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The Basics

Welcome to: BAE 2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials M, F 2:30 – 3:29 W 2:30 – 4:20, 3:30 – 5:20 122 Ag Hall Dr. Jones. The Basics. Class website: http://biosystems.okstate.edu/Home/jcarol/index.html Syllabus, outline, schedule Book: OSU bookstore…about $30 I think

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The Basics

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  1. Welcome to:BAE 2023 Physical Properties of Biological MaterialsM, F 2:30 – 3:29W 2:30 – 4:20, 3:30 – 5:20122 Ag Hall Dr. Jones BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  2. The Basics Class website: http://biosystems.okstate.edu/Home/jcarol/index.html Syllabus, outline, schedule Book: OSU bookstore…about $30 I think Book isn’t stellar! My apologies…short of paying $700, it’s the best out there. I will be using extensive handouts. Large Three-ring Binder BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  3. The Basics Name, hometown, classification, one cool thing you did over Christmas break Class website: http://biosystems.okstate.edu/Home/jcarol/index.html Syllabus, outline, schedule Book BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  4. Why are we taking this course? What is a biological material? Difference of materials we work with and materials other engineers work with? Homogeneous = same Heterogeneous = diverse Ag materials …heterogeneous Food products…homogeneous, usually BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  5. What causes the variability… Moisture content Susceptibility to chemical reactions Living cells respire Mechanical properties Viscoelastic behavior BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  6. Irrigated Dryland Examples of interactions and accommodations of variability Wheat… Harvest with combine…size, shape, density, aerodynamic properties for sorting kernels from chaff and straw. Control kernel damage during handling…response of kernels to impact loading, frictional properties through chutes and augers Storage and market value…moisture content and protein determined using dielectric properties and NIR BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  7. Examples of interactions and accommodations of variability Wheat… Flour mill…kernel hardness for grinding…wheat is the only cereal flour strong and cohesive enough in dough stage to retain gas during baking due to gluten content Baking…deformation characteristics of dough and finished loaf BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  8. Examples of interactions and accommodations of variability Seed planting…one kind of seed or many kinds of seeds…size and shape for plate design Fruit processing into juice…juice yield vs. compression time and force… Fruit juice/puree…juice is Newtonion, puree is non-Newtonion…info needed to determine flowrate through pumping equipment. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  9. Examples of interactions and accommodations of variability BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  10. Examples of interactions and accommodations of variability Popcorn kernel color…optical properties used to sort dark kernels from yellow or white kernels Animal selection for breeding programs…ultrasound used to determine fat and muscle content / location on live animals Gravel/sand for concrete…forces required for size reduction, angle of repose in piles for storage… BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  11. Information confounded by irregular shape, heterogeneous nature and viscoelastic moisture dependent properties of biological materials Difficult to mathematically describe the deformation and heat and mass transfer. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  12. Homework #2 Due Jan 19, Next Wednesday Read Chapter 1 in the Stroshine book. Question 1.6 in your book…research your answer Go to www.asabe.org(You must be on campus using a campus computer to access this library. Suggest you use the computers in 208 AgHall) Click on “Technical Library” Search for an article having to do with physical properties of a biomaterial Write a one page summary of the article (in your own words). Be sure to include the citation referencing the article in ASABE format. …. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  13. Example of ASABE citation format Journal article… Smith, A., B. Brown, and C. White. 2003. Why peaches turn brown. Transactions of the ASABE 50(3):180-185. Meeting paper…. Anthony, W. S. 1998. Performance characteristics of cotton ginning machinery. ASAE Paper No. 981010. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  14. Example of article summary Why Peaches Turn Brown Objectives of the paper: Using hyperspectral sensing techniques, researchers looked for a way to predict brown flesh in peaches and the cause of the brown flesh in peaches. Methods and Materials: Researchers used a hyperspectrometer to investigate 49 peaches that had been subjected to known deterioration causes such as freezing, bruising, and excess heat. Seven sets of seven peaches were tested in the laboratory. Spectral data from 300 nm to 2400 nm were collected and processed by the statistical software package SAS. Conclusions: Using the spectrometer, bruising and freezing damage could be predicted 49% of the time while heat damage could be predicted 77% of the time. Significance: Peach buyers could use this method to determine which peaches to buy with the idea in mind that they would last longer. Peaches with a higher prediction of deterioration could be culled by sorting machinery to provide a higher grade lot of peaches for sale. Reference: Smith, A., B. Brown, and C. White. 2003. Why peaches turn brown. Transactions of the ASABE 50(3):180-185. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  15. Example of answer for other questions On engineering paper…written in pencil…folded in half…name on outside of paper… Question 1.7: (rewrite the question here) Given: (sort out the variables and facts here) Solution: (give your answer here with all work shown for calculations. When using an equation, show which equation you used before you substitute values for the variables.) Answer: Circle or underline your final answer This is what it will look like…. (example)…. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  16. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  17. Questions? Dr. Jones 216 Ag Hall 744-6667 jcarol@okstate.edu http://biosystems.okstate.edu/Home/jcarol/Class_Notes/BAE2023_Spring2008/2023_home.html BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

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