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Apocalyptic Cults: Failed Utopias & Consequences

Dive into the failed prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family. Understand the beliefs, expectations, and deceptions within the religious movement. Explore the critical insights of Roberto di Stefano, a former Elder. Unveil the history of failed expectations, particularly the significant 1975 prophecy, and its impact on followers.

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Apocalyptic Cults: Failed Utopias & Consequences

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  1. The prophecies about the end of the worldas experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family Apocalyptic cults: failed utopias and consequences for followersFECRIS Annual Conference Saturday, October 13, 2012 Multipurpose hall, Salses-le-Château – France Lecturer : Roberto di Stefano Critic and Observer of Jehovah’s Witnesses religious movement

  2. Contents • Lecturer’s profile • JW beliefs: doctrinal and eschatological • JW: their message • Failed expectations • 1975 expectations and deceptions • JW current message, prophecies and expectations The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  3. Lecturer’s Profile Roberto di Stefano • Born in Alexandria Egypt to a catholic family • Brought-up as Jehovah’s Witness at age 2 • Baptized as Jehovah’s Witness at age 12 • Served as “Elder” for almost 30 years • Left the movement at age 59, 8 years ago The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  4. JW beliefs: doctrinal and eschatological More than doctrines, eschatological beliefs have the highest impact on their life and expectations You are attracted by their message You become a witness because of their message You remain a witness because of their message The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  5. JW beliefs: their eschatological message SALVATION The Stick The Carrot “End of the world” Paradise Earth The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  6. JW beliefs: their Survival condition message • Charles Taze Russell - original belief • Armageddon period of 40 years 1874-1914 • Culminating with Rapture of the Saints in October 1914 • The conversion of the Jews to Christianity • The destruction of all human institutions – Political, Commercial, Babylon the Great • The survival of most of mankind into Paradise Earth • Joseph Franklyn Rutherford- current belief • Armageddon is the final judgment day for ALL mankind • Only Jehovah’s Witnesses will survive • - 1936 Armageddon p. 34: “He is the source of all life, and all creatures who live must serve him. All will have to take their stand on one side or the other, either for or against Jehovah, and all who take their stand on God's side must now become his witnesses.” The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  7. Failed expectations Dates published by JW in relation to the “end of the world” Source: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/1800s.php The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  8. Last Failed “Prophecy” 1975 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  9. 1975 expectations and deceptions Start of the Millennium • Chronology – End of 6000 years of existence • Chronology – Length of “The Generation” • Chronology – Sealing & death of Saints • “Sign of the End” The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  10. 1975 expectations and deceptions Chronology 1. End of 6000 years of existence Creation days (7000 years each) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ | 7th day4026 B.C. ->----------------------------------->1914 AD >----->-1975 ->---------------------->2975 Adam Christ’s return end 6000 years end 7th dayArmageddon -> Millennium DECEPTION: Abandoned Silently- Adam would have lived 37 years before God realized … he needed a woman … Eve!) The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  11. 1975 expectations and deceptions Chronology 2. Within This Generation (Matthew 24:34) . . .Truly I say to YOU that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur. . . (Psalm 90:10) . . .In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; And if because of special mightiness they are eighty years. . . w1984-05-15 p.4-7 “1914—The Generation That Will Not Pass Away” 1914 >------------------------------------------------------>1994 ? Christ’s return Armageddon DECEPTION: Abandoned in 1995 w1995-11-01 p.16-21 A “Time to Keep Awake”- Interpretation changed 6 times- today would be over 100 years old! The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  12. 1975 expectations and deceptions Chronology 3. 144’000 - Sealing and Death of Saints 33 A.D. ->---------------------------------->1935 >------------->-1975 ->---------> ? Armageddon Pentecost Sealing of 144’000  Death & Rapture # 120 5000 52’465 10’550 11’824 DECEPTION: Abandoned in 2007 w2007-05-01 p.31 • Ageof last 1935 ‘sealed’ (Anointed) Saints in 2011 over 95 years old! • Number ‘Anointed’ increase instead of decrease 1994=8’617 2011=11’824 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  13. 1975 expectations and deceptions 4. “Sign of the end” – war, food shortages, earthquakes, man’s behavior … (Matthew 24:7) 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) . . . in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power. DECEPTION: Only sign left !!! - Common and ordinary for human beings since the age of time The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  14. 1975 – Impact of Failure • On the Watchtower’s Organization • On individual members The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  15. 1975 – Impact of Failure On the Watchtower’s Organization The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  16. 