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The course of the Greek Research System over the last 25 40 years. Dimitris Loukas. 1970*. Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) through the Nuclear Research Center “Demokritos” is the biggest single spender of research funds
The course of the Greek Research System over the last 2540 years Dimitris Loukas
1970* • Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) through the Nuclear Research • Center “Demokritos” is the biggest single spender of research funds • in Greece : ≈ 30% of the estimated research expenditures • (170 scientists , 64 research projects at the time) • Ministry of Agriculture is the second larger spender • (300 persons, 51 units) • Ministry of Education is the third larger spender • (6 Universities, Academy of Athens, National Hellenic Research Foundation • (EIE), Athens Astronomical Observatory) • Ministry of Social Services is through medical services and research • the forth larger spender • Other research units scattered in the ministries of Coordination, Defense, • other organizations (such as OTE, Benakion ) * STDI 69-03
1970*: Evaluation • “Demokritos” : Negligible production, a well done in ushering the nuclear age • to Greece but a rapid change of research directions is necessary. Most of • the projects are appropriate to University research. What is wrong with a • wholesale conversion of research personnel into professors ? • “Agrotechnical Research Directorate:” : A surprisingly strong agriculture • research capability despite a multitude of handicaps. • “Ministry of Education”: • High quality research is an exception in the Universities. No serious effort • to evaluate, monitor or coordinate research. No graduate curricula. • The responsibilities of the Academy of Athens are not clear. The entire system • is geared on how to protect the people with a diploma from competition and not • on how to release the resourcefulness of the young people. Education (even • schools for technicians) is monopolized by a few professors. • “Ministry of Defense” : Very small research effort but well organized and • mission or problem oriented. • !!! OTE is the only place where we discovered well-structured and logical • research proposals, written entirely by the Greek research staff. * STDI 69-03
1974-1981 • Establishment of new universities (Crete 1973,Ioannina 1970, Thrace 1973...) • reshapes gradually the landscape of higher education and research • Multiplication of publications in reviewed international journals • New research legislation ( ν. 706/1977) introduces a new funding approach : • Shift from direct transfer of funds to Professors and Directors of Research • Institutes to project oriented funding with specific time duration.
1981-1985 • Greece becomes member of the European Union (EU) • Substantial influx of funds from EU : If the Common Agricultural Policy • is the only federal structure in EU , Research Policy is the second policy • with a strong federal flavor. • !!! The current research system in Greece is alive via the European oxygenation !!! • v. 1268/82 : “On the Structure and function HEI” • The web of HEI expands. The equilibrium between old professors and • assistants change drastically. • ν. 1404῎83 : Establishes the Technological Research Institutes • v. 1514/85 : “On the development of the Scientific and Technological Research ” • The law restructures the web of Research Institutes working outside HEI, • creates the National Research&Technology Council, establishes the profession of Researcher, reevaluates from scratch all individual Researchers, introduces the national catalog of peer reviewers and the concept of Academic(University) Research Institutes. The new system becomes part of the Ministry of Development and is supervise by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT).
1985-2004 • ν. 2083/1992 “ On the modernization of the Higher Education System”. • Creation of the Hellenic Open University, the concept of evaluation of • HEI system is introduced, the term Academic Research Institutes is translated • into University Research Institutes (ΕΠΙ). • An intense period of structural and competitive European Projects, which boosts • the research activities in Universities and Research Centers. • Special Accounts are created in HEI and RC, in order to run the logistics of • funds coming beyond the Regular State Budget. • Critical point !!! It is not yet clarified that whatever the origin of the incoming • funds (Regular, Investment, European etc) a pubic servant • διαχειρίζεται public goods !!! • Legislation for Technological Parks and Spin off Companies aiming at the • transformation of research innovation into new products and services. • An Item to be re-discussed taking into account 10 years of • accumulated experience. An item interrelated with the contribution of the • private sector in the GERD. • ν. 29129/2001:introduces the regular (every 5 years) evaluation by international • scientific experts of the research web supervised by GSRT
Evaluation of the GSRT web • The community of Researchers is favorable to the procedure • Three evaluation runs : 1995, 2000*, 2005** • Institutes with similar or complementary activities evaluated in groups • Well organized procedure and properly documented • Discussion now moves from the necessity itself of the external evaluation • to the specific form it takes and the measures to be taken following the • results of the evaluation. And this is a research policy decision item… • No similar systematic procedure for the evaluation of University research • units and the system of graduate schools is yet operational. * http://www.gsrt.gr/default.asp?V_ITEM_ID=110 ** on demand…
The GSRT web of RC and Institutes ITE : Established in 1983 and introduces a new paradigm of Interweaving University with Research Institute in Greece A number of Research Units in other Ministries follow the n.1514/85 remuneration provisions for Researchers (Academy of Athens, Benakion, Hellenic Sports Research Institute, ΙΤΣΑΚ, Κ.Ε.Τ.ΕΘ.Α...)
GSRT in Figures (2008) • Number of Researchers in Universities ≅15000 • Number of Researchers in TEI ≅ 3000 • Number of Researchers • in Research Centers (RC)≅ 800 (Ministry of Development, GSRT) Publications by the 800 GSRT Researchers in 2000-2004: 8300 2008 • Regular Government Budget : 80 M€ • Investment Budget (Matching Funds) : 12 M€ • Other Sources : 148 M€ Οι ερευνητές της ΓΓΕΤ αντιπροσωπεύουν ~ 5% του ερευνητικού δυναμικού του τριτοβάθμιου συστήματος αλλά έχουν πολύ μεγαλύτερη συμμετοχή, από αυτή την αναλογία, σε δημοσιεύσεις, ομιλίες, διακρίσεις, ανταγωνιστικά ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα
2009 • ν.3653/2008... • Σχέδιο Συγχωνεύσεων...
2010 και Προβληματισμοί • Το 2010 η ΓΓΕΤ και ο ερευνητικός ιστός που εποπτεύει εντάχθηκαν στο • Υπουργείο Παιδείας. • Δημιουργείται εκ των πραγμάτων ένας κοινός (ενιαίος?) χώρος εκπαίδευσης • και έρευνας στο τριτοβάθμιο σύστημα. • Πανεπιστήμια και Ερευνητικά Κέντρα επιτελούν συμπληρωματικά έργα.Άλλο η • συνύπαρξη διαμέσου μιάς λειτουργικής ισοτιμίας και άλλο η ιεραρχική σχέση • επιτροπείας. • Η αντίληψη του ενιαίου χώρου δεν πρέπει να υποβαθμιστεί σε μια συντεχνιακή • αντιπαράθεση των δύο φορέων. Φέρει μέσα της το σπέρμα μιάς • οικουμενικότητας που σχετίζεται με την συμπληρωματικότητα της μεταβίβασης • στις νέες γενιές της συσσωρευμένης γνώσης και το παράδειγμα της • διεύρυνσης των οριζόντων της γνώσης διαμέσου της περιέργειας, της • αμφισβήτισης, της πειραματικής διαδικασίας και του έλλογου συνειρμού. • Για το λόγο αυτό έχει ευρύτατη παιδαγωγική σημασία.
1970 * Number of Professors whose work was quoted or referenced at least once Number of “Demokritos” scientists whose work was quoted or referenced at least once * STDI 69-03