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Understand Your Suggestibility !!!

Understand Your Suggestibility !!!. BRAIN vs MIND. Hardware vs Software. BRAIN. There are two brains: Right brain Left brain. FUNCTIONS OF LEFT BRAIN. uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language math and science knows object name reality based

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Understand Your Suggestibility !!!

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  1. Understand Your Suggestibility !!!

  2. BRAIN vs MIND Hardware vs Software

  3. BRAIN • There are two brains: • Right brain • Left brain

  4. FUNCTIONS OF LEFT BRAIN • uses logic • detail oriented • facts rule • words and language • math and science • knows object name • reality based • forms strategies • practical • calculations • seat of Will Power • Left-brain dominated people tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking and usually excel at mathematics and word skills. • Left brain dominant individual can also be classified as a convergent thinker. He has a systematic approach and plays by the rules. He analyses everything and reaches a logical conclusion. Thus, scientific and mathematical activities are more up his street.

  5. Examples of Left Brain Activity • Divide 196 by 2 • What is common between a cat and a dog ? • If you forget the way in a forest in daytime what would you do? • Describe a rose. • How many seconds are there in one hour ? • Decision to quit smoking

  6. FUNCTIONS OF RIGHT BRAIN • uses feeling, "big picture" oriented • imagination rules • intuition • symbols and images (non-verbal) • spatial perception • knows object function • fantasy based • seat of unconscious mind • The right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing, painting, writing poetry, etc. • Right Brain Dominant Individual can be classified as Divergent thinker. Such persons are creative and tend to throw the rules out of the window. They are artistic and always looking for ways to express themselves.

  7. Examples of Right Brain Activity • Diffclt to wrte but ezy to read • You have a sense that your friend is about to come and he arrives without prior intimation. • Life is a bubble (Metaphor)

  8. DOMINANCE • Left Brain Dominant Individuals • Right Brain Dominant Individuals


  10. Cognitive-Style Quiz • A It's fun to take risks.B I have fun without taking risks • A I look for new ways to do old jobs.B When one way works well, I don't change it. • A I begin many jobs that I never finish.B I finish a job before starting a new one • A I'm not very imaginative in my work.B I use my imagination in everything I do • A I can analyze what is going to happen next.B I can sense what is going to happen next.

  11. A I try to find the one best way to solve a problem.B I try to find different answers to problems • A My thinking is like pictures going through my head.B My thinking is like words going through my head • A I agree with new ideas before other people do.B I question new ideas more than other people do • A Other people don't understand how I organize things.B Other people think I organize well. • A I have good self-discipline.B I usually act on my feelings • A I plan time for doing my work.B I don't think about the time when I work.

  12. A With a hard decision, I choose what I know is right.B With a hard decision, I choose what I feel is right. • A I do easy things first and important things later.B I do the important things first and the easy things later • A Sometimes in a new situation, I have too many ideas.B Sometimes in a new situation, I don't have any ideas. • A I have to have a lot of change and variety in my life.B I have to have an orderly and well-planned life • A I know I'm right, because I have good reasons.B I know I'm right, even without good reasons. • A I spread my work evenly over the time I have.B I prefer to do my work at the last minute

  13. A I keep everything in a particular place.B Where I keep things depends on what I'm doing. • A I have to make my own plans.B I can follow anyone's plans • A I am a very flexible and unpredictable person.B I am a consistent and stable person. • A With a new task, I want to find my own way of doing it. B With a new task, I want to be told the best way to it.

  14. Compute Your Score • Give yourself one point for each time you answered "A" for questions: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 • Give yourself one point for each time you answered "B" for questions: 4 ,5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18 SUM UP

  15. INTERPRETATION The Alert Scale of Cognitive Style, by Dr. Loren D. Crane, Western Michigan University, 1989 • 0-4strong left brain 5-8moderate left brain 9-13 middle brain 14-16moderate right brain 17-21strong right brain

  16. Suggestibility: • Openness to suggestions: • Examples: • You went to buy a specific item; but got influenced by the sales person and ended up having another item • You tend to think and behave as per the ideas suggested by others

  17. Classification of People: • Analytical (Left Brain Dominant) • Suggestible (Right Brain Dominant)

  18. Characteristics of Highly Suggestible Persons • More visual and imaginative • Creative • Intuitive • Gets absorbed in the task • Carried away by emotions easily • Can get influenced even by illogical suggestions

  19. Characteristics of Analytical People • More logical • Examines instructions critically • Need more logic and explanations before accepting any idea

  20. Power of Words and Actions • Lemon Test • Gun Test

  21. Tests of Suggestibility: • Pencil Drop Test • Mantra Test • Hand Clasp Test • Tactile Test • Visualization Test

  22. Lengthy Test: • Book and Balloon Test

  23. Utilization of One’s Suggestibility: • Joseph Murphey Law • Auto-suggestions

  24. Handling Other’s Suggestibility: • For Suggestible Persons: • Use a language that creates mental pictures • Use a language that arouse emotions • Create sense of urgency • Use greed motivation • Emphatically highlight qualities • Praise the qualities of the object • Use third party reference

  25. For Analytical Subjects: • Initially agree with their criticisms and arguments; to allow relaxation in their cognitive framework • Do not confront directly to modify their point of view • Present a series of facts, arguments in favor of your objects • Give sufficient statistics and data in support of your objects • Basically, satisfy their logical needs

  26. Very Highly Suggestible Persons • Keep yourself reminding of your high suggestibility • Remain alert while interacting with strangers while travelling • When someone is pushing for the objects you did not intend to buy, take a break and re-analyze • If any criticism or humiliation gets hanged in the mind; share with your well wishers and get rid of it quickly

  27. Have a Good Day • Get back • Enjoy

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