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中文四 , 中文五 F Block Course Objectives Students will:

中文四 , 中文五 F Block Course Objectives Students will: Build foundation in language skills ( 听 , 说 , 读 , 写 ) in an authentic context. Learn to decode and read independently in Chinese characters. Learn the appropriate grammatical structures and exercise critical thinking skills.

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中文四 , 中文五 F Block Course Objectives Students will:

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  1. 中文四,中文五 F Block Course Objectives Students will: • Build foundation in language skills (听,说,读,写) in an authentic context. • Learn to decode and read independently in Chinese characters. • Learn the appropriate grammatical structures and exercise critical thinking skills. • Learn survival expressions in authentic situations • Learn appropriate communication through exposure to home/away from home, traditional celebrations in modern days, career goals, media literacy, • and views on leisure): • 旅行Travel • 在机场 At the airport • 约会Dating • 租房子Renting an Apartment • 开学 (3eL2P1 L1) • 在饭馆儿 (3e L2P1 L3)

  2. Target of the week(五月二十三号 ~五月二十七号) • Chinese Saying - 成语chéng yǔ • 李白的诗shī • 诗 = poetry, poem • L3在饭馆儿- 生词

  3. Review (二○一一年五月二十三号星期一) • Complete L1大考 - 十五分钟 • Newsletter 开会 • loose ends • Publish date • Where • Encourage your friends to take it • Senior Finals • Sign up the two (lowest scores) quiz/test - 星期三 • Test Dates: 五月二十七号,五月三十一号 • Collect all year work, organized by lesson sequence • Char WS, Sentence WS, Quiz, WB, Test, Project, Handout • Due五月三十号

  4. 今天的功课 (五月二十三号星期一) • 念”静夜思”, memorize it (postponed) • Think of a English poem that conveys similar message

  5. Awards (二○一一年五月二十四号星期二) • 李白 • Known as 诗仙xiān (immortal, celestial), [701- 762] • the most popular Chinese poet, with a distinctively Romantic style. • 静夜思 “Thoughts on a Still Night” http://www.chinese-poems.com/lb4.html 床前明月光,Before (my) bed, the moon (is) shining bright (chuáng qián míng yuè guāng) 疑是地上霜。 (I) wonder, (it is) frost upon the ground. (yí shì dì shàng shuāng) 举头望明月,(I) raise (my) head, look at the bright moon, (jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè) 低头思故乡。(I) lower (my) head, think of home. (dī tóu sī gù xiān)

  6. Review (二○一一年五月二十五号星期三) • 念”静夜思” and English equivalent • L3在饭馆儿 - 学习目标 p.71 • 学四道菜 • 点菜和点饮料 • 喜好 • 不能吃什么? • L3在饭馆儿 - 问什么问题(in your community) • 还有什么菜? 美国菜? 法国菜? • Seasonings/spices? • Techniques? • More…

  7. L3在饭馆儿Char WS & V-table (p.78) • Identify radical, circle it, memorize • 一边写,一边说, • 1~2 pinyin, (sound out while writing) • 1word function • 4~8 chars (follow stroke orderand sound out) • 1~3CC (first CC from dialogue!) • SummarizeLanguage Notes p.74~77 (bottom) on Char WS • StudyV-table p.78 in a context • Listfour dishes in the dialogue (on WS) • Refer L1P2 L12 list four dishes (on WS)

  8. 今天的功课 (五月二十五号星期三) • FinishChar WS and study生词in context • Ready to discuss the food we are going to cook

  9. Review (二○一一年五月二十六号星期四) • Go over 生词p.78 // and Char WS • Go over 文化重点p.81 • 4 bullets on Char WS • Memorize 中文生词in 1. & 3. and Four Great Culinary Schools • Finalize Newsletter – when, how, where, who • 开始 Project “煮zhǔ/做中国菜” • What: Four teams, each team presents one dish from L1P2 L12, L2P1 L3 • How: Gather info on-line, cook book, from friends • When: 今天 ~ 六月一号, 六月二号 • Where: L10 • How much: serve 6 • Who: Four players per team

