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Daniel and Jennifer Huisman Newsletter January - February 2012 Indonesia +62 81399142041 DanielHuisman@Yahoo.com www.DanielHuisman.com. Dear Friends, Greetings from Indonesia. The 19th of January we arrived in Indonesia and we will stay till May.
Daniel and Jennifer Huisman Newsletter January - February 2012 Indonesia +62 81399142041 DanielHuisman@Yahoo.comwww.DanielHuisman.com Dear Friends, Greetings from Indonesia. The 19th of January we arrived in Indonesia and we will stay till May. Here in the Bethesda Mission Hospital they are happy we are here to help. There is a lot to do and all is going well. I am helping in the Technical department and Jeny is doing computer work and is learning a little bit of the language.
Thanks to all whom have participated one way or another in the celebrations of our wedding we have held in Chile 11-11-11 and on Curaçao. Invitation for the Wedding Celebration in Holland: Date: Sunday 1st of July 2012. Time: 4 pm. Place: Bakkersweg 2, 7683 SV, Den Ham “Wit Kerkje” Church www.WitKerkje.nl
In the picture Jeny is helping with improving the wireless internet connections to the houses of the doctors. To have internet here is important especially for the doctors to have access to medical consultations.
Jeny in the picture together with the doctors and the leadership of the Hospital. With this group we have regular meetings and prayer.
Jeny and I are in the picture with a patient in the hospital. The Hospital has 90 beds and 250 staff. The poor people are being helped for free.
Besides all other repairs of all kinds of medical equipment I am already for some years, each time I am here, busy with a big project of renewing all the water pipes systematically because there are a lot of underground leaks in the old pipes. In the picture I am standing with the new water filters I have installed. I have set it up in such a way that they are easy to clean. Also all the main valves are now in convenient groups so that anyone can easily find them in case of emergency.
How is it going with my father? In June 2011 my father was diagnosed with colon cancer and since then he has a Stoma. In December the doctors said that there is no use in continuing the chemo therapy because the cancer is still growing. Thank God my father has no pain but he is often tired recently. We keep on praying for healing. His life is in Gods hand. Jeny and I are planning to be here in Indonesia till May, but we are of course prepared to leave sooner to go to Holland if the health of my father gets worse. Here is a nice picture of my parents. (September 2011
Our life as volunteers in Missions can only be made possible with your faithful prayers and support. We thank God that we can do this work to help other people. For our financial support we still lack 150 Euro per month. We believe God that He will provide.
Ephesians 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
Friendly greetings and thank you for your support and prayers. God bless you
Gifts to Holland; To; Daniel Huisman at Swifterbant Holland PostBank account nr; 5327093 Codes for sending money internationally; International Bank Account Number IBAN= NL96 PSTB 0005 327093 Bank Identifier Code BIC= PSTBNL21 Donate through PayPal.com For more donating options please visit; http://Donate.DanielHuisman.com
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