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WAVE and SOUND. Amplitude - is the maximum distance the particles in a wave vibrate from their rest positions. Frequency - the number of waves produced in a given time. Wave Velocity - is the speed with which a wave crest passes by a particular point in space

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  1. WAVE and SOUND

  2. Amplitude- is the maximum distance the particles in a wave vibrate from their rest positions. Frequency - the number of waves produced in a given time

  3. Wave Velocity - is the speed with which a wave crest passes by a particular point in space • It is measured in meters/second. • Wave Velocity = Frequency  Wavelength

  4. Speed of Sound • Medium velocity m/sec air (20 C) 343 air (0 C) 331 water (25 C) 1493 sea water 1533 diamond 12000 iron 5130 copper 3560 glass 5640

  5. Sounds and Mediums Waves must have medium in order for sound to be heard Of the three mediums (gas, liquid, and solid) sound waves travel the slowest through gases, faster through liquids, and fastest through solids. Temperature affects the speed of sound. http://www.ndt-ed.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Sound/tempandspeed.htm

  6. Pitch -description of how high or low the sound seems to a person . Loudness- how loud or soft a sound is perceived to be.

  7. Loudness of Sound in Decibels

  8. Ultrasound - sound waves with frequencies above the normal human range of hearing. Sounds in the range from 20-100kHz Infrasound - sounds with frequencies below the normal human range of hearing. Sounds in the 20-200 Hzrange

  9. Obstetric Ultrasound • Date the pregnancy (gestational age) • Confirm fetal viability (if it is living) • Determine location of fetus, intrauterine vs ectopic • Check the location of the placenta in relation to the cervix • Check for the number of fetuses (multiple pregnancy) • Check for major physical abnormalities. • Assess fetal growth • Check for fetal movement and heartbeat. • Determine the sex of the baby

  10. 4 D Ultrasound Images

  11. Animals In Utero

  12. Other Uses of Ultrasound • Medical • Detecting blood-clots in arteries and veins • Eye scans • Any soft tissue scans (organs, skin, muscles, etc) • Biopsies • Break up kidney stones • Chemotherapy – delivery of medicines using high frequency • Jewelry Cleaning - UltraSonic • Humidifiers • Identification Badges • Sonar in submarines and ships • Product testing – finds flaws in materials • Used in Horses to detect injuries • Used in Beef Industry to evaluate fat thickness, rib-eye area and to improve breeding procedures

  13. Ultrasound in Animals • Echolocation (Echoes) - Sonar • Using echoes for communication, navigation and foraging • Bats and Whales / Dolphin, Shrews, Cave-dwelling birds, Tenrecs • Humans use of echolocation • Called “Perceptual Mobility” • Blind persons

  14. Whales, elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceros, giraffes, okapi, and alligators are known to use infrasound to communicate over distances—up to hundreds of miles in the case of whales. • Tigers use low frequency growls to • paralyze their prey • It has also been suggested that migrating birds use naturally generated infrasound, from sources such as turbulent airflow over mountain ranges, as a navigational aid.

  15. Infrasound: Paranormal Activity and Religious Activity • Documentation of infrasound and ghost activity • Ghosts and spirits emit low frequency sound waves • Extreme bass of Organ music triggers spiritual feelings or a feeling of a person nearby or a presence.

  16. Infrasound and Other Mental and Physical Effects • Infrasound can cause fear, have a negative effect on a person physically and even cause death. • Elevated blood pressure and heart rate, nausea • Release Endorphins – leads to adrenaline response • Anxiety, coldness, tingling sensations, sorrow, shivers down the spine

  17. Interference • The result of two or more sound • Waves overlapping

  18. Interference Constructive Examples Destructive Examples Noise Cancelling Headphones Pilots – decreases noise from high decibel environments Construction Workers • Iridescence • Bubbles • Butterfly wing colors • Musical Instruments • Instruments harmonize and become one sound

  19. Doppler Effect Change in the frequency of a sound caused by the motion of either the listener or the source of the sound.

  20. Doppler Effect and Sonic Booms • If the source is moving as fast or faster than the speed of sound, the sound waves pile up into a shock wave called a sonic boom. • A sonic boom sounds very much like the pressure wave from an explosion

  21. Resonance the frequency of sound waves exactly matches the natural frequency of an object. Suspension Bridges and Resonance Bridge Video Clips

  22. Magnetic Resonance ImagingMRI • Medical imaging using powerful magnets, radio frequency and atoms in the body • Used for more detailed images of the heart, brain, etc. Used to detect cancers • No Ionizing radiation (cancer causing)

  23. How the ear works animation Cochlear Implants and Hearing Loss Sound and Fury Debate over Cochlear Implants Hearing Frequency Test

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