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Brugada. Group 6 Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health. HISTORY. MS 25 years old Male Filipino Roman Catholic Pasig City Informant: Self Reliability: Very Good. General Data. Loss of consciousness. Chief Complaint. 30 minutes PTA Riding a motorcycle with companion
Brugada Group 6 Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
MS 25 years old Male Filipino Roman Catholic Pasig City Informant: Self Reliability: Very Good General Data
Loss of consciousness Chief Complaint
30 minutes PTA Riding a motorcycle with companion Chest discomfort described as tightness, diffuse, non-radiating, 6/10 severity with associated dyspnea lasting 30 seconds Stopped bike on sidewalk where vision dimmed Loss of consciousness lasting 2 minutes No headache, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, numbness No stiffening of extremities or drooling History of Present Illness
28 minutes PTA Pt regained consciousness, was diaphoretic Chest pains continued Was picked by a serendepititiously located RedCross van and rushed to TMC History of Present Illness
General (-) Fever, (-) Weight changes, (-) Fatigue Musculoskeletal/Dermatologic (-) Itching, (-) Muscle/joint pains, (-) Rashes HEENT (-) Vision/hearing problems, (-) Epistaxis/gum bleed, Respiratory (-) Hemoptysis, (-) Cough, (-) Wheezing Review of Systems
Cardiovascular (-) Orthopnea, (-)PND Gastrointestinal (-) N/V, (-) Dysphagia, (-) Heartburn, (-) Change in bowel habits, (-) Rectal bleed, (-) Jaundice Genitourinary (-) Nocturia, Dysuria, Frequency, Hematuria Endocrine (-) Heat intolerance, (-) Polyuria, (-) Excess thirst, (-) Cold intolerance Review of Systems
Nonspecific abnormal ECG, 2008 For pre employment Initially diagnosis unrecalled ECG repeated which turned out normal Head trauma, January 2010 Sustained while lifting machinery Causing bleeding, necessitating stitches No loss of consciousness, vomiting, or neurological sequelae Past Medical History
(+) Asthma, father's side (+) Hypertension, father's side (+) Myocardial infarction, father's side (+) DM, mother’s side (+) Stroke, mother’s side (+) Leukemia, mother's side (-) PTB, Kidney Disease Family History
College graduate Systems developer Cohabiting, no children Current smoker (2 pack years) Occasional alcohol beverage drinker (3 / month max 3 bottles) No history of illicit drug use Personal/Social History
General Alert, coherent Height 166 cm, Weight 68 kg, BMI 24.7 Vital Signs BP 110/80, HR 88, RR 19,T 37.1 C Skin pink, no rashes/scars/lesions Physical Examination
HEENT Normocephalic Anicteric sclerae, Pink palpebral conjunctivae Moist pink lips, pink buccal mucosa (-) Nasal discharge, (-) facial tenderness (-) TPC, (-) CLAD, non distended neck veins Physical Examination
Respiratory Symmetric chest expansion Resonant chest wall (-) Rales, rhonchi, wheezes Cardiovascular PMI 5th ICS LMCL Normal rate, regular rhythm Distinct S1 and S2, (-) Murmurs Physical Examination
Abdominal Flat abdomen Normoactive bowel sounds Tympanitic on percussion No tenderness on light and deep palpation No organomegaly Extremities Full and equal pulses CRT <2s , no cyanosis Physical Examination
Neurologic Cranial Nerves intact Motor 5/5 on upper and lower extremities Sensory - no deficits Physical Examination
CBC Electrolytes Thyroid Function Tests CKMB, CKMM, CK Total PT, PTT Creatinine, Uric acid, Lipid Profile CBG: 97 Diagnostics