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Finnish ALICE collaboration. Jan Rak, DongJo Kim, Sami Rasanen, Norbert Novitzky, Jiri Kral. FIN-ALICE activities in 2009. Preparation for the first data analysis .
Finnish ALICE collaboration Jan Rak, DongJo Kim, Sami Rasanen, Norbert Novitzky, Jiri Kral SAB meeting Helsinki
FIN-ALICE activities in 2009 • Preparation for the first data analysis. • Jyvaskyla team is leading the paper preparation group within physics working group PWG4 : two particle correlation, analysis of the high-pT particle and direct photon associated yield. • Tier 1/Tier 2 computing. • ALICE EMCAL: • Participation in the commissioning of the ALICE/EMCAL • Development/production/firmware development of the internal logic for the Trigger Region Units (TRU) for the single photon triggering in EMCAL • T0 maintenance and operation • T0 team shrank we have to find and train new personnel • Central Trigger Processor activities • Online monitoring • Trigger alignment and triggering scheme development (our plots shown in plenary QM09) • ALICE Run Coordination 2009-2010 • Teaching/trainings • 4th High-pT workshop in Prague http://cquark.fjfi.cvut.cz/~hpt09/index.html • Jyvaskyla Sumer school http://www.jyu.fi/science/muut_yksikot/summerschool/en/ • Participating in preparation 2010 CERN summer school with Paula Eerola • Experimental Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Physics • Summer trainee (CERN and JYFL) For more details see appendix. I have no time to talk about that here. SAB meeting Helsinki
2009 2010 LMC meeting May 13th 2009 Concerning the general schedule for 2010, all experiments agreed to the proposed schedule (+1 H.I week) and the 3 day stop every month SAB meeting Helsinki
APPENDIX SAB meeting Helsinki
T0 SAB meeting Helsinki
T0 • Detector modules • Check performance of PMT5 on T0-A • Afterpulses; measurements with magnetic field • Fast electronics • Installation of shoeboxes T0-A and T0-C • Pre-trigger tests with TRD team • Re-cabling of T0-A • Tests of new/spare modules • Solving RF pickup by ELMB • Reinstallation and tests of ELMB • Cabling optimization in VME crate • Add locking of L0 for laser calibration during the global run • Fine-tuning of HV, thresholds, delays, etc. • Readout electronics • New firmware for DRM and TRM configuration • DCS • New version with VME Scalers included • Configuration of readout electronics • Online luminosity monitoring • Test of archive DB • Test of configuration DB • Integration with ALICE DCS • Trigger • Tests of callibration trigger in global run • Full test of T0 as a trigger detector • Online & Offline • Test AMORE • Test QA and DA
Pulse shape characteristics of a micro-mesh PMT • Main peak • Afterpulses – TB December 2008 • “Ringing” • Additional structures in PMT amplitude spectrum (afterpulses, ringing, reflections) cause problems for TRD wakeup . • Attempt was made in 2007 to address the problem by redesigning the preamp (reflections fully eliminated, slightly better performance). • However, there is no significant difference between the old and the new design as neither handles afterpulses or ringing • Both should work OK in pp • Both will give additional pulses at higher amplitudes (PbPb) 7 SAB meeting Helsinki
EMCAL TRU SAB meeting Helsinki
ALICE EMCal Trigger • Trigger Region Unit (TRU) isresponsible for L0 generation • JYU took over the leading role inTRU firmware developmentduring first months of this year. • The whole L0 trigger algorithm was developed,crucial mistakes in already existing supportcode have been found and fixed since then. • Remote re-programming ability was added,to allow updates after cavern closure. • EMCal TRU was meant to copy firmwarefrom PHOS TRU. The situation turnedinto PHOS copying the EMCal solution. • The TRU project is back in scheduled track. TRU
Trigger Region Unit development • Final HW design reached • Production of first 12boards under way(Norbert) • Remote FPGA PROM programming option was introduced. (Jiri) PHOS copied the solution. • Trigger algorithms were implemented and passed first tests. (Jiri) • Faults in already closed code discovered and fixed / are being fixed. (Jiri)
Remote programming option • Remote re-programming of the FPGA and EPROM via JTAG is crucial, since without it, there would be no update possible after closing the cavern. • Reprogramming of both trigger and DCS embedded devices now possible. • A programming file simulating real HW setup is prepared by developer and placed on a server. Embedded DCS board pulls the file and runs program, that plays the file (text to TTL) + kernel and FPGA JTAG implementation. On-board drivers convert to differential for long range transportation. Specific differential to TTL adapters pass the signal to TRU. TRU TRU DCS DCS
Trigger Region Unit firmware • Trigger algorithm implemented, board controller almost done • Two important parts of firmware, which were believed to be finished and tested, had to be rewritten due to errors / incompatibilities. This introduced additional and unexpected work load, which was successfully resolved. • Errors found by Jiri in deserializer. Completely rewritten. • Wrong bitslip programming approach. Data window was shifting +- one bit due to chosen constant shift solution. Self adjusting algorithm developed and automated sync and deskew patter lock-on implemented. • Not ideal delay constants (dozens of ps) were chosen, making data lines instable with error rate ~ 1.4x10-8 % (20/hour). Thorough tunning performed. • PCB design fault discovered, reflections/power supply interference on data lines from two ADCs to FPGA, causing instabilities ~ 7x10-4 % (270/second). The two ADCs are not placed on final PCB (14 positions in total, 12 needed). No time left to fix the design error. • Fake ALTRO implementation was built incompatible with ALTRO standard. Under rewrite now.
Two particle correlation SAB meeting Helsinki
PHENIX s=200 GeV 0 and dir- assoc. distributionsattempt to measure Fragmentation Function Run 5+6 p+p @ 200 GeV Isolated photons FF?
PYTHIA quark/gluon FF Param. of the local slope by use of Negative Inverse Logarithmic Derivative
Comparison to PYTHIA well understood finally Main reason for the rising trend comes from the sliding fitting window.
LHC 14TeV PYTHIA -gluon jet (Annihilation) 17 % -u quark jet (Compton) 66 % NLO :hep-ph/9910252 points are p+p 14 TeV PYTHIA xE distribution, dashed line KKP FF parameterization Nucl. Phys., 2001, B597, 337-369 DongJo Kim, Prague High pT 2009
Development in kT –smearing @ pp Smearing effects in parton distribution where Fold smeared associated distribution over fragmentation function D(z) hadron-hadron gamma-hadron
Comparison with PHENIX preliminary data: Fragmentation function in calculations: FF = test In calculations: FF = (gluon+quark)/2 FF = (gluon+quark)/2 π0 FF γ
ALICE Central Trigger Processor • CTP Online Monitoring • Being finalized by DongJo Kim • Trigger Performance analysis • Various Trigger performance study via CTP trigger shapshot during 2008 Beam Injection • Nobert Novitzky, DongJo Kim, Jan Rak • Toos for Shifters are ready ( DongJo Kim ) L1/L2 Class/Cluster Counters ,orbit,bc …..
GRID Computing Running jobs :2008-curent • Tier1 with NDGF • Up and Running for past 2 years • CSC ( sepeli ) • Jyaskyla ( opaali ) • Dcache Disk server for an year • Running smoothly for various simulation and cosmic production and 2008 LHC Beam injection • Issues • No major technical issues • Coming years plan for maintenances and purchase • Antti Prinen ( HIP )
Teaching SAB meeting Helsinki