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Storyboard for Job Interviews. The process for creating a PowerPoint presentation on job interviews. Melody Murphy AIL 605 The University of Alabama.
Storyboard for Job Interviews The process for creating a PowerPoint presentation on job interviews. Melody Murphy AIL 605 The University of Alabama
The purpose of this storyboard is to create a PowerPoint presentation on teaching my Marketing/Co-op students how to properly interview for a job.
Slide 1of 17Title Slide Background of slide is green. Title is Job Interviews What to Know! There are two clip art designs included on the title slide. Animation included will be the transition added to the slides. Font – Title Arial Black, size 54, yellow Font – subtitle, Arial, size 32 There will be a sound clip of music to start – it will sound like an opening to a movie presentation. The students have already been studying about job interviews and the components of what to be prepared for and to bring with them on a job interview. Slide transition will box out to next slide.
Slide 2 of 17Cover Letters and Resumes There will be a drum roll sound at the beginning of this slide. Slide background will be green. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) It will include the information for the cover letter, resume, or application form will introduce you to your potential new employer and get them interested. Come prepared with these documents. This information gives the student a reminder of what has already been discussed with them about what they need to bring with them. They have already completed a resume and cover letter in class. The slide transition will box out to slide three.
Slide 3 of 17Did You Know? Background is Green Slide Transition will box out. No animation or clip art. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Yes or no decisions are made within the first few minutes of a job interview. This emphasizes the fact that first impressions are very important.
Slide 4 of 17Research the Company Background is green. No sound No clip art. Slide transition will box out. Title – font – Arial Black – 44 (font color – yellow) Body – font – Arial – 20 (font color –white) This is a role play of how it is important to research the company before walking in to the interview. The example is on how the Interviewer ask the candidate what he/she thinks of the company’s merchandising compared to the competition. The candidate has not had time to research which is a good example of the importance of researching before you go on a job interview.
Slide 5 of 17Be on Time Background is green. Clipart is a clock Sound will be an alarm clock ringing. It is important for a job interview to not be more than 15 minutes early or not less than 5 minutes. Being late is a bad impression. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 28 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out.
Slide 6 of 17Have a Firm Handshake Background is green Picture of handshake Just a reminder that it is important to have a firm handshake when walking in to an interview. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Slide transition will box out to the next slide.
Slide 7 of 17Respect Background will be green. No clipart will be included on this slide. This slide is discussing how important it is to be respectful to anyone you meet and greet in the interview process. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Slide transition is box out to next slide.
Slide 8 of 17Don’t Background color is green. Clipart or animated clipart will be added to this screen. There are many do not’s in the Interview process. Some included will be to not ask about the salary and not to lie. A video clip will be included about not lying on the job. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out to next slide.
Slide 9 of 17Top 10 Mistakes Background color is green. Sound will be added that says Warning! Warning! This slide includes lying, being rude, complaining, talking about people you don’t get along with, not being prepared, being too confident or too nervous, making a bad first impression, not researching the company, and putting your foot in your mouth. Clip art or animation will be added to the slide. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 24 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out to slide 10.
Slide 10 of 17Dress for Success Background color is green. When going for an interview it is important to choose the right outfit. This slide will give women and men the information necessary to determine what is appropriate for him/her to wear to his/her next job interview. For example, dress, shoes, etc. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 20 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out to next slide.
Slide 11 of 17 Background color is green. Sound will be “Pretty Woman” – the song. The pictures are still pictures that indicate the proper attire that should be worn when going to a job interview. Slide transition will box out to next slide.
Slide 12 of 17Hygiene Background color is green. Animation or clipart will be added. - It will be of an iron, toothbrush, and perfume bottle. This slide indicates the importance of good hygiene when going on a job interview. It includes notes on ironing your clothes, clean hair and finger nails, polished shoes, no perfumes or strong deodorants, fresh breath. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 14 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out to next slide.
Slide 13 of 17Top 10 Interview Questions Background color is green. Sound will include the saying or singing sound “I’ve been through the danger zone” from the movie Top Gun. This slide will include a list of prospective questions that the employer might ask. For example, why do you want to work for us? Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 14 (font color – white) Slide transition box out to next slide.
Slide 14 of 17Illegal Questions Background color is green Discussion of illegal questions that the employer may not ask such as age, sexual orientation, and childcare will be discussed on this slide. Also, questions that you (the prospective employee) should not ask will be on the slide as well such as how much will I make? Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Slide transition to next slide will box out.
Slide 15 of 17Checklist Background color is green. This is a review list or checklist for the student to go over for last minute thoughts on what to do before going to a job interview. The following websites will be included on the site: www.multimap.com www.theaa.com http://www.interviewstuff.com/what-to-wear-to-a-job-interview.html Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out to the next slide.
Slide 16 of 17Checklist Cont. Background color is green. The checklist is continued to the next screen. More websites are included on the site as references such as: Information on resumes – make sure you carry a copy with you and for examples look at http://www.interviewstuff.com/cv-resume.html Also, a list of what to take with you can be found at the following site. http://www.interviewstuff.com/what-to-take.html The last site include on the slide is a reference of what questions to ask the interviewer http://www.interviewstuff.com/good-job-interview-questions-to-ask.html Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Slide transition will box out to the next slide.
Slide 17 of 17Follow Up Background color is green. Lastly write a thank you letter to whoever took the time to interview you. Clip art of a man/woman sitting at a desk will be added. Sound clip that says thank you will be added. Font – Title – Arial Black 44 (font color – yellow) Body (Font) – Arial 32 (font color – white) Slide will end with black screen.