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Using the GeoHistoGram. Eras of World History. Goals:. Introduce Students to the GeoHistoGram. Connect the Era titles to significant events. Using the GeoHistoGram. Eras of World History. The history of the world has been divided into eras to help organize the information.
Using the GeoHistoGram Eras of World History Goals: Introduce Students to the GeoHistoGram Connect the Era titles to significant events
Using the GeoHistoGram Eras of World History The history of the world has been divided into eras to help organize the information. Each of the eras has been named to help define the events during that time. We will use the GeoHistoGram to look at both the dates and the areas to get a basic understanding of the history of our world.
The GeoHistoGram The GeoHistoGram shows both time (chronology) and place (region)
The GeoHistoGram This is the basic form of the GeoHistoGram – seven vertical bars. Space goes across the diagram, from west on the left to east on the right. Space goes across the diagram, from west on the left to east on the right.
The GeoHistoGram Time goes up the side, from the distant past on the bottom to the present at the top. . Each curve in each bar represents 1000 years of history in that region. .
The GeoHistoGram Here is a simple use of the GeoHistoGram: to show ancient empires in Mesopotamia. (before the Common Era, and roughly in the middle of the world’s land). The bars represent major world regions, from the Americas in the west to Polynesia in the east. The bars represent major world regions, from the Americas in the west to Polynesia in the east.
The GeoHistoGram By varying the width of the empire “blob”, you can show how its power expanded at different times. Adding a shape in northeast Africa can show how Egypt lasted a long time but varied in importance.
Era: a period of time Migration: the act or process of moving from one region or country to another The GeoHistoGram Pastoral: herding or keeping animals for food, transportation, etc. Agriculture:farming; cultivating the land, producing crops, and raising livestock Empire: lands, a group of nations, territories, or people ruled by a single authority. Civilization:a highly developed society: with a high level of culture and social organization Some words you need to know: Colonization:to establish a colony in another country or place Revolution:a dramatic change in ideas or practice Imperialism: the policy of extending the rule or influence of a country over other countries or colonies Nationalism: excessive devotion to a nation and its interests, often associated with a belief that one country is superior to all others
GeoHistoGram Activities The first era is “Beginnings of Human Society” (Beginning to 4,000 BCE) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram The “Beginning” was about 200,000 years ago!
The first humans migrated out of Africa and had populated most areas of the world by 10,000 BCE Why do you think humans migrated out of Africa? How did people survive? By the end of this era, humans had learned to herd animals and plant crops. This was a major lifestyle change and led to permanent settlements. Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society Pre-history - Homo sapiens spread across the world
GeoHistogram Activities The second era is “Early civilizations and Cultures and the Emergence of Pastoral People” (4000 – 1000 BCE) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What is a “civilization”? What are “pastoral people”?
What does Pastoral mean? The first settlements occurred in areas where agriculture was possible, namely river valleys. What rivers were located in these areas? Tigris and Euphrates The Fertile Crescent Egypt Nile India Indus China Huang He Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
Having a stable food supply allowed some people in the settlements to have other jobs. This division of labor led to the development of civilizations. Some elements of civilization include the development of cities art specialized jobs religion communication laws Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
These are the names of the civilizations that began during this era in these regions: Africa Middle East Central Asia East Asia The size of the colored shapes show the growth and extent of each one. Which one did not continue to grow into the next era? Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistogram Activities The third era is “Classical Traditions, World Religions, and Major Empires” (1000 BCE to 300 CE) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What are the major “classical” civilizations? What “world religions” were predominant? What “major empires” developed?
With the rise of civilizations and development of new technology, trade helped spread ideas. In East Asia, the Qin Dynasty united a territory which is now ___??____, the most populous country in the world. China Growing civilizations, needing more land and resources, used force to expand, and became empires. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires These are the two large (classical) European empires that characterize this era. Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples What famous Greek leader conquered Egypt and advanced into Central Asia? Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
Empires grew by conquering people of many cultures. World Religions, like Buddhism and Hinduism, also spread. Other large empires ruled during this era. Where are each of them located? Persia? Middle East Mauryan? India Asia Han Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires What was the first civilization in the Western Hemisphere? Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistoGram Activities The fourth era is “Expanding and Intensified Hemispheric Interactions” (300-1500 CE) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What do “expanding” and “intensifying” mean? What “hemispheric interactions” took place?
