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FINNISH CHRISTMAS. Iisvesi daycare center 4- 6 year old children are telling you about their Christmas Eve.
FINNISH CHRISTMAS Iisvesi daycare center 4- 6 yearoldchildrenaretellingyouabouttheirChristmas Eve
On Christmas Eve morningweeatriceporridgewithcinnamon and sugar. There is an almondhidden in theporridge. Theonewhogetsthealmond, maywishsomething. Sometimesthewishcomestrue. We go to thecemeterywhen it is dark and takecandles to thegraves of lovedones. Therearethousands of candles and it looksbeautiful.
AftercomingfromcemeterywebringtheChristmastree in and thechildrenmaydecorate it. It`s a lot of fun. If wehavedonesomepresents to ourfamily, weputthembesidetheChristmastree. FatherChristmasbrings, of course, therealChristmaspresents.
Whenour home looksbeautiful and ready for Christmas, allthefamilygoes to sauna together. Whenit is verycold outside, sauna feelswarm and relaxing and wetalkaboutnicethings. It is verycozy. If wewantmorewarmsteam, wethrowwater to thehotstones. Sauna is oftenbeside a lake and sometimesadults go to swim in a ice hole and thengo back to warm sauna.
After sauna it is dinnertime. On thetablethereareham, reindeer, elk, chickenorsometimesturkey. Withmeatweeatpotatoes, rice, sauses and vegetables. Adultsloverutabagacasserole and carrotcasserole, butchildrendon`tlikethemverymuch. Desert is often made of plumsorwehavecakes and bisquitswithcoffeeor juice. Gingerbread is often made bychildren
Allthedaychildrenhavebeenwaiting for FatherChristmas. He lives in Korvatunturi, witch is a mountain in northern Finland, Lapland. If youcome to Finland, youcanmeetFatherCristmasthere. In Finland allthechildrenwriteletters to FatherChristmas. In theletterstheytellwhatkind of presentstheywouldlike to havefor Christmas. ReindeersarepullingFatherChistmas in a sled. It`snottrue, thatreindeerscanfly, but of courseSanta’sreindeersmusthavesomemagicaltalents! Anyway in Finland there is snowallaroundthe country sosledsareslidingeasily! FatherChristmasasksoften, havethechildrenbeennaughtyorwell-behaved. Buteverytimeallthechildrengetpresents. Children play withtheirpresentsrest of theevening and Christmasdishesmaybeeatenuntillit`ssleepingtime.