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Colloquium Berkeley, 26 April 2004. EDMs in Storage Rings: Powerful Probes of Physics Beyond the SM and of CP-Violation. Yannis K. Semertzidis Brookhaven National Laboratory. EDMs: Why are they important? Our Universe: The Symmetry that isn’t EDM Experimental Techniques
Colloquium Berkeley, 26 April 2004 EDMs in Storage Rings: Powerful Probes of Physics Beyond the SM and of CP-Violation Yannis K. Semertzidis Brookhaven National Laboratory • EDMs: Why are they important? • Our Universe: The Symmetry that isn’t • EDM Experimental Techniques • EDMs in Storage Rings • Prospects of the Field
+ - + - Phenom.: only the component along the spin survives... Spin is the only vector…
+ T - + - P - + A Permanent EDM Violates both T & P Symmetries:
T P A Permanent EDM Violates both T & P Symmetries:
T OK P OK 1st order Stark effect. Forbidden! 2nd order Stark effect. Allowed! Reality Check: Induced EDMs…
T P Reality Check: MDMs are Allowed…
CPT T-Violation CP-Violation Andrei Sakharov 1967: CP-Violation is one of three conditions to enable a universe containing initially equal amounts of matter and antimatter to evolve into a matter-dominated universe, which we see today….
Flashback Before 1929: • Universe is Static-Eternal • Cosmological Constant is Invented to Stabilize it! • Dirac Equation 1928: • g=2 for Point-like, Spin ½ Particles • Negative Energy States
Hubble 1929: • Universe is Expanding • …If the Universe Expands… a Beginning and a BIG BANG! • Km/MPa/s or 10-18s-1 • Discovery of Positron by Anderson: 1933
At Accelerators: • 1955: Antiproton Discovery at Berkeley • 1956: Antineutron Discovery • 1957: Parity Violation, Lee-Yang • 1964: CP-Violation at Brookhaven • Universe: Matter Dominated; Initial Condition Maintained by B, L Number Conservation.
The History of Our Universe Nucleosynthesis builds nuclei up to He Ionized gases Today’s Cold Universe… Matter Everywhere! No Antimatter. How did it Happen?
Andrei Sakharov 1967: • Three conditions to enable a universe containing initially equal amounts of matter and antimatter to evolve into a matter-dominated universe, which we see today: • Proton Decay (Baryon Number Violation) • CP-Violation • Universe Undergoes A Phase of Extremely Rapid Expansion
Extension of the SM Needed? • SM: CP-Violation not Enough by Several Orders of Magnitude for Baryogenesis • Leptogenesis: CP-Violation in Neutrino Mixing? • Heavy, Weakly Interacting, Right-Handed Neutrinos Produced in Early Universe • Their Decays Produces Lepton Number Asymmetry. • Further Interactions Conserving B-L Convert it to Baryon Number Asymmetry
SM Versus SUSY: SM: One CP-Violating Phase (CKM). 42 CP-Violating Phases! SUSY:
la Fortson d ~
E Small Signal + Compare the Zeeman Frequencies When E-field is Flipped: - Usual Experimental Method
Schiff Theorem:A Charged Particle at Equilibrium Feels no Force……An Electron in a Neutral Atom Feels no Force Either: …Otherwise it Would be Accelerated…
S. Lamoreaux at “Lepton Moments”, June 2003 E=5MV/m, T=108s R&D
Cost of the n-EDM Experiment at LANSCE • $10M for the experimental apparatus • $9M for the Beamline • R&D? • Total $19M plus R&D
Schiff Theorem:A Charged Particle at Equilibrium Feels no Force……An Electron in a Neutral Atom Feels no Force Either. However: …the net E-field is not zero!
Electron EDM 10-20 Cs 10-22 Cs 10-24 Xe* Hg Experimental Limit on de (e .cm) Cs 10-26 Tl Tl Tl ?? 10-28 10-30 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Current Atomic EDM Limits • Paramagnetic Atoms, 205Tl: electron |de| < 1.610-27e·cm (90%CL) PRL 88, 071805 (2002) • Diamagnetic Atoms, 199Hg Nucleus: |d(199Hg)| < 2.110-28e·cm (95%CL) PRL 86, 2505 (2001)
Electric Dipole Moments in Storage Rings e.g. 1T corresponds to 300 MV/m!
Spin Precession in g-2 Ring(Top View) Momentum vector m Spin vector
Spin Precession in g-2 Ring(Top View) Momentum vector m Spin vector
The Muon Storage Ring: B ≈ 1.45T, Pμ≈3.09 GeV/c • Inner Ring of Detectors • High Proton Intensity from AGS • Muon Injection
Indirect Muon EDM limit from the g-2 Experiment z y s β x B Ron McNabb’s Thesis 2003:
Canceling g-2 with a Radial E-field z B E y s β x
Radial E-field to Cancel the g-2 Precession • Radial E-Field: The method works well for particles with small anomalous magnetic moment a, e.g. Muons (a = 0.0011), Deuterons (a = -0.143), etc.
Momentum vector Spin vector Spin Precession in g-2 Ring(Top View) m
Momentum vector Spin vector Spin Precession in EDM Ring(Top View) m
Two Major Ideas: • Radial E-field to Cancel the g-2 Precession • Injecting CW and CCW • Sensitivity: 10-24 e·cm statistical (1 yr, 0.75MW) • Sensitivity: 10-27 e·cm systematic error • Muon EDM LOI: (http://www.bnl.gov/edm) to J-PARC.
Muon EDM Letter of Intent to J-PARC/Japan, 2003 † † # • †Spokesperson • # Resident Spokesperson
Predictions in Specific Models 50 effect at 10-24 ecm Exp. Sensitivity! The predicted value for the electron is 10 times less than the current experimental limit.
Predictions in Specific Models T. Feng, et al., hep-ph/0305290 “Lepton Dipole Moments and Rare Decays in the CP-Violating MSSM with Non-Universal Soft-Supersymmetry Breaking” Experimental Goal
g-2 Values • Electron 0.0016 done • Muon 0.0016 doing • Proton 1.8 ------ • Deuteron -0.15 OK!