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Knoa End-User Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) for SAP

Knoa End-User Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) for SAP. Experience Received. Performance Achieved. Driving Value From an SAP Implementation. The most critical factor affecting long term business results from SAP is the ability of your end-users to effectively execute.

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Knoa End-User Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) for SAP

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  1. Knoa End-User Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) for SAP Experience Received. Performance Achieved.

  2. Driving Value From an SAP Implementation • The most critical factor affecting long term business results from SAP is the ability of your end-users to effectively execute. • Each of your end-users must: • Adopt the application • Effectively execute • Efficiently execute • Management must be able to measure: • Usage • Experience Received • Performance Achieved

  3. You Need Answers to These Critical Questions • Which application functions are not responsive? • Which users received which application and infrastructure errors? • How many users utilized the application? • Which transactions did they use? • Where are users generating errors and what training is required? • Which transactions are being used the most? • Which transactions are being avoided? • Which are the critical errors users encounter? • Which individual users need specific assistance?

  4. Knoa EPM for SAP • A software application that enables you to measure the precise experience being received, and the performance being achieved, by your entire end-user community • Based on years of research, development and experience, the product measures each critical area required to drive user proficiency. • First, we measure the experience received by your end-users: • Round trip response times for all key functions and navigation • Errors presented to users from any layer in the ecosystem • Second, we measure the performance actually achieved by your end-users • All errors created by end-users • All usage patterns – who, what, when, where and how SAP is being used

  5. Knoa Completes a Performance Management Strategy Infrastructure Management End-UserExperience & Performance Management Application Management IBM, HP, CA SAP Solution Manager Knoa Insights into SAP activity levels at the application transaction level. Complete management of storage, database, application servers and network components. Management of adoption, efficiency and effective use by the end-users, from the end-user perspective Mercury Application testing tools for quality, scalability and availability. Virsa Transaction and data compliance

  6. Knoa Completes a Performance Management Strategy Infrastructure Management End-UserExperience & Performance Management Application Management Application LifecycleManagement and Governance solutions toensure secure, scalable, available and manageable applications. Complete management of storage, database, application servers and network components. Management of adoption, efficiency and effective use by the end-users, from the end-user perspective

  7. Knoa EPM Product Architecture EPM ClientEngine & SAP Template • Collection • Analysis • Storage App Servers End-User Desktop ReportingConsole Database Knoa EPM: All Knoa components sit outside the SAP server infrastructure Simple, non-intrusive deployment No impact on server infrastructure

  8. Knoa EPM for SAP Console: All You Need To Know Presented in a prioritized, actionable format. Application-wide views of system errors, user errors and response times, with issues automatically identified, analyzed and prioritized for your action.

  9. Knoa EPM for SAP Console: All You Need To Know Presented in a prioritized, actionable format. System-wide views on usage and adoption, so you can make informed decisions about ongoing investment in the applications.

  10. Knoa EPM for SAP Console: All You Need To Know Presented in a prioritized, actionable format. Views on individual user actions and issues, used to improve end-usersupport and provide specific insights into specific performance issues for level one and two user and IT support teams.

  11. Knoa End-User Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) for SAP Demonstration

  12. The Use of EPM Metrics By Key Functions Education/Training Help Desk/Support • Identify precisely where users need additional training or performance support • Decrease the time needed to obtain accurate user performance data • Allocate training resources based on areas of need • Provide data from which to calculate training ROI • Reduce the average time spent with each user • Improve coverage of the support staff • Minimize end-user interrogation • Accelerate time to resolution • Proactively resolve issues • Eliminate costly on-site visits • No more non-reproducible problems Line of Business IT/Application Support • Pinpoint and analyze user adoption issues • Identify and proactively remediate end-user efficiency and process errors • Minimize business disruption (and lost employee productivity) from app issues • Faster effective use after roll-out and upgrades • Correlate business outcomes with efficient, effective application usage • Fast identification of performance issues • Global performance profiling • Automated discovery of performance problems • Isolate user impact on performance • Prioritize efforts for highest impact • Correlate back-end performance data to understand business impact

  13. Pre-Production/Testing • Optimize the interface for efficiency and to eliminate errors • Target training needs • Accelerate UAT process Ongoing Sustainability • Maximum leverage from the SAP team resources • Pinpoint training requirements • Optimize support • Accelerate on-boarding of new users • Identify opportunities for improvement • Monitor ongoing usage for adoption issues and investment decisions At “Go-Live“ • Evaluate effectiveness of training programs • Baseline end-user performance • Identify user performance issues • Improve end-user support • Monitor Legacy Sun-setting Value across the Application Lifecycle

  14. Cumulative Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Summary Example of Knoa EPM ROI Analysis for SAP Customer The break-even on the Knoa EPM investment was less than one year. These are typical ROI results that scale up for larger clients. • Year 1 • Year 2 • Year 3 $3,000,000 Knoa EPM • Installation • Training $2,500,000 $2,250,000 Cumulative Net Benefits $1,500,000 $750,000 $0 License fees and 6 months maintenance cost Source: SAP Value Engineering Analysis $(1,000,000)

  15. The Results of a Knoa EPM for SAP Implementation Effective Efficient Accurate Compliant Business Objectives Managed Cost Managed Cost Users User Support/ Training IT Support Fewer calls Shorter calls Proactive support Focused training Fewer calls Faster resolution Resource allocation Managed metrics

  16. Knoa End-User Experience and Performance Manager (EPM) for SAP Experience Received. Performance Achieved.

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