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Questions About Instructional Objectives. Why do we need to write instructional objectives? What are IO good for?How do instructional objectives relate to the curriculum standards in my content area?Why are the verbs we use in instructional objectives so important? Why does the verb need to be pr
1. Language & Content Objectives Jill Kerper Mora
San Diego State University
2. Questions About Instructional Objectives Why do we need to write instructional objectives? What are IO good for?
How do instructional objectives relate to the curriculum standards in my content area?
Why are the verbs we use in instructional objectives so important? Why does the verb need to be precise?
Why do we need to create both language and content objectives?
What is the difference between a language objective and a content objective?
4. From Curriculum Standard to Instructional Objectives 8.6 Students analyze the divergent paths of the American people from 1800 to the mid-1800s and the challenges they faced, with emphasis on the Northeast.
Discuss the influence of industrialization and technological developments on the region, including human modification of the landscape and how physical geography shaped human actions (e.g., growth of cities, deforestation, farming, mineral extraction).
Outline the physical obstacles to and the economic and political factors involved in building a network of roads, canals, and railroads (e.g., Henry Clay's American System).
List the reasons for the wave of immigration from Northern Europe to the United States and describe the growth in the number, size, and spatial arrangements of cities (e.g., Irish immigrants and the Great Irish Famine).
6. The Lesson Cycle for ELD/SDAIE Instruction
7. Language & Concept Development Language provides labels and categories for familiar concepts.
Language provides a means of describing or expressing already learned concepts.
ELL need much more explicit language instruction & support.
9. Characteristics of Effective Instructional Objectives Student-oriented: telling what students will do rather than what the teacher will do.
Descriptive of learning outcomes: It is the learning outcome, not the learning activity that are described in IO.
Clear & understandable: IO are explicit, using a clearly stated action/process verb
Observable: IO indicate what behavior(s) demonstrate that students have mastered the objective.
10. SWBAT Verbs are Essential Vague & unobservable To know
To understand
To learn
To appreciate
To study
To realize
To value
To review Observable actions/products To analyze
To predict
To locate
To explain
To summarize
To select
To list
To choose
To classify
11. Is it Language or is it Content? Language Key vocabulary
Language functions
Language skills
Grammar or language structures
Lesson tasks
Language learning strategies
Academic language Content Factual knowledge & information about a topic
Simple or complex concepts
Concrete or abstract concepts
Processes, dynamics & systems
Critical thinking about content
13. Verbs for Instructional Objectives Language Objectives Listen for
Find the main idea
Content Objectives Generalize
Draw conclusions about cause & effect
14. Key Vocabulary Objectives State what technical terms, concept words or labels, and other words or expressions students need to discuss, read, or write about the topic of the lesson.
Are based on a determination of whether the vocabulary for the concept or the concept itself is unknown.
Must include “ordinary language” about the topic for ELL with lower levels of language proficiency.
15. Common vs. Academic Words Science
kingdom Math
16. Language Functions Objectives Define how students will use language in the lesson or demonstrate knowledge of the content.
Must be made explicit for ELL since they may not have mastered the “meta-language” to talk about their thinking about the content.
Often contain a critical thinking or analytical skill (categorize, compare & contrast, etc.)
May refer to sentence frames, use of “signal words” or academic language students need to talk, read & write about a thought process or patterns among facts, concepts & information about the topic.
17. Language SkillsInstructional Objectives for Listening Determine listening objectives to increase discrimination & comprehension of sounds, words & sentences
Use listening action words: Identify, names, match, select, list, define, sort, display, label...
18. Language SkillsInstructional Objectives for Speaking Determine speaking objectives to elicit authentic oral language use by purpose & function
Use speaking action words: retell, describe, recite, summarize, explain, narrate, role play, report
19. Language SkillsReading & Writing Objectives Link objectives to the Reading/Language Arts Standards
Include critical thinking skills as well as mechanical and decoding skills
Use action words: summarize, compare & contrast, explain cause & effect, distinguish fact & opinion, paraphrase, outline
20. Grammar or Language Structures Describe spoken & written discourse patterns such as questioning patterns, verb tenses, paragraph writing, pronoun usage.
May define specific word study processes and outcomes, such as prefixes & suffixes for descriptive words or for making comparisons.
Require the use of language structures in context as well as explicit instruction in pre-teaching or analyzing authentic text. Avoid artificial or de-contextualized grammar & word study.
21. Lesson Task Objectives Require analysis of the linguistic demands of a task in relationship to ELL students’ level of English language proficiency. Ex: Do students know the format for writing a report or does this require explicit teaching?
Require analysis of the text students’ will read. Ex: Does the text have features that support students’ reading comprehension such as definitions of key vocabulary, graphs & charts to display data, maps, etc.?
22. Language Learning Strategies Define self-monitoring & self-correcting strategies such as making & confirming predictions.
Support students in using strategies to locate information within a text: Ex. Students will find “embedded definitions” within a text.
Often involve translation or transformation of language or text into another form, such as outlining, paraphrasing, retelling in students’ own words, or representing information graphically.
Address skills students need to help them when they don’t understand or “get stuck” with unfamiliar language or content.
23. References Cooper, J.M. (Ed.) (1994).Classroom Teaching Skills, 5th Edition. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath & Co.
Echevarría, J., Vogt, M. & Short, D.J. (2010). Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.