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Chapter 19 Lophophorates Phoronida , brachiopods, bryozoans

Chapter 19 Lophophorates Phoronida , brachiopods, bryozoans. Phylum Phoronida. Marine organisms that live in sediments. Phoronida characters. Filter feeding Do not move Cilia create current to bring particles to tentacles; then to mouth Metanephridia

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Chapter 19 Lophophorates Phoronida , brachiopods, bryozoans

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  1. Chapter 19 LophophoratesPhoronida, brachiopods, bryozoans

  2. Phylum Phoronida Marine organisms that live in sediments

  3. Phoronida characters Filter feeding Do not move Cilia create current to bring particles to tentacles; then to mouth Metanephridia Blood vessel contains blood (w/ hemoglobin)

  4. Phoronida • Hermaphroditic • Sperm released from nephridia, collected by other individual • Embryo = actinotroch

  5. Phylum Brachiopoda • = “arm foot” • 2-valve shell • Marine lophophorates

  6. Phylum Brachiopoda characters • At poles or deep marine, permanently attached to substrate • Metanephridia • Circulatory system w/heart and contractile vessels - no blood pigment

  7. Brachiopoda • Sperm, eggs discharged from nephridiopores • Fert external

  8. Phylum Bryozoa • Moss animals • Colonial animals that attach to substrate • Marine (5000 species) and freshwater (50) • Fossils (15,000)

  9. Bryozoa • Secrete a covering around body • Asexual repro, hermaphroditic

  10. Bryozoa Sperm into coelomic cavity, released from openings in tentacles Neighbors collect sperm for fert. Some brood embryos

  11. Digestion • Phoronids, bryozoans: U-shaped • Brachiopods: U-shaped one-way tract

  12. Nervous systems • Ring at base of lophophore, around esophagus, or by pharynx • Mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors scattered

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