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History at Warwick

Discover the rich history and diverse cultures of Africa, the Americas, Britain, China, Continental Europe, and South Asia at the top-ranked History Department at Warwick. Choose from a variety of exciting history degrees and engage with cutting-edge research.

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History at Warwick

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  1. History at Warwick

  2. Warwick History Department • 2nd in the latest Research Assessment Exercise • 6th in the 2014 The Complete University Guide and 16th in the QS World Rankings by Subject • 40 permanent academic staff, who research the histories of Africa, the Americas, Britain, China, Continental Europe, and South Asia • Over 600 undergraduate students and over 100 postgraduate students • The Department hosts three research centres: the Centre for the History of Medicine, the Global History and Culture Centre, and the Eighteenth Century Centre

  3. History Degrees at Warwick • Single Honours History (3 years) • ‘Modern History Stream’ • ‘Renaissance and Modern History Stream’ • History, Literature & Cultures of the Americas (4 years) • History and Politics (3 years) • History and Sociology (3 years) • History and Italian (4 years) • French and History (4 years) • German and History (4 years) • History (part-time)

  4. Single Honours HistoryModern History Stream • Year One • Two core modules, ‘The Making of the Modern World’ and ‘Making History’ • Two option modules selected from a set of broad-themed team-taught options • The choice to swap one of the option modules for a language module, such as French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. • Year Two • One core module, ‘The European World’ • Three option modules, at least one in early modern history • For those who studied language in Year One, the choice to continue studying that language in place of one of the option modules • Year Three • One core module, ‘Historiography’ • One ‘Advanced Option’ module • One ‘Special Subject’ module • One Dissertation

  5. Single Honours HistoryRenaissance & Modern History Stream • Year One • Three core history modules, ‘The Making of the ModernWorld’, ‘The Medieval World’, and ‘Making History’ • One Italian language module • Year Two • One core module, ‘The European World’ • Two option modules, at least one in early modern history • One Italian language half-module and a RenaissanceResearch Project • Year Three • One core module, ‘Florence and Venice in the Renaissance’,taught in Venice during the Autumn term • One core module, ‘Historiography’ • One ‘Special Subject’ module • One Dissertation Venice at dusk Venice at night

  6. History & Politics • Year 2: 1) 2nd Year History Option (early modern) • 2) 2nd Year History Option • 3) Political Theory from Hobbes • 4) 2nd Year Politics Option • Scheme B (predominately History) • Advanced Option and Special Subject • Dissertation or Historiography • 1 x 3rd Year Politics Option • Year 1: 1) Making of the Modern World • 2) Making History • 3) Introduction to Politics • 4) World Politics • Year 3: Scheme A (predominately Politics) • Advanced Option or Special Subject • Issues in Political Theory • 2 x 3rd Year Politics Options • Scheme C (equally weighted) • Special Subject • Advanced Option or Dissertation or Historiography • 2 x 3rd Yr Politics Options

  7. Year Abroad Opportunities • A year abroad is available through the ‘Erasmus Programme’, the ‘Americas Exchange Programme’, the China Year Abroad (to Xiamen University), and the Australia Year Abroad (to Monash University) • Places are allocated to students on a competitive basis through an application and interview process early in their second year • Students transfer to a four-year course, with the year abroad as the third year of study before returning for their final year at Warwick • Significant fee reduction for year abroad • Erasmus Programme destinations: • France (Clermont-Ferrand and Paris Diderot), Italy (Turin and Venice),Germany (Oldenburg and Darmstadt), Spain (Seville and MadridComplutense), and Turkey (Koç and Boğaziçi, both in Istanbul) • Americas Exchange Programme destinations include: • Connecticut, South Carolina, Wisconsin, California, Toronto, British Columbia, Barbados, Buenos Aires, and Santiago

  8. Examples of Second Year Option Modules In Modern History • Caribbean History: From Colonisation to Independence • "The Country of the Future?" Introduction to the History of Modern Brazil • History of Russia • History of Germany • Britain in the Twentieth Century • The History of Modern China • History of France • Gender, History and Politics in Britain, 1790-1939 • Nation and Memory in Eastern Europe c. 1848-1989 • Radical Politics and the Struggle for Democracy in Europe, 1918-1939 • Africa and the Cold War • Reform, Revolt and Reaction: the USA 1930-1975 • From Cradle to Grave: Health, Medicine and Society in Modern Britain

  9. Examples of Second Year Option Modules In Early Modern History • Germany in the Age of the Reformation • Religion and Religious Change in England • Georgian Britain • Galleons and Caravans • Deviance and Non-Conformity • Early American Social History • Politics, Literature and Ideas in Stuart England • The British Problem: Empire, Conflict and National Identities 1558-1714 • The Ottoman Empire and Europe, 1453-1922 • English Social History 1500-1700 • Society and Culture in France • British Parliamentary and Electoral Politics • The Renaissance in Europe

  10. Examples of Final Year Advanced Options • A History of the Latin American Drug Trade • China Encounters the Wider World • Conflict and Memory in Post-Colonial Africa • Florence and Venice in the Renaissance (taught in Venice) • Gender in Europe 1350-1650 • Legacies of Colonialism in East Asia, 1895-present • Legacies of National Socialism in the Arab World • Madness and Society • Medicine in America: from the Columbian Exchange to the Cancer Wars • Non-violent Resistance: A Global History 1830-2000 • Stalinism in Europe 1928-1953 • The American West • The Victorian City • The World of the Tavern Barthel Beham, Kermis(woodcut c.1530, detail)

  11. Examples of Final Year Special Subjects • Anti-fascism, Resistance and Liberation in Western Europe • British Culture and the Great War • Florence in the Age of Dante • India After Indira • McCarthy to Elvis: America in the Fifties • Northern Ireland 1968-1998 • Radicalism in the English Revolution • Religious Conflict and Civil War in France, c. 1560-1600 • Slavery and Slave Life in the American South 1619-1865 • The Birth of Modern Society? Britain 1660-1720 • The Elizabethan Reformation • The Russian Revolution, 1914-1921 • Treasure Fleets of the Eastern Oceans

  12. Graduate Employment What graduates from UK universities are doing Compared to graduates from Warwick’s History department 46.9% in work 32.7% in further study 6.8% combining work and study 8% still seeking work 5.6% not available/other 64.8% in work 14% in further study 9.6% combining work and study 7.4% still seeking work 4.3% not available/other • 85.4% of Warwick’s graduates from the History department are in graduate level work or further study and their median salary, six months after graduation, is £18,000. • Warwick is 4th in the Russell Group for graduate level jobs and 3rd in the highest average salary.

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