1975 – Impact On the Watchtower’s Organization Rate of increase in % in number of publishers Annual average increase in % 1970->1975 + 9.5% peak point + 13.5% in 1974 1975->1980 + 1.1% low point - 1.4% in 1978 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  17. Rate of increase in % in number of publishers Annual average increase in % 1940->1975 + 10.8% peak point + 38.45% in 1940 1975->2011 + 3.5% low point - 18.4% in 1945 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  18. 1975 – Impact of Failure On individual members The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  19. 1975 – Impact On individual members • Sold house & property • Left their rewarding job • Gave up education • Built-up food stock • Postponed dating / marriage • Postponed having kids • Took on debts • Gave-up medical treatments / operations 1966 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  20. How members are indoctrinated The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  21. How members are indoctrinated Mind control techniques to recruit & retain Between the many techniques: • The power of an illustration, image, picture • The overwhelming number of articles • The weight of words Ending up in: • Absolute loyalty to the Organization • Blind belief and commitment The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  22. The power of an illustration Armageddon according to Jehovah’s Witnesses The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  23. The overwhelming number of articles -> 66 ! 1975 – just an opinion? The Watchtower(16) February 15, 1970, pp. 117-120; May 1, 1970, pp. 265-271; May 1, 1970, pp. 271-277; September 1, 1970, p. 539; September 15, 1971 pp. 559-564; October 15, 1971, pp. 612-625; December 15, 1973, pp. 739-742; January 1, 1974, pp. 5-8; April 1, 1974, pp. 195-197; June 15, 1974, pp. 375-380; July 1, 1974, pp. 397-400; October 15, 1974, pp. 632-639; December 15, 1974, pp. 759-766; March 15, 1975, pp. 183-189; May 1, 1975, p. 285; July 15, 1975, p. 445 Awake! (13) October 8, 1971, pp. 7, 27-28; April 8, 1972, p. 16; July 22, 1972, p. 12; October 22, 1972, pp. 9-12; June 22, 1973, pp. 3-6; July 8, 1973, p. 29; September 22, 1973, p. 29; October 8, 1973, p. 5; October 8, 1974, pp. 18-22; November 8, 1974, p. 10; December 22, 1974, p. 29; February 22, 1975, p. 29; April 22, 1975, p. 29. The Watchtower(16) October 15, 1966, pp. 627-631; x 10 January 1, 1967, pp. 28-29; February 1, 1967, pp. 73-79; April 15, 1967, pp. 229-237; May 1, 1967, pp. 259-262; July 15, 1967, pp. 444-447; April 15, 1968, pp. 227-230; May 1, 1968, pp. 270-277; August 15, 1968, pp. 488-494; August 15, 1968, pp. 494-501; x 10 December 15, 1968, pp. 750-756; February 1, 1969, pp. 68-71; July 15, 1969, pp. 425-431; September 1, 1969, pp. 517-524; October 1, 1969, pp. 592-598; October 15, 1969, pp. 612-625; Awake!(14) October 8, 1966, pp. 17-20; November 8, 1966, p. 26; January 22, 1967, p. 26; September 8, 1967, p. 29; January 8, 1968, p. 19; February 22, 1968, p. 31; July 22, 1968, p. 30; September 22, 1968, p. 29; October 8, 1968, pp. 13-16 x 10 January 22, 1969, p. 15; January 22, 1970, p. 6; December 22, 1970, p. 10; July 8, 1971, p. 7; October 8, 1971, pp. 7, 27-28; Books, brochures (7) - Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God 1966, pp. 26-30, 35, 357; - The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life 1968, pp. 9, 88-89; - Is the Bible Really the Word of God? 1969, p. 125; - Aid to Bible Understanding 1971, p. 1100; - Paradise Restored to Mankind - By Theocracy! 1972, p. 282; - God‘s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached 1973, pp. 14, 44; - 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah‘s Witnesses, pp. 240, 256. The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  24. 1975 – The weight of words ***km5/74pp.3-6HowAreYouUsingYourLife?*** - excerpts This is something for all of us to give serious thought to: It would be entirely inappropriate for us, while professing to be Jehovah’s people, to try to live our lives with regard to ourselves only. As the apostle Paul wrote: “You do not belong to yourselves, … Are we not thankful that Jehovah God has purchased us … with the life of his own dear Son … Does it not cause you to want to show Jehovah your deep appreciation? … Are there ways in which you could share more fully in doing the will of God? Jehovah makes clear … that his will for us [is to] accomplish … a great work … we have such a short time left now in which to complete the Kingdom-preaching … Yes, the end of this system is so very near! Is that not reason to increase our activity? By carefully and prayerfully examining our own circumstances, we also may find that we can spend more time and energy in preaching during this final period before the present system ends. Many of our brothers and sisters are doing just that. The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  25. 1975 – The weight of words Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world’s end. … pioneer ranks include many who have health limitations, as well as some persons with families … do not be too quick to dismiss the possibility that you, too, may be able to pioneer. Give it careful and prayerful consideration. …an analysis will reveal that your life is encumbered with needless weights ask yourself: How am I using my life? Can I make adjustments that will enable me to pioneer? If I can, will failure to do so indicate to Jehovah that I am living to satisfy personal desires, rather than to do His will? So do not delay in giving serious consideration to this matter of how you are using your life. ***km5/74pp.3-6HowAreYouUsingYourLife?