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Puritanism. Group of English Protestants who wanted to reform the Church of England in the 16 and 17 th century. Puritan migration to New England and the West Indies. There is no theology specific to Puritans. Secular governors were accountable to God to protect and reward virtue.
Puritanism • Group of English Protestants who wanted to reform the Church of England in the 16 and 17th century. • Puritan migration to New England and the West Indies. • There is no theology specific to Puritans. • Secular governors were accountable to God to protect and reward virtue.
Puritanism • Man exists for the glory of God, and life in the colonies were governed by the strict rules of the Church. • Music, dancing, celebration of holidays were forbidden. • Life was centered around Church and the meeting house. • The Devil is as real as God. • All human beings are corrupt and evil by nature. • Women are second tier citizens in the hierarchy of the church.
The Salem Witch Trials 1692-1693 • The idea of witch hunts were carried over to New England from Europe. • Witches were people who had entered into a Pact with Satan. • Betty Parris (9) and Abigail Williams (11)displayed signs of possession. • People who were “different” were accused of witchcraft.
The Salem Witch Trials 1692-1693 • Belief that the Devil goes after the weakest members of the Puritan community. • Jails were flooded. • The Court of Oyer and Terminer is convened. • Confessing witches added credibility to the hysteria. • 185 people were accused. 141 Women & 44 Men. • Spectral evidence is no longer allowed in court. • The Governor releases accused, and dissolves the court.
The Cold War 1945-1908 • Relationship between USA and USSR. • This was an ideological war. • Democracy and Capitalism vs. Communism. • Constant threat of nuclear war. • Paranoia of communists among citizens of the US. • Propaganda portrayed Communism as the ultimate evil. • A senator from Wisconsin uses a platform of fear to propel his political career.
Joseph McCarthy & McCarthyism • "I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names…” • The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. • Nobody was safe from allegations. • The Hollywood Blacklist. • McCarthy Investigates the Army. • Public hearings led Republicans to distance themselves from McCarthy. • McCarthy is censured by the Senate in 1954
Arthur Miller 1915-2005 • Began writing plays while attending the University of Michigan. • Notoriety with Death of a Salesman. • Wrote The Crucible in response to the McCarthy hearings. • Pulled in to testify in front of the HUAC. • He died on February 10, 2005 at the age of 89.