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Overview Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 8.75 million people in the UK ( Mobasheri & Batt 2016)

OATech+ Network: A Multidisciplinary, Technology-Driven Approach Towards Improving Patient Outcomes Leanne Sawle. Overview Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 8.75 million people in the UK ( Mobasheri & Batt 2016) Places a considerable burden upon the economy  (Woolf et al. 2012)

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Overview Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 8.75 million people in the UK ( Mobasheri & Batt 2016)

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  1. OATech+ Network: A Multidisciplinary, Technology-Driven Approach Towards Improving Patient Outcomes Leanne Sawle

  2. Overview • Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 8.75 million people in the UK (Mobasheri & Batt 2016) • Places a considerable burden upon the economy (Woolf et al. 2012) • Seriously impairs the quality of life of those affected (Hiligsmann et al. 2013) • Despite this current diagnostic and treatment strategies could be improved (Bhatia, 2013)

  3. OATech + Network • EPSRC funded network (2016-2020) • Established to address the Grand Challenge: Optimising Treatment • Working to identify and address technology-based knowledge gaps in the field of osteoarthritis • Applies a multidisciplinary, and patient focused approach Ultimate aim is improving patient outcomes

  4. Network Themes and Theme Leads Facilitated by a working group Facilitated by a working group

  5. Focus Meeting May 2017, Cardiff Theme leaders led multidisciplinary working groups to identify technology related knowledge gaps, and refine priority areas for research Included input from clinicians, patients, industry, engineers, basic scientists, biomechanists and early career researchers

  6. Refinement of Network Priorities (Research Forum, Feb 2018) Key areas Imaging • Current technology? • What does new technology bring? Creation of a shared OA data resource / repository • Data harmonisation / recommendations • Technology and pain

  7. Role of technology in stratification • Terminology • Joint diseases? • OA? • Post traumatic? Role of technology in OA outcomes measurement Role of technology in facilitating concordance Technology as intervention

  8. Criteria: • Must evidence multidisciplinary involvement • Demonstrate a technology link • Outputs must contribute to the network development Activity Proposals and Funding to address priorities

  9. Proposals Creation of an OA data sets resource (combining large data sets) Exploring stratification from a multidisciplinary perspective: -Focus meeting / Delphi study (novel, experimental technology) -Imaging data -Clinical working group risk stratification tool

  10. Creating imaging standards (consensus paper and working group development) Development of an OATech+ roadmap for identifying high level evidence and routes to impact translation Healthy lifestyle interventions and the role of technology. Review to understand the situation and seed funding applications for technology interventions

  11. Public engagement events in biomechanics and mechanobiology Modelathon and sandpit (multi-scale modelling of OA; explore relationship between biomechanics and pain) Mentorship programme and opportunities to upskill in multidisciplinary fields

  12. Other Activities • Stakeholder engagement • Recruited patient representative • Attending external events • Public and Patient website portal and forum • Established social media channels

  13. Timeline and Outputs: Based on priorities 30/4/18 - 1/5/18 Focus meeting, Oswestry – OA stratification (organised by Sally Roberts). Included a Delphi study. Consensus statement in production Research project awards x 5 • Mark Elliott - OA Datasets Scoping Project • Nidhi Sofat - Developing tools for Patient Stratification in Osteoarthritis (OA) • Richard Jones - The role of technology and lifestyle interventions in osteoarthritis • Debbie Mason and Alison McGregor - Systematic review to define the higher level evidence in osteoarthritis research that can be used to develop an impact toolkit • Cathy Holt / David Williams - Development of MRI protocols to create 3D computer models and structural imaging for model-based image registration. Development of in vivo dynamic biplane X-ray protocols for up to four joints

  14. Outputs 2018 6/9 - 7/9 BioMedEng 18 sponsored session (organised by Anthony Bull; key speaker organised by Martin Knight) 10/9 - 11/9 BORS18 sponsored session (organised by Phil Rowe) Expertise database (available via OATech website and linked to proposals from several theme leaders) https://www.oatechnetwork.org/expertise-database-2/ Established an ECR Network and ECR opportunities webpage https://www.oatechnetwork.org/science-portal/1072-2/

  15. Outputs (cont.) • Jim Richards – ECR internships (currently being advertised on Network website), bursaries, working group • Sally Roberts - 2-day sandpit, Oswestry (2 x up to 15K awards offered) 19-20/11/18 • OATech+ Network session at Engineering the Knee 2018 (10 - 11/12/18) • Nidhi Sofat – Meeting “developing a risk prediction tool for OA” 17/12/18

  16. Network Activities 2019 • Martin Knight – pump priming projects open call (applications under review), engagement events, clinical problems webpage • Mark Elliott – Hackathon (2019) • Cathy Holt / David Williams - Imaging workshop and establishment of future directions imaging group • Sandpit awarded projects. Development of a quantitative MRI phantom for knee tissue (David Williams). Commencing 1/7/19. Wearable sensors as objective measures of nocioception(Debbie Mason and David Hamilton) Commencing 1/8/19

  17. Network Activities 2019 • Sandpit – linked to the Biomechanics and Mechanobiology theme (Cardiff) • Involvement in a PPI event (September, Cardiff) • Modelathon(December)

  18. Network Activities 2020 OATech + Network conference 2-day event (Summer 2020) focusing on: • Network outputs (a review of Network progress and future plans) • An engagement event • Early career researchers in osteoarthritis showcase

  19. OATech Network+ Social Media Channels www.oatechnetwork.org • Internal and external opportunities • ECR page added • Expertise database • Resources for public and patients twitter.com/OATechNetwork 150+ followers www.facebook.com/OATechNetwork/

  20. References • Bhatia, D., Bejarano, T. and Novo, M. (2013) ‘Current interventions in the management of knee osteoarthritis’, Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences, 5(1), pp. 30–38. doi: 10.4103/0975-7406.106561. • Hiligsmann, M. et al. (2013) ‘Health economics in the field of osteoarthritis: an expert’s consensus paper from the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO).’, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 43(3), pp. 303–313. • Mobasheri, A. and Batt, M. (2016) ‘An update on the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.’, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 59, pp. 333–339. • Woolf, A. D., Erwin, J. and March, L. (2012) ‘The need to address the burden of musculoskeletal conditions.’, Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology, 26(2), pp. 183–224.

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