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Faerie War. Book By : Herbie Brennan Presentation By : Neecole Gregory. Henry Said , ‘Are you having an affair wit Anais, Dad?’ His father said quietly, ‘ I’m not having an affair with Anais. Your mother is. ‘ (pp. 16-17).
Faerie War Book By : Herbie Brennan Presentation By : Neecole Gregory
Henry Said , ‘Are you having an affair wit Anais, Dad?’ His father said quietly, ‘ I’m not having an affair with Anais. Your mother is. ‘ (pp. 16-17) During the conflict the narrator ,Henry, is having problems with his parents recent strange behavior. He later learns from his dad that his mom is having an affair and the narrator begins to worry about divorce. It revels to the narrator the real problem of his parents recent arguments and it also differs from what he originally thought was happening. The narrator starts to get confused about what will happen with him and his family. Henry
Brimstone has to kill the second person he sees which ends up being Pygrus. But when the royal guards come and collect Pygrus, Brimstone is left with a contract to the demon prince, Beleth. That means eternally damnation of his soul and body. The reader will already know that the narrator ,Brimstone, deals with dark magic after summoning Hell’s prince. But soon he comes very paranoid and goes into hiding. ‘No, noting like that. I just want you to sacrifice the second person you see after you leave the circle.’ Brimstone’s eyes widen . ‘You mean a human sacrifice?’ (pp. 50) Brimstone
Pygrus has shrunk to the size of a butterfly and has grown the wings of one. He was suppose to go into hiding on a island in the analogue world but the portal he used didn’t work at all making go to another destination. That shows that someone is trying to get rid of Pygrus according to Mr. Fogarty. They both have to become friends for them to get Pygrus back to his own world in time. Pyrgus hesitated. ‘I didn’t. I wasn’t supposed to come here at all. Or shrink to this size. Or grow wings. There’s a filter on the House Iris portal that stops you shrinking when you translate , but it didn’t work for some reason.’ Fogarty sniffed. ‘Sounds to me like you were sabotaged,’ he said. (pp. 107) Pygrus
‘Difficult?’ Pyrgus exploded. ‘They’re trying to over throw everything we stand for!’ ‘Yes, they are,’ his father agreed. ‘Indeed they are. And that is exactly why they need careful handling. I have been in negotiation with Night leaders-including Lord Hairstreak-for several months. Those negotiations have reached a critical stage. The last thing I need is my idiot son blundering in where he isn’t wanted and handing them new leverage on a plate!’ (pp. 85) Apatura Iris (Purple Emperor ) The conflict here is that the problems between Nighters and Lighters are very delicate and Apatura is trying to settle things but because of Pygrus’s actions , everything is rough again. Apatura and Pygrus never agreed with one another and Pygrus hates politics. The reader will see a lot of these arguments throughout the story. It really doesn’t change.
The palace itself had been built more than four hundred years ago using purple stone. The stone had weathered over centuries until now it was almost black; although it did faintly purple sheen at sunrise and sunset. The coloring combined with the archaic architectural style to give the building a sinister, cyclopean look. Most visitors found it intimidating. (pp. 80) The Imperial Palace The author is trying to use very detailed words to help with a very detailed description. He’s making the palace a place where true dedication of architectural design is highly showing. This is the home of Pygrus , Blue , and the Purple Emperor. This place is important cause this is where most important scenes happen like the death of the emperor.
He was in his attic room, a gloomy, poky, low ceiling chamber with few furnishings and more grime than the glue factory. (pp. 39) This attic is in someway suppose to make a connection with the type of man Brimstone really is with how dirty and dark this place is. This is where Brimstone does all his conjuring and magic to control demons and also where tried to kill Pygrus as a sacrifice to Beleth. Brimstone’s Magic Attic
Cheapside was a place of great trouble. The streets are crowded and smelly. But the smell wasn’t the only thing . There were thieves that used pickpocket spells all the time. The weaker faire have to put purse protector spells to keep what little they had safe. All the houses were close together and cramped. This was the place of thieves and criminals and demon dealers. To any self respecting fairies this was last place to you want to be but to Pygrus it was home. (pg. 196) This is where Pygrus has been hiding out here. He spends most of his time here trying to keep out of sight of his father and Lord Hairstreak’s men. This place is mentioned often in the story cause that’s where a lot of the side characters live and where Brimstone’s glue factory is at. It’s also the only place where Nighters and Lighters Fairies mix in society. Cheapside
Henry got up early on they day that would change his life. He was making a cardboard sculpture and he’d left it the night before for the glue to dry out. All he had to do now was add a toothpick shaft and some decoration and the flying pig is finished. (pp.1) The author used the whole first sentence to foreshadow to the reader what might happen later in the story. It also shows that cause Henry is put on the first page that he is established a main character. Henry
Her Serene Highness Princess Holly Blue thought something was amiss when she stepped from her bed-corridor outside. Priest never ran anywhere, even technician priest. (pp,120) In this part of the story again foreshadowing gives a hint of what might happen later in the story. Also introduces a main character. It even gives a back ground on the character Blue by telling us she’s a Princess. Again it switched off to Blue being narrator. Blue
‘Why would he say he did if he didn’t?’ ‘To keep us off guard,’ Fogarty told him soberly. ‘What could be more innocent than a sweet little fairy with butterfly wings . . . in trouble?’ ‘Keep us off guard about what?’ Henry asked. Fogarty pursed his lip, leaned foreword and dropped his voice. ‘The alien invasion.’ (pp.108) Mr. Fogarty Mr. Fogarty is suspicious of Pygrus while he’s in fairy from. He believes it’s a start of an alien invasion and doesn’t trust him nor does he believe that all this portal trouble was really happening or was it a cover up.
Author’s Purpose I think that author’s purpose was to show readers that science , reality , and fantasy can come together to make a really good story. The story has a lot of science around it cause the story is about the clashing of two worlds. Also how the main characters transfer back and forth using scientific machinery that allows them to. Reality cause it touches mostly on all three of the teenage main characters; Blue , Pygrus, and Henry. They all have very different live and all different problems. Like Henry with his parents beginning to separate. Pygrus, with him not wanting to get into politics and become the next purple emperor. But Blue has the least of the problems and they don’t start until her brother disappears. Then fantasy in the main thing in the story. The whole process of people going from dimension to dimension is noting but fantasy. Two of the main characters , Pygrus and Blue , are fairies. Also when Henry meets Pygrus, he’s a tiny fairy. All of these components mix together to make a really thrilling book.