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Persevering under Pressure 1 Peter 4:1-19

Suffering Church Sunday 2009. Persevering under Pressure 1 Peter 4:1-19. Introduction. Christianity in the West Converting to Christianity can lead to criticism and mocking Converts from a Muslim background More severe persecution Threats, vandalism, violence Even fear of murder.

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Persevering under Pressure 1 Peter 4:1-19

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  1. Suffering Church Sunday 2009 Persevering under Pressure1 Peter 4:1-19

  2. Introduction • Christianity in the West • Converting to Christianity can lead to criticism and mocking • Converts from a Muslim background • More severe persecution • Threats, vandalism, violence • Even fear of murder

  3. Introduction • Nissar Hussein • Born a Muslim, converted to Christianity • Lives in Bradford, UK • Abused, attacked and threatened with arson • This is just in England!!

  4. Introduction • Suffering for faith can bring up many questions for new Christians... Would I be better to compromise or discard my faith? What value is my faith?? Is it worth the persecution??

  5. A letter for persecuted Christians • The first letter of Peter was written to Christian converts from paganism who faced extreme pressure to reject their faith

  6. A letter for persecuted Christians • Letter was written to: • Show the value of their faith • Encourage them to maintain a Christian lifestyle

  7. Breaking with the Past 1 Peter 4: 1-6 • “Following Christ’s example” • Obey God’s will...Do not yield to sinful desires • Reject the pagan agenda...live out your Christian commitment

  8. Breaking with the Past • “Taking the long view” • Non-Christians are surprised when Christians do not join in pagan celebrations • But Christians know they will be vindicated when the Spirit raises them to new life

  9. Breaking with the Past • Taking the long view” • Abdul Rahman • Convert from Islam to Christianity • Charged with apostasy • Forced to flee Afghanistan and live in exile “The value of their faith is far greater than the cost”

  10. Helping one another 1 Peter 4: 7-11 • Be dedicated to God... • Be alert and sober for prayer • Be committed to each other... • Show constant love towards one another • Be hospitable without grumbling • Use God’s gifts to serve each other

  11. Helping one another • Prayer and support for Christian converts who suffer for their faith • From the local church • From the wider Christian community • Includes love, hospitality, care and ministry

  12. Facing hostility 1 Peter 4: 12-19 • “Rejoicing in the flames” • Rejoice in sharing Christ’s sufferings • South Sudan...”God has given us another day and we are going to heaven!” • Praise God for bearing His Name

  13. Facing hostility • “Trusting God and doing good” • Persist in righteousness • The pain of persecution - Martha Samuel • Commit yourself to your faithful God

  14. Conclusion • 1 Peter 4 places big demands on converts • But it also offers good reasons for maintaining a Christian lifestyle

  15. Conclusion • Please pray for your persecuted Christian brothers and sisters around the world • Support converts and empower them to stand firm

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