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Is it Worth it? Paul's Example of Faithful Service

Discover the powerful message from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13, where Paul exemplifies unwavering dedication to God's Word despite suffering and opposition. Explore the timeless lessons on selfless service, pure motives, and the transformative impact of trusting God's work through His Word. Reflect on living a life worthy of God's calling and finding worth in serving Jesus above all else.

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Is it Worth it? Paul's Example of Faithful Service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13

  2. 13And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

  3. Is it Worth it?

  4. Is it Worth it?

  5. Is it Worth it?

  6. Car? Australian Degree? Etc..? Is it Worth it?

  7. 1For you yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our coming to you was not empty. • Paul’s coming was not worthless! * Despite what others might think (some background…)* But Paul is an apostle..?! Is it Worth it?

  8. 2But though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the face of much opposition. 3For our appeal is not out of error or impurity or any attempt to deceive. • Paul knew suffering for Jesus is worth it * See Acts 16 & 17 * Paul was no fake * A powerful testimony, especially when nothing humanly to gain

  9. 4But, just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please people, but to please God who tests our hearts. 5For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a mask to cover up greed--God is witness. 6Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ. • Paul knew that wanting what God likesmore than anything else is worth it * Many are tempted to want other things… …Eg fame, money, pleasure, acceptance, success * So they give what others want, not what they need * God wants us to have pure motives!

  10. 7But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. 8Because we loved you so much, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us. 9For you remember, brothers and sisters, our labour and toil: we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. • Paul knew costly loving of others for Jesus is worth it * Yes, it will be hard work! (especially when you don’t want to do it…)

  11. 10You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers. 11For you know how, like a father with his children, 12we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory. • Paul knew a consistent life for Jesus is worth it * Parents & children etc? * Exhorted others to do likewise (not just apostles…)

  12. 13And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe. • Paul knew that trusting God to workthrough his Word is worth it * The Thessalonian believers also knew it (cf 1:6-8)! * How powerful is the Word of God? * All glory goes to God!

  13. How much is Jesus worth to us? • What are our core values? • How will we live for Jesus this year?

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