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Kommunikatsiooniteenuste arendusIRT0080 Loeng 6Avo Otstelekommunikatsiooni õppetool, TTÜ raadio- ja sidetehnika inst.avo.ots@ttu.ee
Teenused ja nõuded Packet Interactive cable Video HDTV Visual Videophone Videoconference Medical imaging Image FAX PDAs WANs E-mail Computer-computer Data Telemetry Voice messaging Voice POTS Circuit Narrowband (copper)< 64 kb/s Wideband(copper/fiber) 64 kb/s to 1.5 Mb/s Broadband (fiber) > 45 Mb/s
End-Users Content and Service Providers Service operators/ Telecommunications Networking Solutions Physical Telecommunication Network Telecommunications Market
Võrguhaldus Network Management Infovoogude Mudel Organisatsiooni Mudel Kommunikatsiooni Mudel Funktsiooni Mudel
Võrguhalduse ülesanded • Fault management- veahaldus • monitor networking devices and generate an alert when something goes wrong • Configuration management - konfiguratsiooni haldus • changes, additions and deletions of the configuration of the managed devices • Accounting management - kasutajate haldus • monitoring and recording network component usage - for traffic analysis and billing • Performance management -jõudluse haldus • gathering and analyzing data from network components to monitor current performance and plan for current needs and future growth • Security management- turvalisuse haldus
Võrguhalduse jaotus -Identify secure data monitor/maintain AP security • Standard based configuration • Auto-discovery ensured • Archiving and config recovery -Tracks server utilization by class of user • Bandwidth control unit (QoS) • Analysis: utilization, availability, • throughput, trending and response time • - Addressing & documenting SLA • Proactive detection • Problem isolation & resolution • Dispatch 24X7 mgmt
Monitooring • Iga arvuti võtab vastu talle adresseeritud pakette • Monitooringu tarkvara kasutav arvuti jälgib kõiki võrgus liikuvaid pakette
Device Manager (NMS) Device Manager (2) SNMP Data store Data store Agent Agent Agent Network Device Network Device Network Device NVRAM NVRAM NVRAM Haldusmudel Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
Eeldused võrguhalduseks • võrgus liikuvat infot saab kasutada selle haldamiseks • Lisaks kasutatakse haldustäiendustega võrguseadmeid: • haldusagendid, haldustarkvara • Võrguhaldusstandard on SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) • SNMPv1, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 (RFC)
SNMP uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the transport mechanism for SNMP messages SNMP over UDP Ethernet Frame Ethernet Packet IP Packet SNMP Message CRC UDP Datagram
analüsaator 2 IntelligentState correlation/filtering topology access 4 1 problem network 3 täpsustav küsitlus trapküsitlus Võrkude diagnostika
Simple Network Management Protocol • SNMP is a framework that provides facilities for managing and monitoring network resources on the Internet. • Components of SNMP: • SNMP agents • SNMP managers • Management Information Bases (MIBs) • SNMP protocol itself
SNMP • Interactions in SNMP
Haldussüsteem Network management system (NMS) Management entity Haldusprotokoll Võrguühendus Agent Agent Agent Proxy Management database Management database Management database Hallatavad seadmed Üldstruktuur
Haldusinfobaas MIB(Management Information Base) • baas onkõikidel haldussüsteemi komponentidel • haldusinfo objekti aadressi moodustab numbrite järjestus • näitekssnmpDot3RptMgmtobjektide grupi aadress on • SNMP päringutes kasutataksegi neid objektide aadresse
Haldusandmete kogumine • Haldusjaam küsitlebagente • teatud ajavahemike järel, kas hostide teenuste pordid töötavad • Haldusagent hoiatab haldusjaama tõrke korral • kui võrgu koormus hakkab teatud piiri ületama
MANAGER AGENT MIB Juurdepääsu haldus Haldustarkvara Turvaline side GET / GET-NEXT / GETBULK SET / TRAP / INFORM Transpordikiht Haldusturvalisus
Arvutivõrk haldustarkvaras • Võrgu kaart (network map) • Tavaliselt hostid ikoonidena ja kaablid nende vahel joontena • Hosti ikooni värvus näitab hosti tegelikku seisundit võrgus • Võrgu kaardid koostatakse automaatselt, käsu peale või käsitsi
MANAGER RMON WAN Kaugmonitooring RMON • Töötab iseseisvalt • Proaktiivne monitooring – võrgusegmendi tõrke korral on monitoris võimalik teada saada tõrke eelset seisu
Haldustulemused “Warning: HSRP Router down. Standby now active…”
SNMP Versions • Three versions are in use today: • SNMPv1 (1990) • SNMPv2c (1996) • Adds “GetBulk” function and some new types • Adds RMON (remote monitoring) capability • SNMPv3 (2002) • SNMPv3 started from SNMPv1 (and not SNMPv2c) • Addresses security • All versions are still used today • Many SNMP agents and managers support all three versions of the protocol.
Cabling Arvutid Serve-rid LAN seadmed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Kasutusperiood aastates Võrgukomponendid
CIO Peaadmin teenindus Veateadete töötlus Vigade korrelaator eeltöötlus võrguhaldur GUI
What is AAA? • Short for authentication, authorization and accounting, a system in IP-based networking to control what computer resources users have access to and to keep track of the activity of users over a network. • Authentication is the process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password. Authentication is based on the idea that each individual user will have unique information that sets him or her apart from other users. • Authorization is the process of granting or denying a user accessto network resources once the user has been authenticated through the username and password. The amount of information and the amount of services the user has access to depend on the user's authorization level. • Accounting is the process of keeping track of a user's activity while accessing the network resources, including the amount of time spent in the network, the services accessed while there and the amount of data transferred during the session. Accounting data is used for trend analysis, capacity planning, billing, auditing and cost allocation. • AAA services often require a server that is dedicated to providing the three services. RADIUS is an example of an AAA service. Source: www.webopedia.com
SNMP Protocol • SNMP manager and an SNMP agent communicate using the SNMP protocol • Generally: Manager sends queries and agent responds • Exception: Traps are initiated by agent.
SNMP Protocol • Get-request. Requests the values of one or more objects • Get-next-request.Requests the value of the next object, according to a lexicographical ordering of OIDs. • Set-request. A request to modify the value of one or more objects • Get-response. Sent by SNMP agent in response to a get-request,get-next-request, or set-request message. • Trap. An SNMP trap is a notification sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager, which is triggered by certain events at the agent.
Traps • Traps are messages that asynchronously sent by an agent to a manager • Traps are triggered by an event • Defined traps include: • linkDown: Even that an interface went donw • coldStart - unexpected restart (i.e., system crash) • warmStart - soft reboot • linkUp - the opposite of linkDown • (SNMP) AuthenticationFailure • …
Lingid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SNMP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client_server http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_serverhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi_Router_Traffic_Grapher http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/cisintwk/ito_doc/xtocid1 http://www.dpstele.com/layers/l2/snmp_tutorials.html http://www2.rad.com/networks/1995/snmp/snmp.htm http://www.williamstallings.com