled our support service to be smarter and fit for purpose, and this is now integral with our SDS Team providing one point of contact for support with any aspect of PBs • Are providing employer training and ‘being a good employer’ workshops • Have created a handbook specifically for PAs “The process of recruiting a PA can be lengthy and can feel complicated. We need to be able to find a PA quicker and have access to smarter, responsive support to help us with the process of being an employer
BMBC Engagement Based on: • Borough Wide • At a community level • Targeted eg Social Care Group
Community Engagement Framework Empower Participate Consult Inform
Communities • Informing- Newsletters, road shows and websites • Consulting- More about community insight – what people think and say • Participate- Ward Alliances include community reps to build a ward plan supported by neighbourhood networks • Empower- influence through community researchers, service redesign, procuring locally
Commissioning - Engagement • Engaging communities/social care groups to identify needs and aspirations • Engaging the communities/social care groups in decisions about priorities and strategies • Engaging service users/carers in service design and improvement • Engaging service user/carers in grant allocation decisions • Person centred procurement and contracting • Person centred monitoring and performance management
Market Development The development of a common and shared perspective of supply and demand, leading to an evidenced, published, market position statement RESPONSIVE SERVICES Improved information and advice giving wider access to most appropriate services Co-production Developing services to meet changes in demand Strong feedback systems in place
MARKET DEVELOPMENT – CO-PRODUCTION WITH PROVIDERS ENSURING THEY UNDERSTAND CHALLENGE AHEAD • Demand for care and support services will rise but will not be matched by a similar commitment in public spending • Life expectancy is increasing and entry into services is likely to be later in people’s lives • PBs and private funding will increasingly allow people to choose from a wider menu of activities & options • Demand is expected to decrease for traditional models such as day care • People will be able to choose to use a mix of traditional & mainstream services
“Barnsley Adult Social Care helped my Mum so much. Having a Personal Budget and employing Personal Assistants means that she does not have to go into care and can stay in her own home independently. As her main carer , this has positively impacted on my life and means I don’t worry as much ,can enjoy being her daughter again, and have got some of my own life back. I now want to give something back , and be positively involved in helping other people to benefit from having a personal budget, just like we did” (ES, carer and daughter of Mary and participant of ‘Lets Talk About Personalisation; Workshop – quotation 13.08.13)