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免疫系統之成員以及它們在防衛上之角色 ( Elements of the immune system and their roles in defense). Pin Ling ( 凌 斌 ), Ph.D. Department of Microbiology & Immunology, NCKU ext 5632 lingpin@mail.ncku.edu.tw References: 1. 黎煥耀 教授 編譯, 免疫系統 (2 nd edition) 2. Parham, The Immune System (2 nd edition).
免疫系統之成員以及它們在防衛上之角色(Elements of the immune system and their roles in defense) • Pin Ling (凌 斌), Ph.D. Department of Microbiology & Immunology, NCKU ext 5632 lingpin@mail.ncku.edu.tw • References: 1. 黎煥耀 教授 編譯, 免疫系統 (2nd edition) 2. Parham, The Immune System (2nd edition)
課程要點 (Outline) • 免疫概念由來 (The Origin of Immune Concept) • 免疫系統之成員 (The Components of the immune system) • 先天及後天免疫之原理 (The Principles of innate & Adaptive immunity) • 結論及討論 (Summary & Discussions)
免疫概念由來 (The Origin of Immune Concept) 1. 傳染性疾病 => 存活者 => 免於再次感染 (Immune) 2. 天花 (Smallpox) => 重大傷亡 => 倖存者 => 面貌變形 3. Edward Jenner’s observation, hypothesis, & test: Milkmaids => generally do not get smallpox Pus from 牛痘 (cowpox) => protect milkmaids from smallpox Inoculate materials from cowpox pus => protect a youngboy from smallpox => protective immunity 4. 牛痘接種 (Vaccination)由牛天花 (Vaccinia)延伸而來, 今日用於所有疫苗接種 (also called immunization)
免疫學涵蓋的範圍 • 從生理上的防禦,抵抗病原菌的感染,至生理病態上造成組織的傷害,皆扮演非常重要的角色。 • 學習免疫學, 為了暸解免疫系統, 並可進一步調控免疫反應; 以抵抗病原菌的感染, 及消除疫免疾病, ex, 過敏氣喘(allergic asthma), 關節炎(arthritis)。
皮膚及黏膜層構成物理屏障抵抗感染 Blue area-Skin Red area-mucosa
課程要點 (Outline) • 免疫概念由來 (The Origin of Immune Concept) • 免疫系統之成員 (The Components of the immune system) • 先天及後天免疫之原理 (The Principles of innate & Adaptive immunity) • 結論及討論 (Summary & Discussion)
免疫及血液細胞源自骨髓 (Bone Marrow) Stem cells Progenitor cells Differentiated cells Effector cells
骨髓系的白血球細胞(Myeloid immune cells) • Dendritic cell • Monocyte => Macrophage • Neutrophil, Basophil, • Eosinophil, & Mast cell
淋巴系的白血球細胞(Lymphoid immune cells) • T cells • B cells • NK cells • NKT cells
體內主要淋巴器官及組織 (Lymphoid Organs & Tissues) Primary lymphoid tissues: Bone marrow, Thymus => Development Secondary lymphoid tissues: Spleen, Tonsil,……etc Immune cells Pathogens
淋巴結構造 (Structure of Lymph Node)
脾臟(Spleen) -過濾血液的淋巴器官
課程要點 (Outline) • 免疫概念由來 (The Origin of Immune Concept) • 免疫系統之成員 (The Components of the immune system) • 先天及後天免疫之原理 (The Principles of innate & Adaptive immunity) • 結論及討論 (Summary & Discussions)
先天性免疫 (Innate Immunity) vs. 適應性免疫(Adaptive Immunity)
吞噬細胞 (Phagocytes)- 先天免疫 (Innate Immunity) 1. 吞噬細胞Phagocytes: Dendritic cells, Macrophages & Neutrophil 2. Receptors => Pathogenic components 3. Cytokines=> Inflammation
感染的先天性免疫細胞與適應性免疫細胞 在淋巴結相遇
適應性免疫力的原則 (Principles of Adaptive Immunity) • 適應性免疫力只限於脊椎動物(Vertebrate). • 主要由抗原表達細胞 (Antigen presenting cells,including Macrophages, Dendritic cells, & B cells) 呈現不同病菌的分子成份. • 由 T 及 B 淋巴細胞負責適應性免疫力. • 成千上萬不同的免疫球蛋白 (Immunoglobulin, 來自B 細胞)及 T 細胞受體 (T-cell receptor) 可辨認病菌不同的分子成份. • 適應性免疫力提供長期的免疫記憶與保護性的免疫力.
免疫球蛋白 (Immunoglobulin), 抗体 (Antibody, Ab)及 T 細胞受體 (T-cell receptor, TCR) 之構造
抗體(Ab)及 T 細胞受體 (TCR)辨認病原菌 (或抗原)具有高度的專一性 人體內如何利用有限基因去產生無數具有高度抗原專一性的抗體(Ab) ?
免疫球蛋白及 T 細胞受體的多樣性 - 基因再排列 (Gene Rearrangement)
主要組織相容抗原複合物 MHC(Major Histocompatibility Complex)
單株繁殖選擇 (Clonal Selection of B & T cells)