*** - excerpts The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  26. The weight of words • Km 1974-05 “How Are You Using Your Life?” • Personal experiences: • Mimma: 35 years after • Silvano: how he ruined his life The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  27. How about today? The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  28. What about today? Have they changed their message or their mind control techniques? What are their last prophecies and current expectations? The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  29. What about today? Their today’s message The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  30. JW – Has their message changed? - w1989 9/1 p. 19 §7 “Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium” “Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the ‘great crowd’, as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil”. - w2006 5/15 p. 22 §8 “Are You Prepared for Survival?” “During … Flood, Noah was a faithful ‘preacher of righteousness.’ (2 Peter 2:5) In these last days … Jehovah’s people are making known … good news about the possibility of surviving into the new world. (2 Peter 3:9-13) Just as Noah … preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah’s universal organization.” Read: “baptized and active (preacher) Jehovah’s Witness” The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  31. What about today? Their today’s mind control techniques The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  32. Continued Indoctrination • 2012-02-01 “The truth about Armageddon” • 2012-02-01 “When will the war of Armageddon come” Weekly WT congregation study 2012 • 2012-01-15 “Learn Watchfulness from Jesus’ apostles” • 2012-02-15 “Imitate Jesus’s example of Watchfulness” • 2012-03-15 “Maintain your sense of urgency” • 2012-03-15 “Do not look at ‘the things behind’” • 2012-04-15 “Jehovah safeguards us for salvation” • 2012-05-15 “Trust in Jehovah; the God of ‘Times & Seasons’” • 2012-06-15 “Jehovah reveals what ‘must shortly take place’” • 2012-07-15 “Let Jehovah lead you to True Freedom” • 2012-09-15 “How this World will come to an End” • 2012-09-15 “Peace for a thousand years – and beyond” • 2012-10-15 “Obey God and benefit from his Sworn Promises” The overwhelming number of articles The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  33. Youngster’s indoctrination Keep the hope alive in your family Rejoicing in our hope“The Watchtower” March 15 – page 24 Note: Family head studying with children the Noetic illustration of the End of one World and its application to the current days, as taught by Jesus. Drawing Parallels! The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  34. What about today? Their last prophecies and current expectations The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  35. Today’s expectations Start of the Millennium • Chronology – End of 6000 years of existence • Chronology – Length of “The Generation” • Chronology – Sealing & death of Saints • “Sign of the End” The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  36. What do JW expect to happen today? Satan will maneuver both governmental and military agencies into an all-out assault on those who worship Jehovah God. The scale of the attack will be global. The response from Jehovah God will be of a magnitude greater than any action that he has taken in the past. - w 2012-02-01 p.7 “The truth about Armageddon” “How this world will come to an End” - w 2012-09-15 p.4 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  37. JW and the end of the world – 2034? *** w03 12/15 p. 15 Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency *** “Warned of ‘Things Not Yet Beheld’” 6 In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.”—Genesis 6:17. 7 Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. “After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,” says the apostle Paul, “[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7) What about us? Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” states the Bible. (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah’s will with a keen sense of urgency.”” 120 years 1914 > > 2034 The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  38. JW and the end of the world – 2034? 120 Years B.C. 2490 >-------------------------------------------------------> 2610 Noetic decree Flood A.D. 1914 >-------------------------------------------------------> 2034 Christ’s parousia Armageddon(?) The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  39. The end is yet to come Don’t worry ! The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  40. Jehovah’s Witnesses & the end of the world Armageddon is still around the corner The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  41. Thank you! THE END Of the speech … not the world! The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  42. The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  43. 1975 – Impact On the Watchtower’s Organization Publishers The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  44. 1975 – Impact On the Watchtower’s Organization Newly Baptized ratio to Publishers & hours The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

  45. 1975 expectations and deceptions 1. Chronology Creation days (7000 years each) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ |_______ | 7th day – Millennium 4026 B.C. ---------------1914 AD------1975 AD--------------------- 2975 AD Adam Christ’s return end 6th millennium end 7th day(Adam would have lived 37 years before God realized … he needed a woman … Eve!) silently abandoned since 2. Within a Generation The 1914 would have seen the end. 1914->1994. Interpretation changed 6 times – abandoned in 1995 (today they would have been 100-120 years old) 3. Rapture of the Holly ones Sealing of 144’000 ->1935: 1975 ~60 - abandoned in 2007 - Watchtower May 1 2007 p.31 (today they would have been 110 years old) 4. “Sign of the end”Mt.24; Luc 21; Marc 13 – war, food shortages, earthquakes … Only one left The prophecies about the end of the world as experienced by a Jehovah’s Witness family

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