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Vacuum UltraViolet (VUV) Spectroscopy of TPB films

Vacuum UltraViolet (VUV) Spectroscopy of TPB films Temperature Effect on TPB Emission Lineshape. Roberto Francini Department of Physics Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Contacts : francini@roma2.infn.it +39 06 7259 4505. SLIDE 1. TPB Workshop 10/19/2012.

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Vacuum UltraViolet (VUV) Spectroscopy of TPB films

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  1. VacuumUltraViolet (VUV) Spectroscopyof TPB films Temperature Effect on TPB Emission Lineshape Roberto Francini DepartmentofPhysics Università di Roma Tor Vergata Contacts: francini@roma2.infn.it +39 06 7259 4505 SLIDE 1 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  2. Investigated TPB samplesweregrown at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory LNGS, INFN L’Aquila, Italy Samples obtained by dip-coating of glass substrates in polystyrene containing TPB Samples obtained by evaporation of TPB on different substrates SLIDE 2 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  3. Jablonskydiagram SLIDE 3 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  4. Configurationalcoordinates diagram PhotoLuminescence (PL) Spectra AbsorptionSpectra PhotoExcitation (PE) Spectra SLIDE 4 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  5. VacuumMonochromatorMcPhersonmodel 234/302 Focallength 0.2 m equippedwith a 30 WattsDeuteriumlampmodel 632 with MgF2 window, Spectralrange 115 – 380 nm. Closed-cycleHeliumCryostat Temperature range 12 – 300 K SLIDE 5 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  6. Measured VUV IntensitydistributionofDeuteriumlamp 128 nm SLIDE 6 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  7. TPB in polystyrene on glass EmissionSpectra Excited at 128 nm AbsorptionSpectra SLIDE 7 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  8. TPB in polystyrene TPB in PMMA J. Huang et al., J. Lumin. 81 (4), 285 (1999) SLIDE 8 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  9. TPB evaporated on glass Spettri di Emissione Eccitati a 128 nm EmissionSpectraExcited at 128 nm SLIDE 9 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  10. TPB evaporated on VIKUITI EmissionSpectraExcited at 128 nm SLIDE 10 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  11. mm (0,0) T = 12 K (0,4) Frank-CondonIntegrals (0,5) S = 2 Huang-RhysFactor ΔQis the coordinate displacement between the ground state and the excited state - Vibrational mode energy = 0.18 eV = 1450 cm -1 - Stretching mode vibrationoftrans-butadiene SLIDE 11 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  12. TPB in polystyrene on glass EmissionSpectraExcited at 128 nm EmissionSpectraof TPB on VIKUITI and in polystyrene Excited at 128 nm Temperatura 87 K (LAr) SLIDE 12 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  13. Photoluminescence (PL) and Photoexcitation (PE) in the UV-VIS range TPB in polystyrene on glass – T = 300 K TPB evaporated on VM2000 – 600 μg/cm2 – T = 300 K SLIDE 13 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

  14. T = 300 K EmissionSpectra (excited at 128 nm) of TPB evaporated on VIKUITI, TPB in polystyrene on glass and of a VIKUITI blank, comparedwith the emissionspectrumof a SodiumSalicylate film on glass. SLIDE 14 TPB Workshop 10/19/2012

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