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SOUND AS A WAVE. Sound is vibrations. http:// www.schooltube.com/video/478b39e6e824d4b4419f/sound%20is%20vibrations. What type of wave?. Sound waves are longitudinal wave. What is vibrating and making the wave?. Sound Waves.

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  2. Sound is vibrations http://www.schooltube.com/video/478b39e6e824d4b4419f/sound%20is%20vibrations

  3. What type of wave? Sound waves are longitudinal wave. What is vibrating and making the wave?

  4. Sound Waves http://dev.physicslab.org/Document.aspx?doctype=3&filename=WavesSound_IntroSound.xml

  5. What are characteristics of waves? • Wavelength, λ • Period, T • Frequency, f • Amplitude

  6. Frequency What we hear is frequency. That corresponds to PITCH

  7. Amplitude This is how much energy is put into sound. This is referred to as LOUDNESS (unit decibels)

  8. Intensity Intensity = Power / 4πr2 (units of Watt/m2 )

  9. Decibel to Intensity scale

  10. Problem You are 2m away from your sister yelling at the top of her lungs. Her scream has a power output of .1W. Based on the table, what is that comparable to ad how loud is it?

  11. Beats A beat is when two waves of different frequencies meet up. http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/superposition/superposition.html http://www.sciencejoywagon.com/physicszone/09waves/ http://library.thinkquest.org/19537/

  12. Traveling sound waves Where can sound waves travel? • Metal? • Air? • Liquid? • In a vacuum? Demo of cell phone in vacuum?

  13. How do sound waves travel? http://www.schooltube.com/video/680c3e5ce3ff40028617/12%20-%20How%20Do%20Sound%20Waves%20Travel?

  14. Speed of sound V sound = 343 m/s

  15. Compare to speed of light When lightning occurs, which occurs first? • The lightning flash? • The sound of it striking? • Fireworks Example http://www.schooltube.com/video/9ad398d3cfc0f7f8f378/Fireworks%20in%20the%20Distance

  16. Does temperature affect speed? The lower the temperature, the easier for sound to travel.

  17. What is the Doppler effect? Where have you heard the term doppler effect? http://www.schooltube.com/video/1f56ffac5690b211203e/Doppler%20Effect

  18. Doppler Effect http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/PVB/Harrison/Flash/ClassMechanics/Doppler/DopplerEffect.swf http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/doppler/doppler.html Frisbee demo/sound demo

  19. Wave interference Where do you sit at a concert with big speakers? http://www.falstad.com/ripple/

  20. Resonance What happens when a standing wave occurs in sound? Recall the falling bridge. http://www.schooltube.com/video/baa2f20243d55dfc51c2/Tacoma%20Narrows%20Bridge%20Collapse http://www.acoustics.salford.ac.uk/feschools/waves/wine1video.htm

  21. Video Review http://www.acoustics.salford.ac.uk/schools/lesson_starters/index.php?content=index Other clips: http://science.howstuffworks.com/search.php?terms=sound+video&gallery=1&media=video

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