Photographer Amanda Homulos
A typical day of the job is pretty hectic. A photographer never has a set amount of hours unless you are working in a studio people usually tend to work up to 40 hours a week or more. A commercial photographer tends to travel and has long hours of work. Being a photographer is fun because you get to work with many different people and travel the world. You are never taking pictures of the same thing and you can create your own pictures. You are your own boss. Job Overview
I am interested in this career because Photography is one of my favorite hobbies. I have wanted to become a photographer for the past three years, I started taking a photography course in my school last year. I am enrolled in the grade 12 course this year. I find that ii am not really learning a lot about photography. I am going to be taking a boot camp photography course on spring break for three days, I am going to learn about degrees and how to take a better photo. The reason why I got led into this job was because I thought it would be fun to do something that I love and make it my career. I feel strong in this department because it enables me to be creative, and because I am the photographer it is “MY” photograph. Why are you interested in this career? Why are you interested in this career? Why are you interested in this career?
In order for me to apply at Emily Carr university I need to pay $75 and complete an application form and if I am accepted I pay and send in my portfolio for $10. The third step to applying for university is sending in my application package which requires my official transcripts, a statement of intent, curriculum vitae and three recommendation letters. To become a photography major it will take me four years to complete school, ending with 129 credits. My first semester will require me to learn the culture of studio photography. I will earn 30 credits. Second year I will learn about Photo Immersion, Color, Digital Imaging, Open Studio, More History, Art and Culture. The following two years behind that will require me to complete numerous projects and also complete my photo practice. I am also required to internship in my third and fourth years if I plan to graduate. Education Pathway
Salary. A photographers yearly salary can range from $30k-$100k. A usual hourly wage is around $20. Depending how good you are at your work, the pay varies.
Working Conditions The working conditions of a photographer can vary. If you work in a studio, you most like work 40 hrs a week. But if you’re a photojournalist or a commercial photographer you hours are not set. Clothing also varies for a photographer; you must dress for the occasion. When you are starting out and learning how to become a photographer, you need to start working for a newspaper or a college magazine, because they tend to have their own equipment that you can borrow. You can shoot photography anytime of the year because it makes for a better picture, you don’t want to just have one season for photo taking because there would be no variety and people would get bored of your pictures and you would be out of a job because customers would not be purchasing your work.
R E L A T E D O C C U P A T I O N S Fashion designer, because my clothes are a huge part of my life, I basically collect thrift store clothes and vintage 80’s clothes. I want to take up designing my own clothes just as a hobby. My second career choice would probably be an interior designer. I love to move my room around all the time and switch new paintings around on my wall. My mom collects old house items also, so I think it would be fun to be an interior designer in my future.
http://www.ecuad.ca/programs/undergrad/bfa/photography https://accesscdn.bridges.ca/cx/careers/Education.do?occupationId=1713 http://www1.salary.com/-salaries.html