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Chapter 5 Using Multimedia in Education

Chapter 5 Using Multimedia in Education. CHAPTER 13 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES. Define multimedia Describe the types of media used in multimedia applications List and describe the various uses of multimedia applications Identify the types of multimedia hardware. CHAPTER 13 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES (cont.).

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Chapter 5 Using Multimedia in Education

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  1. Chapter 5Using Multimedia in Education

  2. CHAPTER 13 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES • Define multimedia • Describe the types of media used in multimedia applications • List and describe the various uses of multimedia applications • Identify the types of multimedia hardware

  3. CHAPTER 13 PRIMARY OBJECTIVES (cont.) • Explain how to develop a multimedia application • Identify features of several multimedia authoring software packages

  4. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Any computer-based presentation or application that integrates one or more of these elements: text, color, graphics, animation, audio, and video What is Multimedia? Animation

  5. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Any computer-based presentation or application that integrates one or more of these elements: text, color, graphics, animation, audio, and video Click to see Figure 13-1

  6. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Any computer-based presentation or application that integrates one or more of these elements: text, color, graphics, animation, audio, and video • Interactive multimedia • Accepts input by means of a keyboard, voice, or pointing device

  7. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Text • Create words, sentences, and paragraphs • Textual effects • Menus Click to see Figure 13-2

  8. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Graphics • Illustrate concepts more vividly than text • Visual learners • Navigation elements • Clip art Click to see Figure 13-3

  9. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Animation • A graphic that has the illusion of motion Click to see Figure 13-4

  10. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Animation • A graphic that has the illusion of motion • Animation and Virtual Reality Animation Click to view animation

  11. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Audio • Music, speech, or any other sound • Capture with microphone, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, radio, or other audio input device • Purchase audio clips • Compression/Streaming • MP3

  12. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Video • Photographic images that are played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames per second and provide the appearance of full motion • Video compression • Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) Click to see Figure 13-5

  13. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Video • Photographic images that are played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames per second and provide the appearance of full motion • Video compression • Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) • Sound and Video Animation Click to view animation

  14. WHAT IS MULTIMEDIA? • Links • Used for navigation through multimedia applications Click to see Figure 13-6

  15. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Business Presentations • Marketing presentations • Use video projectors to display the presentations Click to see Figure 13-7

  16. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Computer-based training (CBT) • Reduced training time and cost • Teach new skills • Courseware • Instant feedback Click to see Figure 13-8

  17. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Computer-based training (CBT) • Self-paced study • Unique content • Unique instructional experience • Reduced training time • One-on-one interaction • Reduced training costs Click to see Figure 13-9

  18. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Web-Based Training (WBT) and Distance Learning • Computer-based training that employs the technologies of the Internet and the World Wide Web • Distance learning courses Click to see Figure 13-10

  19. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Web-Based Training (WBT) and Distance Learning • Computer-based training that employs the technologies of the Internet and the World Wide Web • Distance learning courses • Online tutorials Click to see Figure 13-11

  20. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Classroom and Special education • Training of students in grades from kindergarten through college • Well suited for physically impaired and learning disabled students Click to see Figure 13-12

  21. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Electronic books • Digital text that uses links to give the user access to information • E-book

  22. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Electronic Reference • Digital version of a reference book • Photographs, audio and video clips, and detailed illustrations Click to see Figure 13-13

  23. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Electronic Reference • Digital version of a reference book • Photographs, audio and video clips, and detailed illustrations • Often used in health and medicine Click to see Figure 13-14

  24. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • How-to guides • Include step-by-step instructions and interactive demonstrations to teach practical skills Click to see Figure 13-15

  25. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Newspapers and Magazines • Digital version of a newspaper or magazine • Distributed via CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or the World Wide Web • Electronic magazines (e-zine) Click to see Figure 13-16

  26. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Entertainment and Edutainment • Games • Music • Interactive music • Edutainment - both educational and entertaining Click to see Figure 13-17

  27. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Entertainment and Edutainment • Games • Music • Interactive music • Edutainment - both educational and entertaining • E3 Expo video Click to view video

  28. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Virtual reality (VR) • Use of a computer to create an artificial environment that appears and feels like a real environment and allows the user to explore and manipulate the environment Click to see Figure 13-18

  29. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Virtual reality (VR) • Use of a computer to create an artificial environment that appears and feels like a real environment and allows the user to explore and manipulate the environment • Specialized headgear, body suits, and gloves Click to see Figure 13-19

  30. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Virtual reality (VR) • Use of a computer to create an artificial environment that appears and feels like a real environment and allows the user to explore and manipulate the environment • Specialized headgear, body suits, and gloves • VRML Click to see Figure 13-20

  31. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Virtual reality (VR) • Use of a computer to create an artificial environment that appears and feels like a real environment and allows the user to explore and manipulate the environment • Specialized headgear, body suits, and gloves • VRML • VR video Click to view video

  32. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Kiosks • Computerized information or reference center that allows you to select various options to browse through or find information • Touch screens Click to see Figure 13-21

  33. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • The World Wide Web • Part of the Internet • Online radio stations • Movie rental sites • Games Click to see Figure 13-22

  34. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Multimedia personal computer (MPC) • PC 97 • 120MHz Pentium processor • 16 MB of RAM • USB port • Much higher system requirements for multimedia authoring Click to see Figure 13-23

  35. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Multimedia personal computer (MPC) • Sound card Click to see Figure 13-24

  36. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Multimedia personal computer (MPC) • Sound card • CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Drives • Speakers • Display device

  37. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Televisions and Data Projectors • HDTV Click to see Figure 13-25

  38. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Televisions and Data Projectors • HDTV • NTSC converter

  39. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Televisions and Data Projectors • HDTV • NTSC converter • Data projector • LCD projector • DLP projector Click to see Figure 13-26

  40. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Video Capture Card • Expansion card that enables you to connect a video camera or VCR to a computer and manipulate the video input • Video capture software • Digital video interleave (DVI)

  41. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Scanners, Digital Cameras, and PhotoCDs • Scanner • Converts images into a digitized format Click to see Figure 13-27

  42. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Scanners, Digital Cameras, and PhotoCDs • Scanner • Converts images into a digitized format • Allows many file formats Click to see Figure 13-28

  43. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Scanners, Digital Cameras, and PhotoCDs • Scanner • Converts images into a digitized format • Allows many file formats • Digital camera • Like regular camera, but store image digitally Click to see Figure 13-29

  44. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Scanners, Digital Cameras, and PhotoCDs • Scanner • Converts images into a digitized format • Allows many file formats • Digital camera • Like regular camera, but store image digitally • PhotoCD • Specially formatted compact disc that holds images Click to see Figure 13-30

  45. MULTIMEDIA HARDWARE • Laser Disks and Laser Disk Players • Read-only video disk system based on the same optical disk technology used for compact disks • High quality audio and video

  46. DEVELOPING MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Basic guidelines Click to see Figure 13-31


  48. DEVELOPING MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Analysis • Design Click to see Figure 13-32

  49. DEVELOPING MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Analysis • Design • Production

  50. DEVELOPING MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS • Multimedia authoring software • ToolBook Click to see Figure 13-33

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