  10. Player 1– ingredients & instructions.ppt - due 明天 • Contains pictures, ingredients, instructions (中文和英文) • Communicate with team and email me • Player 2 – 买菜- due下星期二 • Buy ingredients and label them (中文和英文) • Spread expenses with teammates • Bring to Player 4 • Player 3 – menu.ppt - due下星期二 • Contains art work, pictures and prices (中文和英文) • email me, I will put all four together • Player 4 – 准备and 煮菜- due下星期三 • Wash, Cut, Marinate food  the night before • Pack a serving plate, server, prepared food, sauce and spice, cooking utensils

  11. 今天的功课 (五月二十六号星期四) • 开始 Project “煮zhǔ/做中国菜” • Rubrics • Ingredients, recipe, food and presentation • Teamwork, communication • Manner, menu, art • Clean up

  12. Seniors Final (二○一一年五月二十七号星期五) • Part I • Study L3生词 // non-seniors • V-table p.78 • + L1P2 L12 V-tables • CCs P.90 ~ 93 • Comprehend exercises • How are they use in the dialogue • How would you use them

  13. 今天的功课 (五月二十七号星期五) • Project “煮zhǔ/做中国菜” • Ingredients, instructions , shopping - due下星期二 • Email teammates and me

  14. Target of the week(五月三十一号 ~六月三号) • L3在饭馆儿- 生词 • 正好,特别是,麻烦, • 比如说, 这要看。。,比如说 • 煮zhǔ中国菜 - project • L3在饭馆儿– 语法

  15. Seniors Final(二○一一年五月三十一号星期二) • Part II. • Recap your preparation for Cooking project • ingrediants_ instructions.ppt // sent? • Menu.ppt // sent? • Chef’sprep tonight // got the food? • Chef’spresentation tomorrow in Chinese • Each team bring in 6~8 plates, utensils // Question/special need? • Each team has about 5~8 minutes to cook • 15 minutes to eat • Sequence of presentation • 李老师准备: • Post your ppt files to wikispace • stove, wok, 筷子,盘子,碗, spice& sauce thatyou couldn’t get

  16. Newsletter • Meeting – when, who, where, how much each location, how • L3生词 // non-seniors • V-table p.78 • + L1P2 L12 V-tables • Any Q on your ppt files? • 味道wèi dào p.94 • 甜甜的,酸酸的, 辣辣的, 咸咸的,… // duplicate adj • Spicy or not p.95

  17. 今天的功课 (五月三十一号星期二) • “煮/做中国菜” – postponed to 星期四 • Player 4 - 准备food according to recipe instruction • Wash, Cut, Marinate food • Get familiar with the instructions, recipe • Prepare presentation in 中文 • Pack a serving plate, prepared food, sauce and spice, cooking utensils • Make sure ingediants, instructions, menu ppt sent

  18. Review (六月一号星期三) • Seniors finish Finals • Non-Seniors study for 生词小考- 下星期一 • Checklist on your recipe ppt files • Team 1 • Team 2 • Team 3 • Team 4 • Collect WS,QZ,TST, handouts

  19. 今天的功课 (六月一号星期三) • Study L3生词 & Char WS • Study生词 V-table in contexts • Bring in your year work - 明天 • Organized by lesson sequence • Char WS, Sentence WS, Quiz, WB, Test, Project, Handout

  20. Review (六月二号星期四) • Collect Seniors Year work – organized by lessons & chronicle • Collect Seniors missing HW • Presentation • Each team has a staging table • camera ! • Team 1 - 麻婆豆腐má pó dòu fǔ • Team 2 - 鸡炒饭jī chǎo fàn • Team 3 - 蔬菜炒牛肉shū cài chǎo niú ròu • Team 4 - 葱油饼cōng yóu bǐng • 辛辛苦苦地做,快快乐乐地吃!

