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Master of Science in Applied Physics. Master track. Physics of Transport in Fluids. cellular structures, inkjet printers blood flow fish, insects, birds musical intruments chemical reactors, turbines, engines wind mills, ships, airplanes buildings, rivers, harbours volcanoes
Master of Science in Applied Physics Master track Physics of Transport in Fluids
cellular structures, inkjet printers blood flow fish, insects, birds musical intruments chemical reactors, turbines, engines wind mills, ships, airplanes buildings, rivers, harbours volcanoes glaciers oceans, planetary atmospheres O(<<1mm) | O(1–10 cm) | O(1–10 m) | O(10–100 m) | O(100 m–10 km) | O(>> 1000 km) Transport in fluids
Length scales: O(<< 1 mm) | O(>> 1000 km) Time scales: O(<< 1 sec) | O(>> 1000 years) Scales
Physics of Transport in Fluids:3 research groups • Vortex Dynamics & Turbulence (WDY)(Profs Herman Clercx, GertJan van Heijst, Federico Toschi) • Mesoscopic Transport Phenomena (MTP)(Prof Anton Darhuber) • Transport in Permeable Media (TPM) • (Prof Klaas Kopinga) Building Cascade
Research themes at WDY • Droplets in 3D turbulent flows • Transport and mixing in 2D turbulent flows • Vortex dynamics • Viscous mixing • Physics of the atmosphere Combination of theoretical, experimental and numerical work (tailor-made to the student’s interests).
3D turbulence • order chaos • L.F. Richardson (1925)‘Big Whirls’:“Big whirls have little whirls,which feed on their velocity.Little whirls have lesser whirls,and so on to viscosity” • Variety of applications in geophysical and industrial situations
Example project:Decay and breakup of wake vortices due to external turbulence movie
Example project (continued) t t t t t t l = 8.6 b0 b0
2D turbulence • 3D: • order chaos • 2D: • chaos order movie
Vortex dynamics • Closely related to 2D and 3D turbulence • Many geophysical applications • Laboratory experiments in rotating/stratified fluids • High-resolution numerical simulations
Physics of the atmosphere • Close collaboration with KNMI • Many possibilities for external assignments and graduation projects
MTP: small scales Contact line control during wetting & dewetting
MTP: small scales Enhanced oil recovery
MTP: small scales Micro-fluid dynamics: manipulating drops in small channels micro-mixing
TPM: transport in porous materials Moisture transport in building materials (concrete, brick) Ion transport and crystallization Coatings Pore-scale modelling NMR and porous media
Master track Transportfysica Opbouw van de Master-track: 17 ECTS track-vakken: 2 x 4 ECTS track-verplichte vakken 3 x 3 ECTS track-keuzevakken 14 ECTS keuzevakken: 5 – 14 ECTS technische keuzevakken 9 – 0 ECTS vrije keuzevakken 10 ECTS algemeen verplichte vakken 19 ECTS externe stage 60 ECTS afstudeerproject ____________________ 120 ECTS totaal
Track-verplicht vakken: 3T100 Advanced Fluid Dynamics (van Heijst) 4 ECTS 3T340 Micro- and Nanofluidics (Darhuber/Harting/Huinink) 4 ECTS Track-keuzevakken: omvang per vak 3 ECTS
Elective courses Fluids (WDY, MTP) 3T380 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (Toschi/Clercx/Harting) 3T370 Experimental Methods in Transport Physics (Darhuber/Trieling/vdWater) 3T360 Hydrodynamic Stability (new; Kamp/van Heijst/Clercx) 3T350 Statistical Fluid Mechanics and Chaos (new; Toschi/vdWater) 3T220 Chaos (van de Water/Toschi) 3T280 Turbulent Flow Phenomena (Trieling/v. Heijst/v. Steenhoven) 3T250 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (van Heijst) 3T330 Atmospheric Physics (Boersma) 3T120 Gas Dynamics (Hirschberg/Smeulders) 3T190 Aero-acoustics (Hirschberg/Rienstra) Permeable Media (TPM) 3F240 NMR/MRI (Kopinga) 3F250 Transport in Porous Media (Pel) 3S390 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics (van IJzendoorn)
Elective courses other groups / departments: 3P110 Introduction to Plasma Physics (van de Sanden) 4P510 Renewable Energy Sources (van Noort/Kramer/van de Sanden/Creatore) 4P540 Multiphase Flow with Heat Effects (van der Geld) 4P630 Application of FEM to Heat and Flow Problems (Rindt) 4P700 Turbo Machinery (de Lange) 4P710 Micro Heat Transfer (Frijns) 4P720 Wind Energy (van Esch) 8W090 Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics (van de Vosse/Bogaerds) 8W150 Multi-fluid Mechanics (Anderson/Meijer) 8W270 Fluid Biomechanics (van de Vosse/Bogaerds)
Klinische Fysica Keuzevakken: 3F190 Clinical MRI (Wijn) 3F200 Medical Physics (Wijn) 3F230 Measuring and Monitoring of Vital Functions (Wijn) Keuzevakken andere faculteiten: 8H010 New Developments in Fluorescence Microscopy on Living Tissues (Slaaf) 8N020 Physiological NMR (Nicolaij) 8S070 Clinical Chemistry (Vader) 8S080 Protein Engineering (Merkx) 8W090 Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics (van de Vosse) 3P110 Introduction to Plasma Physics (van de Sanden)
Graduation project • a graduation project can be theoretical, numerical,experimental, or a combination of these; • supervision by one of the PhD students together with one of the staff members in the section.
More information WDY: www.fluid.tue.nl MTP: via web page faculteit TPM: via web page faculteit