Empires expanded during this era: The eastern Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire, but had many enemies. What does its shape tell you? By about 700 CE, what dynasty in Asia had expanded westward? Era 4: Expanding Hemispheric Interactions Islam spread by both trade routes and conquering armies into north Africa and central Asia. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires What was the major trade route connecting China to Europe? Mongols conquered both Chinese and Muslim empires and spread into Europe. Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
Empires expanded during this era: In West Africa, what two empires became wealthy through trade? The Plague spread across Europe killing a quarter of the population. How is this shown on the GeoHistoGram? Era 4: Expanding Hemispheric Interactions Marco Polo sparked a new interest in trade with China. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires What effect did the demand for products from Asia have on Europeans? Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples See Era 5! Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistoGram Activities The fifth era is “Emergence of the First Global Age” (15th to 18th Centuries) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What is a “global age”?
What important event marks the beginning of this era? Era 5: Emergence of 1st Global Age The ability to navigate the ocean caused many changes in trade and power. Columbia Exchange was an important trading system between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Era 4: Expanding Hemispheric Interactions What 3 regions were involved? What was exchanged? European Colonialism starts in this era. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires What color shows its spread? Which direction did it spread? Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples What other Empire expanded its power during this era? Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistoGram Activities The sixth era is “Global Revolutions” (Late 1700’s through 1914) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What is a “global revolution”?
Era 6: Age of Global Revolutions Explain the saying “The Sun never sets on the British Empire” Era 5: Emergence of 1st Global Age During this era, revolutions freed many colonies from their European conquerors or feudal leaders. American Latin American Era 4: Expanding Hemispheric Interactions Chinese French Russian As the Ottoman Empire declined, Europe’s power increased. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires Many changes occurred including an increase in world migration and industrialization. Nationalism and imperialism grew in Europe, Asia, and America. Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistoGram Activities The seventh era is “Global Crisis and Achievement” (1900-1945) Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What is a “global age”?
Era 7: Global Crisis and Achievement Era 6: Age of Global Revolutions Increasing government, economic and political power changed the global balance of power. Era 5: Emergence of 1st Global Age Two World Wars occurred as well as mass genocide in several regions. Era 4: Expanding Hemispheric Interactions What major event ended WW II? Important advances were made in technology, medicine and communications during this era. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires What countries emerged as super-powers? Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistoGram Activities The eighth era is “The Cold War and Its Aftermath: The 20th Century since 1945” Mark the Eras on the Geohistogram What was the “Cold War”?
Era 8: Cold War and Aftermath Era 7: Global Crisis and Achievement Era 6: Age of Global Revolutions The Cold War was a conflict between democracy and communism. Era 5: Emergence of 1st Global Age What two countries were the leaders in this “war”? Some “hot spots” caused mounting tension, and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam became major clashes. Era 4: Expanding Hemispheric Interactions One of the fears that surfaced was the threat of nuclear war. Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires What event signified the end of the “Cold War”? Era 2: Early Civilizations and Emergence of Pastoral Peoples Era 1: Beginnings of Human Society
GeoHistoGram Activities What might the next era be called? How long will it last?
eras of world history Era 1: The Beginnings of Human Society: (10,000BCE to 4,000 BCE) Era 2: Early Civilizations and Cultures: (4,000 BCE to 1,000 BCE) Era 3: Classical Traditions and Major Empires: (1,000 BCE to 300 CE) Era 4: Expanding and Intensified Hemispheric Interactions: (300 CE to 1500 AD) Era 5: The Emergence of the First Global Age: (15th through 18th Centuries) Era 6: An Age of Global Revolutions: (18th century through 1917) Era 7: Global Crisis and Achievement Era 8: The Cold War and its Aftermath: (20th Century) Era 9: The Future: (21st Century)