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What are the 3 types of vocation? Which one do most people belong to?

What are the 3 types of vocation? Which one do most people belong to?. Christian Vocation : the Laity. To explain with examples the vocation of lay people To give evaluate how Christians live out lay vocation. Identify 3 activities that lay people do: describe them.

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What are the 3 types of vocation? Which one do most people belong to?

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  1. What are the 3 types of vocation? Which one do most people belong to?

  2. Christian Vocation : the Laity • To explain with examples the vocation of lay people • To give evaluate how Christians live out lay vocation

  3. Identify 3 activities that lay people do: describe them. What do these examples tell you about what Christian vocation is about? Who is it for? **What kind of person is a Christian called to become? What kind of lay activities can you see going on here?

  4. Definitions • Lay person • Lay ministry • Lay vocation A baptised Christian Serving & loving God and others in daily life A role of service in the church

  5. what are the 3 vocations Christians are anointed with at baptism? • What is the role of each? Match them up and write them out. • **Imagine a parish bank account invests in countries ruled by dictators and tobacco firms. A parishioner notices this. What aspect of their Christian vocation leads them to action? Explain why. priest prophet When Christians are baptised, they are given the Holy Spirit, which anoints them as “priest”, “prophet” and a “king”. king To care for others eg visiting sick, fighting for justice, being fair and responsible at home and at work To stand up for truth and justice everywhere (following your conscience). To guide others in their faith journey eg retreats, preparation for 1st communion, confirmation etc. To bring God to people, eg bringing communion to sick, reading & serving at mass, being an example of Jesus’ forgiveness and love, praying for others

  6. Prophet, Priest and King Draw the tableIdentify ways in the passage in which Dave gives worship to God, speaks up for the truth, guides and helps others.

  7. “I am a good Christian. I put some money on the collection plate at mass”. What has this person not understood about what lay ministry is about? • “religion and politics do not mix”. Why is this a wrong understanding of Christian vocation?

  8. Lay Ministries: WHO AM I? prophet king priest • I help with the Children’s liturgy at the 11 am mass • -I give out Holy Communion at mass • -I run a scheme visiting old people in the parish • -I help prepare the altar for mass and other Church services • -I am on the rota for readings at mass • -I pass round the collection plate • -I promote the sale of Fairtrade in the parish • -I help run the parish confirmation programme

  9. Write out this statement and explain with labels what each of the underlined phrases is saying. CHRISTIAN VOCATION – God’s call to love and serve God and neighbour in a productive way: as Priest, Prophetand King.

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