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GdI /ICS 1 WS 2008/2009

Telecooperation /RBG. GdI /ICS 1 WS 2008/2009. Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser, Dr. Guido Rößling, Melanie Hartmann, Daniel Schreiber. Contents. ICS Portal Exercises and Homework Assignments Formal Stuff Contact. GdI/ICS Portal. GdI/ICS Portal II.

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GdI /ICS 1 WS 2008/2009

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  1. Telecooperation/RBG GdI/ICS 1 WS 2008/2009 Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser, Dr. Guido Rößling, Melanie Hartmann, Daniel Schreiber

  2. Contents • ICS Portal • Exercises and Homework Assignments • Formal Stuff • Contact 2

  3. GdI/ICS Portal 3

  4. GdI/ICS Portal II • The central portal for all information about the lecture • News • Exercise sheets • Forum • Personal area • Submitting homework assignments for grading • Blog • … • … • http://proffs.tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/gdi1/ • Please check often for updates! • The login uses your RBG account • The portal also contains these slides (you do not have to take notes…) 4

  5. A typical lecture week… • Exercise sheets are provided in the GdI/ICS Portal • Presence exercise part will be done during the exercise, guided by a tutor • Additionally, each sheet has homework assignments • These must be submitted and will be graded • Submission deadline is always Fridays at 4 PM • Submission is done using the GdI/ICS Portal -------------- Exercises to exercise X ---------------- 5

  6. ConsultationHours Therewillbe a consultationhoureverydayheldbyvaryingtutors (youfindalldetails in the portal): • When? • Mon - Wed, Fri: 11:40-13:20 • Thu: 12:30-14:00 • Where? • Mon: S2 02 / A213 • Tue – Fri: S2 02 / A126 You can also pose yourquestions in the forum 6

  7. Registering for an exercise group • http://proffs.tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/gdi1/node/29 • Register using the Webreg System: • https://www.dekanat.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/webreg/index.php • You can trust this page  • Assignment: October 16, 2008 • Now you only need to jointhe right group in the portal 7

  8. Step 1: Login 8

  9. Step 2: Joining the exercise group Join the group you were assigned in Webreg! 9

  10. Step 3: Message totutor • Your signup will beaccepted by the tutor • This may take a day 10

  11. Submitting your homework assignment • Please visit the exercises! • Find a learning group with which you can also cooperate outside the exercises • Solve the homework assignments by yourself!!! • Plagiarism is taken very seriously at the TUD • You submit your solutions electronically in the GdI/ICS Portal • The correction is also done inside the portal (but not automatically) • The earlier you submit your solution, the earlier you will get feedback and can benefit from the corrections! 11

  12. Step 1: Login • As described above 12

  13. Step 2: Input a solution 13

  14. Step 3: Attach files 14

  15. Step 4: Ungraded homework 15

  16. Step 5: Graded homework 16

  17. Step 6: View correction and comments 17

  18. What else does the GdI/ICS Portal offer? • Forum • Asking and answering questions • Blog • „Tell the world about yourself “ • Also contains a „teacher‘s blog“ (linked as „Guidos Blog“) • Surveys and Polls • Articles and News • Please check back often!!! 18

  19. Formal Stuff • „Fasten seatbelt“ 19

  20. The simple approach… • If you plan… • to solve all homework assignments, • to participate in the exams and pass them, • and to pass the lab… • …then you essentially do not need to know the following details  20

  21. Exam Rules forGdI/ICS • Part I • Homework assignments • Exam I: Monday December 1, 2008 18:10 – 20:10 (Scheme + parts of Java) • Part II • Final lab • Duration: 2 weeks • When: after the lecture has ended • Groups of 4 students • Exam II: scheduled for March 30, 2009 (complete topics of lecture) 21

  22. Overview 22

  23. Contact • You should first consult the GdI/ICS Portal • Articles • Forum • Blogs • Google • Other students • Posting solutions in the GdI/ICS Portal • If all this fails… • ask your tutor! • Consultation hours • Dr. Guido Rößling: Thursday10:30-11:30 Uhr 23

  24. Questions During the Lecture • Download the interaction client TVremote (requires Java!) • http://interaction.nu.tu-darmstadt.de/tvremote/ • This is a simple tool for submitting questions during the lecture • All questions arrive directly at the teacher‘s computer • We will try to address them during the lecture • By sending you an email reply • By addressing them during the lecture • By sending you an email reply after the lecture • By posting them to the Portal • Although you log in using your RBG account, questions are anonymized • We do not know who asked which question • Do not hesitate to ask – even asking a „stupid“ questions is more clever than not asking 24

  25. Scripts • The scriptscanbeboughtfor 6 Euro • Script saletakesplaceat • Monday 13thOctober 17:45 – 18:30 TODAY • Tuesday 14thOctober 12:30 - 13:30 • Tuesday 14thOctober 16:30 – 17:30 • Wednesday 15thOctober 14:00 – 15:00 • Thursday 16thOctober 10:30 – 11:30 • In S2 02 / A112 25

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