  21. Review (六月三号星期五) • Reminder: L3 生词小考- 下星期一 • Congratulations to Seniors! 一帆风顺! • Movie “Mao’s Last Dancer”

  22. 今天的功课 (六月三号星期五) • Study L3生词 & Char WS • Study生词 V-table in contexts

  23. Target of the week(六月六日~ 六月十日) • L3在饭馆儿- 生词 • 正好,特别是,麻烦, • 比如说, 这要看。。,比如说 • Dragon Boat Festival 端duān午节 • L3在饭馆儿 – 听说

  24. Review (六月六日星期一) • L3 生词小考- postponed to 星期四 • Including p.90~93 Phrases • Movie “Mao’s Last Dancer”

  25. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月六日星期一) • Report on Dragon Boat Festival - bring in 明天 • What & why • When • Who • How • Free format – doc, ppt, poster, drawing… • The more 中文, the better

  26. Review (六月七日星期二) • DiscussDragon Boat Festival • Demo 包粽子 • 正好- coincidentallyp. 90 • Adverb 她今天正好有事,不能来开会。 我明天正好有时间,我来帮你帮家。 • Adjective 这件衬衫你穿很合适, 正好。 这盘菜来得正好,我很饿。 • Ex 1.~4. • How is used in dialogue • How would you use it

  27. 特别especiallyp.90 • With是 这家饭馆很有名,特别是牛肉面, 好吃极了! 这里的学校很好,特别是CCHS! • Without 她的衣服特别好看。 我的妈妈特别喜欢做牛肉饭。 • Ex 1.~4. • How is used in dialogue • How would you use it • 麻烦p.91 • Verb 麻烦您今晚给我打个电话。 麻烦你给我一杯咖啡。

  28. Adjective as predicative 办护照很麻烦。 我妹妹很麻烦,常常忘了带书去学校。 • Ex. 1~7. • How is used in dialogue • How would you use it

  29. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月七日星期二) • Study L3 生词+ • 正好 // p.90 • 特别 • 麻烦

  30. Review (六月八日星期三) • Q on Vocabs or CC? • 这(就)要看…(了) depends onp.92 • Usually follows a question A: 她的衣服特别好看,你看呢? B: 这要看她喜欢不喜欢黄色的衣服。 • Ex 1.~3. • How is used in dialogue • How would you use it • 比如说 for examplep.93 • Usually follows a case or scenario 他什么菜都会做,比如说四川豆腐, 他做得好吃极了。 • Ex. 1.~3.

  31. How is used in dialogue • How would you use it • Study L3 生词+ • 正好 • 特别 • 麻烦 • 这(就)要看…(了) • 比如说

  32. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月八日星期三) • Study L3 生词+ p.90~93 • 正好 • 特别 • 麻烦 • 这(就)要看…(了) • 比如说

  33. Review (六月九日星期四) • Q on Vocabs or CC? • L3 生词+ Phrases小考- 三十分钟 • Chinese Wisdom 话多不如话少;话少不如话好。 • Rhym? • 练习听说L3 Dialogue

  34. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月九日星期四) • Organize all WS, WB, QZ, TST and HO • Since mid-year exam • Bring in L17’s - 明天

  35. 复习 (六月十日星期五) • Go over L3 生词小考 • 复习L17 D1 & D2生词 • 练习听说L17 D1 & D2 Dialogue

  36. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月十日星期五) • Organize all WS, WB, QZ, TST and HO • Since mid-year exam • StudyL17’s语法 with Sentence WSs, Sentence QZs, WBs

  37. Targetof the week (六月十三日~ 六月十七日) • 复习L17租房子- 生词,对话, 语法 • 复习L2P1L1 开学- 生词, 语法 • 复习L2P1L3 饭馆儿- 生词,对话,

  38. 复习 (二○一一年六月十三日星期一) • Go over L2P1 L3D VQZ • Study again • Interpret Dialogue • 听说 - CD1T • Until don’t need to look up • Language Notes p.74~77 • 叫,点, 来, 要 • 要饭(的) // be careful when you say it • 父母 • 买单 (结帐jié zhàng) // tips – cultural difference?

  39. Topic-Comment Sentence p.83 • Differ from basic word order //Is a review • Put knowntopic<who,what,where,..> at the beginning of a sentence • 热茶要慢慢喝, 喝太快对你不好。 • 看书我喜欢一口气地看完, 看太慢没意思。 //non-stop • IC Ex. 1.~8. • How is it used in dialogue • How would you do it • 一+ Vp. 85 • Completion of a brief action • 我打开信一看, 是妈妈写的。// a connector between 2 actions • 我一吃就不饿了。 // popular usage • Ex. 1.~11.

