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Principles of Powerful Teaching and Learning for Social Studies

Principles of Powerful Teaching and Learning for Social Studies. EDEL 420 Susan M. Connolly. Meaningful. Connected to students’ lives inside and outside of school Depth of understanding of key concepts: teach for understanding, appreciation, life application

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Principles of Powerful Teaching and Learning for Social Studies

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  1. Principles of Powerful Teaching and Learning for Social Studies EDEL 420 Susan M. Connolly

  2. Meaningful • Connected to students’ lives inside and outside of school • Depth of understanding of key concepts: teach for understanding, appreciation, life application • Sustained focus and examination on a few key concepts rather than superficial coverage of many

  3. Meaningful Activities and Assessment • Activities focus student’s attention on the most important ideas • Assessments match activities: Authentic, classroom based, on-going

  4. Integrative • Topics integrate more than one discipline • Topics integrate across time (eras) and space (locations) • Teaching integrates knowledge, skills, beliefs, values, attitudes, and leads to action • Includes effective use of technology • Teaching integrates across the curriculum: Math, literacy (reading and writing), science…….

  5. Value-Based • The controversial issues and ethical dimensions of topics are viewed from the perspective of concern for the common good and application of common, democratic social values • Emphasizes critical thinking • Recognizes variety of views • Respect for well-supported perspectives • Sensitivity to cultural similarities and differences • Commitment to social responsibility

  6. Active • For the teacher, active teaching requires reflective thinking and decision-making AS events unfold during teaching • Students actively involved in AUTHENTIC knowledge constructing activities • Includes interactive discourse • Teacher’s role moves from guiding, modeling, explaining, giving information…………. • TO supporting student-led discovery, independence

  7. Challenging • Students expected to accomplish the learning goals – both as individuals and as groups • Teachers show respect for students’ thinking but demand (define this..) well reasoned arguments. THINK IT THROUGH • Teachers model thoughtful inquiry and support similar qualities in the students

  8. Acknowledgments • Expectations of Excellence: Curriculum Standards for Social Studies

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