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Foresight & Knowledge Based Governance Responses to Climate Change; Bled, 07.-08.03.2008

Foresight & Knowledge Based Governance Responses to Climate Change; Bled, 07.-08.03.2008. “Adaptation to climate change in Europe” – Implications for research and technological development Dr. Romana Jordan Cizelj Member of the European Parliament. INDEX. Green Paper FP7

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Foresight & Knowledge Based Governance Responses to Climate Change; Bled, 07.-08.03.2008

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  1. Foresight & Knowledge Based Governance Responses to Climate Change; Bled, 07.-08.03.2008 “Adaptation to climate change in Europe” – Implications for research and technological development Dr. Romana Jordan Cizelj Member of the European Parliament

  2. INDEX • Green Paper • FP7 • Personal reflections • Conclusions

  3. Green Paper “ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN EUROPE” – WHAT AND WHY? • Climate change = mitigation + adaptation • Adaptation: Actions taken to adjust natural ecosystems or human systems so they can cope with changing climate conditions, the aim being to reduce potential harm or exploit potential benefits • To tackle present problems and anticipate changes in the future >>> efficient response to the unavoidable consequences of climate change • Cost-effective action and risk reduction

  4. Green Paper • A policy document published by the Commission on 29 June 2007 • To launch debate on the EU’s contribution to an efficient and coordinate adaptation strategy for Europe • To stimulate active cooperation with foreign partners, in particular developing countries • To promote an integrated, cross-sectoral and holistic approach

  5. Green Paper COMPOSITION 4 main pillars: • Early action in different areas • Integration of adaptation into exisiting EU external actions • Call for intensified climate research and technological innovation • Involving all segments of society in the further development of adaptation strategies

  6. Green Paper RESEARCH AGENDA – MAIN FOCUS • Methodologies for the assessment of impacts, vulnerabilities and cost effective adaptation • Basic understanding and prediction of impacts: -on water sector, the energy sector, transport infrastructure, industries and businesses, land-use planning, agriculture and human health -on ecosystems • Databases & access to data • Research on adaptation for businesses, services and industries • Co-operation, partnerships and networking with the scientific community • Transmission of knowledge from the research community to practitioners • ICT for monitoring environmental changes, anticipating and assessing risks, managing crisis situations

  7. Green Paper CLIM - PROCEDURE Guido Sacconi (rapporteur, PSE) Jerzy Buzek (EPP-ED) Vittorio Prosi (ALDE) Umberto Guidoni (GUE) Rebecca Harms (Greens) Key dates: • Deadline for amendments:30 January 2008 • Vote in CLIM:27 March 2008 • Vote in plenary: April 2008

  8. Green Paper RAPPORTEUR’S POSITION • Welcomes the Green Paper • Underlines importance of reseach in the field of CC & public and private investment in research Initiatives to the Commission: • To preparar a common European data basis on vulnerabilities • To carry out a comprehensive analysis of existing European financial instruments and their possible implementation into climate change adaptation measures • To consider measures for adaptation in the next long term financial perspectives for regional policies and the structural funds cooperation • To support the poorer parts of Europe and the developing world as imperative link between development goals and both mitigation and adaptation to climate change • Farming, health, transport • 115 amendments

  9. FP7 FP7 is organised in four programmes: • Ideas: €7460 million • People: €4728 million • Capacities: €4217 million -Partnerships with non-EU countries (€180 million) • Cooperation: €32 365 million >>> ten themes identified -Environment (including Climate change): €1980 million =58% increase in financial resources

  10. FP7 A strong emphasis on climate change, both in terms of predictive capacity, modelling and adaptation strategies. Major EU research projects on climate change: • ADAM (2006-2009): assessing the costsand effectiveness of impact mitigation and adaptationpolicies and developing a portofolio of longer term strategy options. • ENSEMBLES (2004-2009): constructing integrated scenarios of future climate change. • FLOODSITE Project (2004-2009): flood risk management

  11. FP7 ENVIRONMENT - ACTIVITY AREAS CONCERNING CC • Climate change, pollution and risks • Pressures on environment and climate • Environment and health • Natural hazards • Sustainable Management of Resources • Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources • Evolution of marine environments • Environmental Technologies • Environmental technologies for the sustainable management and conservation of the natural and man-made environment • Technology assessment, verification and testing • Earth observation and assessment tools • Earth observation • Assessment tools for sustainable development

  12. Personal reflections KEY PROBLEMS • Poor and least developed countries (LDCs) will be hit hardest by the climate change • Food, water, energy security, health, migration, conflicts, poverty → adaptation crucial for the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals • Primary concern of LDCs: poverty alleviation/economic growth and NOT climate change

  13. Personal reflections WHY ADAPTATION? Source: World Health Organization

  14. Personal reflections POPULATION, AREA AND ECONOMY AFFECTED BY A 1 m SEA LEVEL RISE(global and regional estimates, based on today's situation) Source: UNEP

  15. Personal reflections CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH • High population density, economy highly dependent on agriculture • Low-lying coastline → frequent cyclones, saltwater intrusion, floods Key areas of interventions: • Increase food through agriculture-alternative crop • Plantation program to protect environment • Increase income through alternative livelihoods • Increase food availability/storage • Improve health and personal safety • Increase access to safe drinking water • Improve safety of housing and other property • Increase access to common property resources

  16. Personal reflections BANGLADESH – CHANGING SEA LEVEL

  17. Personal reflections BANGLADESH – Programmes in place • Comprehensive Disaster Management Program -Targeted to help Bangladesh to cope with shocksresulting from climate change -Supported research and provided assistance tostrengthen communities’ abilities to cope with disasters • National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) -A keynational planning documents to inform and guideinvestments in the coming years • Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCC) -Funding partners: World Bank,UNDP,CIDA,CARE Bangladesh -Working at four levels: household, community,institutional and national to raise awareness toclimate change Problems: • Often programs are in planning documents but hardly implemented • Lack of participations of local people in disaster management programmes • Lack of public awareness • Lack of resources

  18. Personal reflections CASE STUDY: INDIA Primary concern: continuous economic growth in an environmentally and socially acceptable manner → crucial role of new and improved technologies. Technology transfer: renewables, clean coal, efficient technologies No Adaptation scheme; adaptation part of other policies: • The National Policy on agriculture • The National Water Policy • The National Forest Policy • A High-level National Disaster Management Authority

  19. CONCLUSIONS • Internationalisation of research programmes • Capacity-building in third countries: human, technical and financial capacity • Partnership relations • Political coherence, forward planning and coordinated action

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