  40. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月十三日星期一) • Study L17 D1 & D2生词 then Self test • usingVQZs • Read aloud D1 & D2 fluently

  41. 复习 (二○一一年六月十四日星期二) • Q on L17生词 self-test? • 有兴趣≠ 有意思 • Buzz words for 公寓 • 广告,报纸, 租金, 押金, 房租,费用, 水费,电费 • 房间,卧室,书房,客厅,餐厅,厨房, 两房一厅, 洗衣房/店 • 洗手间,厕所,卫生间 • 家具,宠物, 桌子,椅子,书桌,书架 • 复习 L17语法 • V/VO +了+ <Num + MW + Noun> +了 • 连。。都/也。。 // inclusive vs. exclusive • Pronoun with 连。。都/也。。 • V + 不下 //放,坐,吃… • Num + 多 +MW // approximate number • Num + MW + 多 // approximate number

  42. Word Order in a Sentence • Commonly: S, T, Adv, VO/V, O • Sometimes: T, S, Adv, VO/V,O • Study Sentence WSs & WBs

  43. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月十四日星期二) • Self testL17 D1 & D2 语法 • using, SQZs, unit test • Organize all-year WS, WB, QZ, TST and HO • By lesson and date & time • Bring in everything - 明天

  44. 复习 (二○一一年六月十五日星期三) • Q on L17 self-test? • L2P1 L1D 生词 & 对话 • Progress Checklist tasksp.34 • Introduce Chinese Names • Introduce birthplace, school, growing-ups • Preference of living condition • Express contrary view politely • 好处,坏处 • 拉, 落 // pronunciation changed from “pull”, “fall”

  45. 复习L1开学生词 • drill • Build more CCs • 复习 L1文化 • 学校宿舍 // typically 4 students per room // Coed? • 学校公寓 • Disambiguate is necessary // take the character apart

  46. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月十五日星期三) • Self testL17 D1 & D2 语法 • using, SQZs, unit test // took home L1P2 book • Organize all-year WS, WB, QZ, TST and HO • By lesson and date & time • Bring in everything - 明天

  47. 复习 (二○一一年六月十六日星期四) • Q on L17生词 self-test? • Frequently used words for L1开学 • 坐飞机,机场,出租汽车,第一天, 开学, 上学 • 新生,老生, 研究生, 专业,出生的,长大的, 刚来的 • 搬家,住哪里,远不远, 校内,校外,公寓,宿舍, 餐厅 • 方便,安全,帮忙,适应, 自由, 省钱,不见得,好处 • 马琳mǎ lín , 洛琳luò lín ,张立言zhāng lì yán , • 马伯登mǎ bó dēng , 克里kè lǐ ,莉莉lì lì ,艾林森ài lín sēn

  48. 复习 L1语法 • particle 了// occurrence, status change, new situation • 的 pattern // draw attention to <time,place,purpose…> • 除了。。以外,还。。 // inclusive besides • 除了。。以外,都。。 // exclusive except for • 再说 ≠ 不但。。而且。。 • 第一,第二,。。 • 十一块, 十二块… 十多块 //$ 11~20 • 十块一,十块二 … 十块多 //$10.1, 10.2 $10.1~11 • Progress Checklist p.34 • Study Sentence WSs & WBs

  49. 今天的功课(二○一一年六月十六日星期四) • Self testL1生词 & 语法 • Using VQZs, SQZs, WBs, unit test • Organize all-year WS, WB, QZ, TST and HO • By lesson and date & time • Bring in everything - 星期一

  50. 复习 (二○一一年六月十七日星期五) • Q on L1self-test? • Role play L1 Dialogue • Frequently used words for L3 在饭馆 • 餐馆,菜单,餐(巾)纸,叫菜,点菜,上菜, 服务员,老板 • 鸡,牛,肉,鱼,青菜, 白菜,芥兰, 菠菜,豆腐, 米饭 • 味精,油, 盐, 汤,葱,姜, 糖,醋 • 清蒸,蒸, 炒 , 红烧 p.81 • 咸, 辣, 酸, 清淡,香,嫩 , 新鲜, 好吃,流口水

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