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High Energy Physics Institute of Tbilisi State University IKP, Forschungszentrum Jülich. Recent Results of the Analysing Power Measurement for the dp → ( pp )n Charge-Exchange Reaction at ANKE/COSY. →. David Mchedlishvili. 1 st October, 2010. d /d. A yy.
High Energy Physics Institute of Tbilisi State University IKP, Forschungszentrum Jülich Recent Results of the Analysing Power Measurement for the dp → (pp)n Charge-Exchange Reaction at ANKE/COSY → David Mchedlishvili 1st October, 2010
d/d Ayy NN database: np Scattering data • Current experimental status of np data • ANKE is able to improve np database np charge-exchange np charge-exchange ANKE range ANKE range np forward np forward
→ → dp→(pp)1S0n NN interaction: npScattering(large angles) n → → d ↑n np charge exchange measures directly magnitudes of differences of pp and np elastic amplitudes p D ↑p ↑psp ↓p At small excitation energies in the final pp system 1S0 state Hence there is a spin-flip from 3S1,3D1 of the deuteron to 1S0 of the diproton. Data sensitive to spin-flip, isospin-flip transitions.
dp→(pp)1S0n: Spin observables Unpolarised intensity depends only upon spin-flip amplitudes: Define a ratio of form factors by Terms can be separated by measuring with polarized beams/targets: d and p vector analysing powers Unpolarised cross section d tensor analysing powers d-p vector spin correlations d-p tensor spin correlation D.V.Bugg & C.W., Nucl.Phys.A467 (1987) 575
Proof of principle at 1.17 GeV Results: • Method works at Tn = 585 MeV • Application to higher energies Td=1.6, 1.8, 2.27 GeV D.Chiladze et al. PLB 637, 170 (2006) D.Chiladze et al. EPJA,40, 23 (2009) Tn = 585 MeV SAID np amplitudes
Results eyI = eyIII Energy ramping eyI = -0.213 ± 0.005 2.27 GeV eyIII = -0.216 ± 0.006 eyyI = eyyIII II eyyI = 0.057 ± 0.003 1.2 GeV 1.2 GeV eyyIII = 0.059 ± 0.003 I III Charge-exchange study at higher energies Polarised beam, unpolarised target: Beam polarimetry at Td=1.2 GeV Polarisation export technique Tensor analysing powers at Td=1.6, 1.8, 2.27 GeV Cross section Double polarised experiment: Spin correlation coefficients (see talk by D.Chiladze)
Polarised deuteron beam at Td=1.2, 1.6, 1.8, 2.27 GeV Unpolarised hydrogen cluster target Eight configurations of the polarised deuteron ion source Experimental setup Higher Energy 1.2 GeV t
Reaction identification at 1.2 GeV dp→(pp)n andnp→dπ0reactions provide double track events in forward detector: • pp from dp→(pp)n • dpspfrom quasi-freenp→dπ0 ∆tmeas [ns] Fast pp pairs are distinguished from dpsp using time of flight method ∆ttof [ns]
Beam polarimetry Beam polarisation is measured at Td = 1.2 GeVandis assumed to be unchanged at higher energies • np→dπ0Pz • dp→(pp)nPzz → → → dp→(pp)nreaction normalised count ratio for low excited pp pairs (Epp< 3 MeV): → np→dπ0reaction normalised count ratio: Pz up to 70% Pzz up to 80%
Consistency check Determination of Axx and Ayy values for different transferred momentum at Td= 1.2 GeVbeam energy to check the reliability of the analyses Analysing powers at Td = 1.2 GeVcorrespond well to the theoretical predictions Application to higher energies using polarisation export technique
Reaction identification at 2.27 GeV Same methods are used at higher energies: Reaction identification by using time of flight method Use cuts on missing mass spectra Tensor analysing powers from dp→(pp)n reaction ∆tmeas [ns] n(0.939) ∆0(1.232) ∆ttof [ns]
Analysing powers at higher energies New! New! Td = 1.6 GeV Td = 2.27 GeV New! Td = 1.8 GeV Results differ from theory at Td=2.27 GeV, especially for low transferred momentum region
Amplitude behavior Td = 2.27 GeV Td = 1.2 GeV |ε|tends to decrease drastically with energy increase
→ dp→(pp)1S0∆0 Td = 2.27 GeV ∆0 peak is well observed on missing mass spectra of proton-proton pairs Good possibility for further investigation of the spin structure of the nucleon-nucleon interaction ∆0 Mass is taken: m∆=1232±50 MeV/c2 SATURNE at Td = 2 GeV ANKE at Td = 2.27 GeV Polarisation response: SATURNE data ANKE results are consistent with SATURNE data
Analysing power behavior in case of ∆0 First measurements at Td = 2.27 GeV ! Significant differences: • Tensor analysing power signs are flipped • Axx and Ayy tend to be zero at low momentum transfer PRELIMINARY Theoretical explanation of such behavior of tensor analysing powersis needed!
Summary THANK YOU • Beam polarimetry has been done successfully at 1.2 GeV • Polarisation export technique is used at higher energies • dp→(pp)n tensor analysing powers have been measured at energies up to 2.27 GeV • Firs results of tensor analysing powers for dp→(pp)∆0channel have been obtained at Td = 2.27 GeV Outlook • Further investigation of charge-exchange channel with delta production • Spin correlation coefficient analyses using double polarised experimental data from November 2009 beam time (Td = 1.2, 2.27 GeV)