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Fruit Basket Surprise - Engaging Activities for Kids

This activity plan includes fun and interactive steps to enhance students' motivation and interest, including guessing games, storytelling, role-playing, and a fruit tasting graphing activity.

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Fruit Basket Surprise - Engaging Activities for Kids

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  1. Procedure Activity 1 Step 1 (15minutes- L1/L2) Risingstudents’ motivation and interest. Childrenentertheclass and find a basket coveredwith a cloth. Theyhavetopredict: What’s in the basket? Whentheyguess it’s a fruit basket, askthemtodrawthefruittheythink it’s in the basket and thequantity I thinkthere are…. Step 2 ( 15 minutes – L1/L2) Removethecloth and letchildren check iftheyguessedfruit and quantity. Tellthemtodraw, on theworksheet, a happy face nexttothefruittheyguessed it was in thebasket Language skchildrento record number of fruitsthere are in thebasket: How manypeaches are there in the basket? Is thereanypineapple in the basket? Content

  2. Activity 2 Video Handa'sSurprise Childrenwillseethe video of theHanda'sSurprise Story more thanone time. Step 1 Story telling and game Readthestory and role play game Role play wouldbegood ,wecould set up an African themedrole play area, wecould use a basket, plasticfruit, sheetsforthechildrentodress up .Masks can be used as well.

  3. Play theHanda'sSurprisemaching game and order thestor Play a matching game, using cards of the fruits and the animals get the children to match the fruit to which animal ate . -eachchildrenisananimal - eachchildrenhas a card -children stand in a long line -Handamove long the line asyoureadthe story As Handamovetheanimalseatthefruit At the end of theStory Step2 Make theHanda'sSurprise story long rolls wall paper sticking on theclassroom wall thesequences of the story Language: Who isthemaincharacter? Whatappen first ? Whatappennext? Whatappenlast? Writesimplesentences – My favouritefruitis……….. My favouriteanimalis………. I'm eaten by - I'm a monkey I eat banana Content :learn about differentfruits, and differentanimals

  4. Activity3 Handa‛s SurpriseFruitGame To play the game youneed -a board game -4 cardsbaskets .. -one or two dice .. -a counterforeach player .. -7 pieces of fruitcardsfor player .. -mandarinscardsto go tothecentre of thetable -2-4 players

  5. 1)Each player has a basket withsevenfruitscards 2)Allmandarincards go tothecentre of thetable. 3)Playerschoose a counter and beginto' start 4)The first player starts and movesclockwisearoundthetable. 5)Whenthe player landsananimalsquarethe player removethepiece of fruit. 6)Otherboxesgiveinstructions, some help and or hinder some players. 7)The winneristhe player withthe first empty basket. 8)Whenthishappens, he or shetakesallthetangerinecards and shouts "MANDARIN!!!!!"

  6. Activity 4 WheredoestheFruit come from? Step1 Todaywe’remappingourfruits and with a little research in the supermarket, thekids are discoveringwhereour food wasgrown and how long it traveledtogethere! A trip tothe supermarket, toseewhereourfruit and vegetablesweregrown. Luckily, most of thesupermarketslabeltheorigins of the produce, and kidswillbeabletogathertheir data quiteindependently. Once theydecidedwewerefinished, wecametoschoolto work on locatingtheorigins of thefruits. The olderkidscould decide they. wouldbebettertodrawpictures of thefruit and make a idenitycard . The children. Thancould use j stock and markers and theycould help eachotherdecipherhandwriting and illustrate their data.

  7. Step2 Who M I ?

  8. FruitEaters Description Thisisanentertaining, cooperative learninglessonwherestudentshavetheopportunitytotaste a variety of fruitsand tographwhich apple isthemost favorite. Studentspracticetheirspeakingskills by explainingtue results of thegroupgraph. The studentanalyzesresults of a surveyas part of a classdiscussion Materials -Basket of fruits -Stickynotes -Paper/pencil Procedures 1. Discusstheimportance of apples and differenttypes of food we use that are made from apples. Talk briefly about how apples are a goodnutritioushealth food. 2. Tellstudentsthattodaytheywilltastefourdifferentvarieties of fruitsand will make a graphtoseewhich apple isthemostpopular

  9. 3 theclasspredictwhichfruitwillbethemostpopular. Writethesewords on the board: Apple .... ClasswillraisehandsasanFruitiscalledout . Put a mark besideeachfruit word. Count results of themarksforeach apple and discussresults. 4 Divide theclassintotheirfourequalgroups. theclasstastethefruits and putthesticky on their favorite. 5 Call group1 to come tothe front. Giveeachchild in thegroupatleastonequestiontoanswer about theresults of thegroupgraph. AskwhichFruitwasthemostpopular? How manychoseeach apple? Which apple wastheleastpopular? How manychoosethatfrui 6 Aftereachgrouphascompleted sharing theirgraph, make a classgraph. 7 Students return toseats. Discussresults of classgraph.

  10. COLLABORATIVE LEARNING to help children learn through talk and activelearning in small groupstodevelopespeaking and listeningskillsgiving childrentheopportunitytoparticipate in theirownwords and language in theirown time withoutpressure

  11. Art activity Portraits Giuseppe Arcimboldo He wasborn in Italy in 1527 He paintedportraitsusingfruis , vegetable and flowers. And we'lltryto imitate him.

  12. Materials Some plasticplates ,picturesOF fruits,...... • Procedure • Make fourgroups • -Childrenwill collaborate alltogetherto create a picturelikeArcimboldo did. • Contentobjectives • Art: to know painter • stimulatethecreativity • Cooperation • Languageobjectives • Questions? • How manyfruit can yousee in thepicture....

  13. Students Speaking about thetopic Using the correct vocabulary Using the correct structure

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