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The evolution of complexity. A primer on evolution and selection. 1.Selection is on Phenotypes not genotypes 2. Most mutations are neutral because of the degeneracy of genetic information. The wobble position of the 3 rd codon often leads to mutations that have no phenotype.
A primer on evolution and selection 1.Selection is on Phenotypes not genotypes 2. Most mutations are neutral because of the degeneracy of genetic information. The wobble position of the 3rd codon often leads to mutations that have no phenotype. 3. Evolution occurs on multiple (all) genes simultaneously – but at different rates (tempos). 4. There is a potential for lateral gene transfer – especially in prokaytotes. 5. Sexual recombination greatly increased genetic variability – because genetic information is contained in discrete units (genes) .
Molecular “clocks” The basic Poisson function for a mutation at any point in a codon dN/dt (I) = e- kt (kt)I/ I !
The evolution of Eukaryotes The acquisition of mitochondria and plasids – driving forces and evolutionary consequences Massive lateral gene transfers
Modes of Evolution Horizontal versus lateral gene transfer Selection versus neutral
Secondary symbionts • The evolution of modern eukaryotic phytoplankton • Drivers for secondary symbiosis – • retention of fixed N in the host cell (extreme oligotrophy) • plastid could obtain protection from predation (armor)
Euglenophyta Euglena Chlorophyta Bacillariophyta Odontella Chlorella psbM petA petD petL psaI rne rpl19 rpoA cysA cysT ftsW infA minD ndhA-I ndhK accD ccsA cemA chlB chlL chlN clpP Nephroselmis ftsW ndhA-I ndhK Cryptophyta Guillardia cemA cpeB ftrB ilvB ilvH infB minD pbsA psaK rne tsf psaM Rhodophyta Mesostigma Porphyra rpl22 thiG bas1 Cyanidium accD bas1 cpeB infB minD pbsA psbX rps20 Secondary endosymbiosis hisH minD ndhJ odpB rpl33 rps15 rps16 Streptophyta Glauco- cystophyta Cyanophora chlN cpcA cpcB cpcG dfr glnB gltB hisH infC nblA accA accB accD apcA apcB apcD apcE apcF argB carA ntcA odpA odpB petJ preA rpl28 trpA trpG trxA Marchantia rps16 rpl21 cysA, cysT rpl21, ndhA-K pgmA rpl9 rps1 syfB syh upp chlB chlL cpeA dsbD fabH fdx moeB Pinus cysA, cysT, rpl21 chlB,L,N, psaM atpI cemA minD odpB rne rpl23 rpl32 Nicotiana accD acpP apcA apcB apcD apcE apcF atpD atpG cpcA cpcB dnaK groEL hisH petF petM preA psaE psaF psbV psbW psbX rbcR rpl1 rpl3 rpl6 rpl11 rpl18 rpl28 rpl34 rpl35 rps5 rps6 rps10 rps13 rps17 rps20 secY trpG Oryza chlI ftsW minD odpB rne rpl5 rpl12 rpl19 rps9 tufA Zea clpP ftsW psbM rbcLg Secondary endosymbiosis glnB gltB ilvB ilvH infB infC moeB nblA ntcA odpA pbsA petJ pgmA psaD psaK psaL rbcLr rbcSr rpl4 rpl9 rpl13 rpl24 rpl27 rpl29 rpl31 rps1 secA syfB syh thiG trpA trxA tsf upp cystA cystT infA ndhA-K rps15 accA accB argB bas1 carA clpC cpcG cpeA cpeB dnaB dfr dsbD fabH fdx ftrB ftsH bioY crtE groES hemA mntA mntB nadA rbcSg > 90% of genes lost Primary endosymbiosis Ancestral photosynthetic prokaryote
Ancestral Rhodophyta genes? minD [minE] [accD] [odpB] ilvB ilvH (infB) (pbsA) psaK tsf Cryptophyta Guillardia cemA [(rne)] (cpeB) ftrB Euglenophyta Euglena atpI rpl23 rpl32 cbbX clpC dnaB ftsH psaD psaL rbcSr rpl4 rpl13 rpl24 rpl27 rpl29 rpl31 secA Bacillariophyta Odontella psbC psbD psbE psbF psbH psbI psbJ psbK psbL psbN psbT rbcLg/r rpl2 rpl5 rpl12 rpl14 rpl16 rpl20 [rpl22] rpl36 rps2 rps3 rps4 rps7 rps8 rps9 rps11 rps12 rps14 rps18 rps19 rpoB rpoC1 rpoC2 tufA atpA atpB atpE atpF atpH chlI petB petG psaA psaB psaC psaJ [psaM] psbA psbB acpA/P atpD atpG dnaK groEL petF petM psaE psaF psbV psbW (psbX) rbcR rpl1 rpl3 rpl6 rpl11 rpl18 rpl21 rpl34 rpl35 rps5 rps6 rps10 rps13 rps17 (rps20) secY [rdpO] cysA cysT infA [I-CvuI] [ndhA] [ndhB] [ndhC] [ndhD] [ndhE] [ndhF] [ndhG] [ndhH] [ndhI] [ndhJ] [ndhK] [rps15] thiG (bas1) ccsA petA petD petL psaI rpl19 [rpl33] [rps16] rpoA accA accB argB carA cpcG (cpeA) dfr (dsbD) (fabH) (fdx) glnB gltB infC moeB nblA ntcA odpA petJ (pgmA) rpl9 (rps1) (syfB) (syh) trpA trxA (upp) chlB (chlL) chlN clpP [ftsW] psbM apcA apcB apcD apcE apcF cpcA cpcB (hisH) Chlorophyta preA rpl28 trpG Rhodophyta bioY crte groES hemA mntA mntB nadA rbcSg Glaucocystophyceae Cyanophora