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BELLWORK. To review everything that happened in WWI, you are going to create a cause & effect chart. List 5 causes of WWI (background and main event) List 5 effects of WWI (what changed as a result of WWI?)

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  1. BELLWORK • To review everything that happened in WWI, you are going to create a cause & effect chart. • List 5 causes of WWI (background and main event) • List 5 effects of WWI (what changed as a result of WWI?) • THINKER: Why do people choose to move? Which state or region of the country currently provides the best opportunity for good jobs and living?

  2. MISSING BELLWORK • When you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up your bellwork! • Go to my website (ebruggeman.wikispaces.com) and click on the first link • Turn in your bellwork in the absent tray

  3. FACTor FICTION • The 1920’s were a time of rapid social change. It was also known as the “roaring twenties” or the “jazz age.” • In the following slides, a statement about American society in the 1920’s will be read. You must decide if it is fact or fiction. • After the verdict is reached, write the correct statement in your notes.

  4. FACTor FICTION • A flapper was a type of woman who represented traditional values. • She believed women should stick to domestic responsibilities like being a good wife and mother.

  5. FICTION • The flapper symbolized a modern woman who challenged traditional gender roles. • She was rebellious, independent, and carefree. • The flapper also patented a new fashion for women.

  6. FACTor FICTION • The nineteenth amendment was passed in 1920 and it gave women the right to vote.

  7. FACT • Women obtained the right to vote in 1920 with the passing of the 19th amendment. • Only 35% of women went to the polls and voted in 1920. • Lived in rural areas • Family discouraged it • Not comfortable • By 1928, there were 145 women in 38 state legislatures.

  8. FACTor FICTION • During the 1920’s there was a shift in demographics. More people migrated to the cities and left the rural life behind.

  9. FACT • For the first time in history, more Americans lived in urban areas than in rural areas. • 6 million people moved to the cities because of the boom in the industrial and commercial economy. • Created more jobs • Attendance at public schools rapidly increased • General shift away from traditional values • Lead to an acceleration of suburban growth

  10. FACTor FICTION • Even though urban population was increasing, African Americans continued to live in rural areas.

  11. FICTION • Jobs for African Americans in the South were scarce and low-paying. • Many jobs were available for them in the North because of the booming industry. • They still faced discrimination in the North and were still paid lower than whites.

  12. FACTor FICTION • During the 1920’s, Congress encouraged the migration of people from Eastern Europe, China and Japan.

  13. FICTION • Congress actually limited migration from Europe, China and Japan. • Employers turned to migrants from Mexico and Canada to fill job positions. • Increase in barrios, which are Spanish-speaking neighborhoods.

  14. Other Random 1920’s FACTS • Well known inventions of the decade were kleenex, zippers, and band-aids. • The average yearly income was $1,236. In the year 2010 it was $32,140 • The population of the US was 106,521,537 people. In the year 2010 it was 311,907,704 people. • The most popular cartoon characters were Mickey Mouse, Little Orphan Annie, and Felix the Cat.

  15. 1920’s SLANG What you say when you are angry: “Oh, Applesauce!” Applesauce OK “Everything is Jake” Jake Moll A gangster’s girlfriend The most important person; the boss. The Big Cheese

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