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INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee By Jan van Schalkwyk Professional Standards Committee May 2014
INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee The CBC regards itself as the INTOSAI advocate for, and custodian of, SAI capacity development. The CBC strives to facilitate initiatives in support of SAIs and regions, building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities What is the proposed value of the CBC going forward: Strategically and constructively challenging current structures, priorities, programmes and capacity building activities Identifying and addressing capacity-building overlaps, gaps and inconsistencies within INTOSAI Facilitating initiatives in support of SAIs and regions, building their capacities and enhancing their capabilities Partnering with existing capacity-building providers and coordinators, to enabling a greater impact of their efforts;
INTOSAI CBC To add value by (cont.): Championing closer cooperation between the CBC, PSC and KSC in the interest of capacity building and the efficient use of INTOSAI resources Facilitating a greater capacity-building role for the INTOSAI regions, from both a participation and an accountability angle, while recognising their diversity Supporting capacity building through knowledge sharing, e.g. by encouraging coordinated audits Supporting the verification or assessment of capacity-building efforts in the form of peer and/or self-assessments Exploring opportunities and encouraging initiatives for the certification and accreditation of auditors
ISSAI development by CBC ISSAI 5800 Draft ISSAI 5800 ended its exposure period on in October 2013 – comment received from 25 SAIs published on SAI comments are being processed by SAI Peru and SAI Germany for presentation to CBC Steering Committee on 11 September 2014 Draft ISSAI 5800 translation into INTOSAI official languages only after September CBC meeting – submission to INTOSAI Governing Board therefore only likely in 2015, followed by publication on INCOSAI endorsement is planned for in 2016 ISSAI 5800 already being used in OLACEFS to guide peer reviews → Would the PSC approve of the CBC publishing the draft ISSAI 5800 on the CBC website after CBC SC approval in September 2014 (with a note that GB approval and INCOSAI endorsement is pending)?