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Particle Physics: Status and Perspectives Part 3: Accelerators. SS 2014. Manfred Jeitler. electron microscope. Van-de-Graaf generator. Van de Graaff Accelerator: Applications. Changing the Particle Energy F. Sannibale. 1 st Stage. +. +. +. +. +. +. 2 nd Stage. +.
Particle Physics: Status and PerspectivesPart 3: Accelerators SS 2014 Manfred Jeitler
Van de Graaff Accelerator: Applications Changing the Particle Energy F. Sannibale 1st Stage + + + + + + 2nd Stage + Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 Tandem Scheme • Negative ions (H- for example) are created and accelerated through the first stage • At the end of the first stage the electrons are ‘stripped’ out from the ions (by a gas target for example) • In the second stage the positive ions (protons in our example) are accelerated. The net energy gain is twice the voltage of the Van de Graaff
Electrostatic Accelerators: The Simplest Scheme Changing the Particle Energy F. Sannibale Cathode Anode Budker Institute - - Diode Pierce Geometry - - - - Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 Still one of the most used schemes for electron sources
Cockroft-Walton accelerator
RF Accelerators: Wideroe and Alvarez Schemes Changing the Particle Energy F. Sannibale Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 In 1925-28 Ising and Wideroe conceived the first linear accelerator (linac). The revolutionary device was based on the drift tubes scheme. During the decelerating half period of the RF, the beam is shielded inside the conductive tubes. Synchronicity condition: At high frequency the Wideroe scheme becomes lossy due to electromagnetic radiation. In 1946 Alvarez overcame to the inconvenient by including the Wideroe structure inside a large metallic tube forming an efficient cavity where the fields were confined. 200 MHz RF source from radars The Alvarez structures are still widely used as pre-accelerator for protons and ions. The particles at few hundred keV from a Cockcroft-Walton for example, are accelerated to few hundred MeV.
inside of an Alvarez-type accelerating structure
Cyclotron r.............orbit radius p...........particle momentum e............particle charge B............magnetic field revolution frequency must be independent of the particle‘s momentum !
Cyclotron and Synchro-cyclotron Changing the Particle Energy F. Sannibale Uniform Magnetic Field Electric Field The first cyclotron 4.5” diameter (1929). Proton Source Accelerated Protons Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 E. O. Lawrence 1939 Nobel Prize In an uniform magnetic field: For non-relativistic particles the revolution period does not depend on energy • If the RF frequency is equal to the particles revolution frequency synchronicity is obtained and acceleration is achieved. • The synchro-cyclotron is a variation that allows acceleration also of relativistic particles. The RF frequency is dynamically changed to match • the changing revolution frequency of the particle • In 1946 Lawrence built in Berkeley the 184” synchro-cyclotron with an orbit radius of 2.337 m and capable of 350 MeV protons. The largest cyclotron still in operation is in Gatchina and accelerates protons to up 1 GeV for nuclear physics experiments.
The Cyclotron: Different Points of View Changing the Particle Energy F. Sannibale …the operator Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab – Arizona State University, Phoenix January 16-27, 2006 From LBNL Image Library Collection By Dave Judd and Ronn MacKenzie
Synchrotron elements of a synchrotron quadrupole magnet: focussing dipole magnet: to keep particles on track high-frequency accelerating cavity
SPS Tunnel Super-Proton-Synchrotron (Geneva)
first electron-electron collider: Novosibirsk / Russia VEP-1 130+130 MeV
Particle production at a collider • particles do not disintegrate and show what is inside but • the kinetic energy of the colliding particles (protons) is transformed into the mass of another particle
quadrupole dipole resonator reaction products interaction zone layout of a circularcollider
layout of the LHC storage ring (built into the former LEP tunnel)
luminosity • (instant) luminosity is rate per cross section • usualunits: cm-2 s-1 • e.g., 1030 cm-2 s-1 corresponds, for a reaction cross section of 10-30 cm-2 ( = 1 μbarn), to a rate of 1 event per second • for a collider, the luminosity can be calculated as follows:
integrated luminosity • number of events collected divided by the cross section • usual units: fb-1 (“inverse femtobarn”), ab-1 (“inverse attobarn”) • an integrated luminosity of 1 fb-1 means that for a process with a cross section of 1 fb, 1 event (on average) should have been collected • or 1000 events for a cross section of 1 nb, etc. • so, 1 inverse attobarn = 1000 inverse femtobarns : • 1 ab-1 = 1000 fb-1 • physicists are now looking for very rare events, so it is vital to reach not only high energies (so that heavy particles can be produced) but also high luminosities • handling the resulting data rates is a challenge also for the detectors, trigger systems, and readout electronics
Years of Design, Construction and Commissioning of the LHC slide