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Las cl áusulas adjetivales con el subjuntivo. Espa ñol 3. USE #1: BUSCAR, QUERER, y NECESITAR + QUE are used with the SUBJUNCTIVE when they introduce something that is not known for certain . **Like before with subjunctive sentences:
USE #1: BUSCAR, QUERER, y NECESITAR + QUE are used with the SUBJUNCTIVE when they introduce something that is not known for certain. **Like before with subjunctive sentences: You use the indicative with the first verb (V1) & subjunctive for the second (V2) . Quiero una computadora que no cueste mucho. I want a laptop that does not cost much.(subjunctivebecause: This laptop maynotexist!) Busco un libroqueexplique el subjuntivo. I'm looking for a book that explains the subjunctive. Be careful: If you have a specific item in mind, you don't use subjunctive. (both verbs are in present tense!) Busco el libroqueexplica el subjuntivo. I'm looking for the book that explains the subjunctive.
USE # 2:Expressions that ask about something that MAY or MAY NOT EXIST. Hay…que? Conoces…que? Tienes…que? • ¿Conocer a..que...? = Do (you/etc.)know... that...? ¿Conoces a un carpintero que me pueda ayudar? Do you know of a carpenter that can help me? Conocesa alguienqueentienda el subjuntivo? Do you know someone who understands the subjunctive? • ¿Hay...que...? = Is there .... that...? ¿Hay un libroqueexplique el subjuntivo? Is there a book that explains the subjunctive? • -¿Tener..que ...? Do (you/we/etc.) have... that...? - ¿Tienesun libroqueseainteresante? Do you have a book that is interesting? Tienes un teléfono que toque música? Do you have a phone that plays music? • Be careful: If you are making a positive statement using these same phrases, you do not use subjunctive because the situation/thing exists. Hay (THERE IS!) un libroqueexplica el subjuntivo. Conoces (I KNOW!) a alguienqueentiendeel subjuntivo. Tengo (I HAVE!) un libroqueesinteresante.
USE # 3: The subjunctive is also used with these expressions when negative- questions or statements: No hay…que? No conoces…que? No tienes…que? ¿No hay nadieque me puedaayudar? Isn't there anyone that can help me? No conoces a nadiequepubliquepoesia. You don't know anyone who publishes poetry. ¿No tienes una falda que tenga rayas? You don’t have a skirt with stripes?
En estaoficina, no hay nadieque --- (trabajar) media jornada.